Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.
Betad by Priapus, Marethyu, Beans
The Celestial Escalation
Chapter 06: Druchii
– Amy Dallon (Panacea) –
With Vicky knocked out and Taylor having fainted, Amy found herself in a position she hadn't expected to be in for a long time. Meeting her girlfriend's parent. Of course, she'd expected it would be Mr Hebert, on account of him being the only one that was alive, and she also pictured this meeting involving more clothes as Annette lounged in her desk chair.
Annette's body was sinfully sexy, barely covered by the leather straps that she considered clothes. Unlike Taylor's toned, Amazonian body, Annette looked more like a porn star with incredible curves and breasts that jiggled with every small movement.
"So, Taylor turned out to be a lesbian? Well, I can't say I'm surprised. She always was so very close with Emma," Annette purred, making Amy stare at the newcomer in complete shock. Annette was dead, but here she was. Was this a projection that thought it was Annette Hebert? "Or does she swing both ways?"
"I- erm, I don't know. She said she had no experience and-" Amy stuttered, going silent as Annette got up from the chair. Moving Taylor onto the bed, Annette sat back down right next to her. Annette's hand came to her cheek, stroking her gently as Amy's power went wild.
Annette was alive, but she was far more than just a human with elf ears. Ancient, near-immortal, and her body had an energy flowing through it that Amy couldn't understand.
"I- erm- what-" Amy mumbled as Annette's long finger glided along her face.
"So, you're my daughter's first?" Annette asked, making Amy nod desperately as she prayed that one of the others would wake up already. Even Annette's most innocent sentence sent shivers through her body, her tone as smooth as silk.
"H-how are you alive? You died, didn't you?" Amy asked, making Annette smirk.
"Death is only the beginning, for me at least," Annette explained, her hot breath teasing Amy's ear. "Hmm, you're a bit… plain, aren't you? The blonde is more beautiful, if a little reckless. What makes you worthy of Taylor?"
"I… I don't know?" Amy squeaked, feeling Annette's hand sliding down her body. With no care for Amy's nerves, Annette's hands groped her breasts through her top. She was getting molested by her new girlfriend's mom… "What are you-"
"Tell me, Amelia. What makes you special? What can you do that makes you a worthy partner for my Taylor?" Annette asked, her tone sounding downright dangerous as Amy whimpered.
"I- I'm a healer?" Amy tried, getting a raised eyebrow. "T-The healer, the best around."
"Oh? Are you now?" Annette asked, a strange look in her eyes. "You're just a healer?"
Annette's tone sounded so knowing that Amy could only squeak.
"I think you're lying to me, Amelia. Do I need to discipline you?" Annette purred, sending Amy's imagination soaring. "I'll ask one more time. What can you do? What makes you special?"
"I-" Amy started, face pale as Annette's eyes bored into her very soul. "I'm a biokinetic. I can modify any biological material I'm touching."
She'd tried to keep that a secret for so long, but something told her that Annette already knew. Despite everything, it felt good to say it out loud as Annette's smile grew.
"How fascinating. I've seen others who could twist and mould flesh to their whims, but you might just have more potential than all of them…" Annette admitted with an intrigued smile before her look turned cold. "Potential you are wasting."
Amy felt her heart pounding as Annette took her hand and placed it directly on Annette's large breasts. Without an ounce of shame, Annette pulled up the straps that were 'covering' her breasts, letting the large, pale boobs bounce free as she forced Amy's hand against it, a hard nipple pressing against her hand.
"Show me what you can do, Amelia. Show me that you aren't as pathetic as you're acting," Annette demanded, making Amy's eyes widen. She shouldn't,
"...what on earth are you two doing?" Taylor's voice asked, making Amy jump away from the demonic milf, who simply turned to Taylor with a smirk. Amy went to defend herself, ready to get dumped after being caught groping Annette but Taylor just sighed. "Why are you harassing my girlfriend?"
"Why is your girlfriend holding back so much? I won't tolerate her giving you anything less than her everything. Not this shadow of her power that she's pretending is her 'limits'," Annette said without an ounce of shame.
"I- I'm-" Amy stuttered, but Taylor held up a hand.
"I already knew Amy was a biokinetic. I'm pretty sure that you know because I know," Taylor pointed out. "She has her reasons for hiding the truth."
"Yes, cowardice," Annette agreed, making Amy flinch back.
"That's not- whatever. Mo- Annette, is it really you? Is this just some trick from my power, using your face," Taylor asked, her tone demanding and desperate as Annette smiled.
"I remember everything, right up until that car crash. Then, I was in another world, born again. I lived an entire life in Lady Morathi's court as a Sorceress of the Dark Convent. I suspect my body is still buried in this world, but my soul lived on. Your power sent it to another world, and in the instant that you gained this new power, I lived a very long life," Annette explained. "But throughout it all, somehow, I knew I would find my way back to you."
"You lived in another world?" Amy asked, shock in her tone as Annette smiled and nodded with a sneaky look.
"Perhaps we should find a way to return to that world. That power of yours would love it, all the powerful creatures and races to examine. I could feel your awe at my own biology," Annette purred.
"That doesn't explain why you were harassing Amy," Taylor continued, but Annette just laughed.
"Dear, I've spent multiple human lifetimes serving Lady Morathi in the Cult of Pleasure. If I were truly 'harassing' her, you'd have woken to find her naked, bound and whimpering and begging for more of my touch," Annette replied simply as Amy and Taylor went red. "I was merely testing her. She's your first lover, and I want to make sure she's worthy of your harem."
"I don't have a harem," Taylor replied instantly.
"Yet. Don't worry, you're just a late bloomer," Annette explained cheerfully. "I can't believe that a daughter of mine is still a virgin into her late teens. Honestly, Taylor, there's such a thing as being too introverted."
"I- what the fuck are you talking about?" Taylor asked as Amy's face burned bright red.
"Never mind, we can fix that. Shall I show you how we play in Lady Morathi's court? A foursome is rather vanilla, but I figure we should start off small," Annette suggested, making her and Taylor's blush grow even darker. "The blonde will wake up soon, my spell wasn't meant to keep her asleep for long. Perhaps we should tie her up first."
"You're my mom," Taylor argued, her face going atomic.
"Don't be so prudish, Taylor," Annette scolded, making Taylor blink in shock.
"V-Vicky isn't gay," Amy tried, but Annette just laughed.
"Give me five minutes with her, and I can change that," Annette said with a confident smirk. "I'm a follower of the Prince of Pleasure, Amelia. Your wildest dreams and most sinful longings are utterly banal to me."
"I- my dad is downstairs," Amy tried again, instantly realising her mistake as Annette perked up.
"Ah, wonderful. A fivesome then. I was going to suggest that you use your powers to give me and Taylor cocks to ruin you and 'Vicky', but if there's a man already available… what do you think his opinion on being tied up and used as a tool for the pleasure of four beautiful women would be?"
"Mom!" Taylor said quietly but firmly.
"Ah, Taylor… I have so much to teach you," Annette giggled, pulling her daughter in for a tender hug. "But Mommy's here now, and I'll never leave you again."
Despite Annette's… degeneracy, Taylor melted into the hug and Amy could have sworn she heard a strangled sob from where Taylor's head was being pushed into Annette's (still exposed) breasts. She didn't blame Taylor, even as her mind raced. When was the last time she'd been hugged by her mother? At least Annette had the excuse of being dead, what was Carol's?
Annette pulled her into the hug as well, making Amy squeak as her face was stuffed between Annette's breasts, but she couldn't help but melt into the embrace.
"It's okay, I'm here now," Annette whispered.
– Taylor Hebert (Nimue) – Later –
100cp granted, 100cp total.
Despite how different she has become, I can't help but smile as my mother sits on the edge of the bed. My power claims it truly is Annette, not just a copy of her.
"You brought your mom back from the dead?!" Vicky says in a hushed whisper.
"More like I reincarnated her into another world, then brought her back here. Yeah, I realise that that isn't much better," I admit. Now that Vicky is awake, I've ordered Mom to tone it down. I can't entirely blame her. My power is the one that sent her off to a world where she grew up in a cult dedicated to hedonism and corruption.
"Taylor, I mean this in the nicest possible way, but what the fuck are you?" Vicky finally asks, making me sigh.
"Powerful," Annette answers for me. "Taylor's power is far beyond that of any 'cape'. Surely, you've already realised that. Did Amy not already say that she couldn't detect Taylor's Corona Pollentia or Gemma? There are far more sources of power than the 'Triggers' this world is used to. I believe Taylor has become the host for a source of nigh-unlimited power, one that will only keep growing in time. Eventually, there will be nothing you cannot do, Taylor."
The room goes silent for a moment, but I already knew that. The Celestial System feels limitless.
"How are you going to hide Annette? I mean, she might be an elf now but she looks just like she used to, right? Dead people coming back as elves is gonna put every spotlight on you," Vicky points out, making me nod with a frown.
I don't want to send her away. Everything started to go wrong after she died, and now I finally have her back. I don't give a damn about the consequences, I won't lose my mom again. Weird elf cultist or not.
"I- I could change her appearance so she doesn't look like her old self," Amy offers, making Mom smirk.
"Good girl… but I have no desire to hide. Why should I cower away in the shadows, pretending to be someone else?" Annette asks, a superior look on her face. "If you order it, Taylor, I will, but how long do you think you can hide your growing powers? And for what? So you can pretend to be normal, pretend to be ordinary?"
"You did turn into a sword mid-conversation," Vicky agrees after a moment, shrugging when I give her a dirty look. Ems?
'They have a point, Tay. Your powers are rapidly growing, and it's only a matter of time until you get a new power at an inconvenient time and get exposed. The Trio have already worked it out. Amy figured it out because of your abs. Contessa knows it. Being a public cape is risky, I get it, but maybe we should take it into our own hands. If we reveal your identity, it prevents it from being used against you or catching us off guard when you turn into something else in the middle of class.'
[Elfin Grace] - Free, 100cp remaining.
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: Dark Elves
You are of the Druchii, and with this comes some benefits, setting you above others of your kind. You are gifted with beauty as cold and feral as the High Elves' is light and glamorous, breathtaking to most races. Though you still age, you live long enough to persist for several thousand years with only truly ancient specimens of your kind succumbing to the ravages of time-though for some of you; this may have been the result of dark magic. Slaanesh thirsts for the potential decadence, your heightened experience of thoughts and emotions, and unlike your brethren across the seas, your kind long ago resolved to live life to the fullest rather than cope with a meagre half-existence to protect their souls from death.
All elves are naturally swifter and more graceful than mankind, but the Druchii, in particular, have honed themselves through potentially lifetimes of vicious struggle to be able warriors capable of great willpower under duress, tolerance of pain and feats of battle simply as a result of their intense lifestyles. Their minds are swifter even than their blades, gifted with a silver tongue that lets them make and break alliances with casual disregard, and an ability to size up an opponent's stance quickly to tell not just where and when the enemy intends to strike but how best to attack in a way that shears through the opponent's guard-among other valuable information. Resistant to disease and physical mutation by Chaos, it would still be unwise to take undue risks in these areas for you. Perhaps the greatest of your gifts are your inherent magical talents and a lesser tendency to corruption by the Winds of Magic than humans, as well as longer lives to master the art, making your people able students of all Winds of Magic rather than being limited to one for their safety.
"Taylor, I don't want to alarm you, but you turned into an elf," Vicky adds, making me sigh.
"My power thinks it is funny," I say, giving her a dirty look as she flicks my ear.
"Amazing. I can tell you've become a Druchii, just like me," Mom agrees, beaming as she examines me before she grins. "So… what do you think, Amy?"
Vicky perks up, snapping her head to her sister who freezes, her eyes widening.
"Dennis and Chris are gonna be so jealous that you've got an elf girlfriend," Vicky agrees with a grin.
"Well, Amy? What do you think?" I ask, unable to resist teasing her.
"You're beautiful," Amy admits, shutting down my teasing as my face goes red at her honest answer. Vicky's wolf whistle doesn't help.
"Can you turn off your elf form?" Vicky finally asks, making me nod as I focus and the changes revert. It's more than just the ears. Druchii are nearly supernaturally beautiful, so there were a lot of minor imperfections that vanished in my elf form. I still looked like me, just… a more perfect me. "So, what are you going to do? The offer to join New Wave is still open if you do go public."
"Could New Wave handle the heat that would come from my power doing stuff like this?" I ask, gesturing to my mom.
"Eh, probably. Mom would probably have a million questions first, but Aunt Sarah would let you join. Either way, we're friends now, so I've got your back," Vicky says, patting me on the back with a grin. "Besides, Ninja Sword Elf Eidolon isn't a bad person to know, right?"
"Fair enough," I agree, giving her a smile. I feel like Vicky is a very ride-or-die girl who has adopted the weird introvert she's found and set up with her sister.
"...I don't suppose you can bring Aunt Jess back as an elf? I'd settle for a dwarf," Vicky 'jokes', but I notice the way Amy looks down at the same time.
"That's Fleur, right?" I ask, making Vicky nod with a small frown. "I don't think I have anything for that yet. My latest power was supposed to give me a dark elf summon. My power just thought it would be funny to make that summon my mother."
"Heh, fair enough. Wait, if you're a dark elf, why are you white?" Vicky asks after a moment.
"Damn it, Vicky. You can't just ask people why they're white," Amy sighs, making Vicky giggle.
As the pair once again descend into squabbles, with Annette fuelling the fire, I chuckle to myself. As weird as today has been, I can't say I'm unhappy with how things have gone.
'Damn right. Aunt Annette is back, fuck anything else.'
"Amy, can you arrange for the PRT to test my healing?" I ask after a moment, making her nod easily. "I'm going to keep my identity private for now. I know it won't last, frankly, I'm not even sure I want it to, but we can keep things secret for now. I want to get the PRT off my back. Going to power testing seems like the best first step. Better to make sure they know my healing is safe; I know they get pissy about stuff like that."
"They'll definitely try to get you into the Wards, but just play hard to get. Worst case, I'll get Mom to make them back off. Sometimes I think people fear the lawyer more than the superhero," Vicky jokes. "If they try to get you to meet with the Wards, do it. They're nice people, you just happened to meet the two shitty ones."
"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, both of you," I say, getting two smiles from the sisters. "Mom, I have an idea of how to keep you hidden for now."
"Oh?" Mom asks, watching me reach out to her as I focus.
[Imperial Blade Form] temporarily transferred to Annette Hebert
"Ah, how fascinating," Mom says, focusing as her body shifts and she shrinks down to a jet-black jagged sword, which I pick up. I can feel her Sorcery, ready to be called upon, but I just plan to use this to get her home before I recall this power.
"You can loan out your powers? What am I saying? Of course you can," Vicky sighs fondly. "You're a freak of nature, Tay, but I kinda love it."
"Honestly? Same," I admit with a small laugh. "I'm gonna get her out of here. Guess I finally have to reveal my powers to my dad. Tonight is gonna be a weird one in the Hebert household."
"Oof, I can only imagine," Vicky agrees, watching as I move over to Amy and steal another kiss from her. She blushes but happily returns it as Vicky grins.
"Lemme know when you want that luck boost, Vicky," I say, giving her a smile. "And goodnight, Amy. I'll text you later."
"Mhmm, good night, Taylor," Amy agrees, giving me a small hug. "I'll contact the PRT and set the testing up. Good luck with the reunion."
"Good luck with the teasing," I counter, nodding my head to a shamelessly grinning Vicky.
Amy sighs fondly as we break the hug. As weird as today has been, I've got a girlfriend, a new friend and my mom is back. How could this be anything but good?
Now, I just need to smuggle my sword-mom back home, reveal my powers to my dad, whom I have been avoiding, and deal with the reunion.
– Annette Hebert – Later –
She had truly missed Danny, even with the many lovers she'd had over her second life. He wasn't particularly impressive compared to many of those she had bedded, but she knew there was some magic keeping her human life fresh in her mind. She was glad for it because the idea of forgetting Taylor over the centuries of war and hedonism was horrifying.
That said, when she'd returned to Earth Bet, she'd gained a certain level of knowledge of what she'd missed. Taylor's despair, Emma's betrayal, the Barnes drifting away from them… and Danny's apathy.
"I-it really is you, isn't it?" Danny asked for the hundredth time, making her nod calmly as she sat in her old favourite chair. Danny had changed nothing about the house, keeping things exactly as they had been when she'd died. She'd even found old, ungraded coursework on her desk, untouched for years.
Danny had not taken the revelation of Taylor's powers well until she'd revealed herself. She could see where he was coming from, panicking that he'd lose Taylor as well… as if he even had her anymore, but she wouldn't stand for it. His fear would not prevent her daughter from becoming what she was destined to be. Lady Morathi often spoke of her son, the Witch King Malekith, and his destiny, but Morathi's brat was nothing compared to her daughter.
With the power of the Celestial System, Taylor would surpass the very gods themselves. Nobody was going to get in the way of that. Her motherly love for Taylor had not faded, only growing stronger over the centuries, and she would see her daughter at the pinnacle of all worlds.
Danny had been doubtful that she was truly Annette, leading to countless questions as he quizzed her on her life. Naturally, she aced that quiz. As she'd said, something was keeping her human memories fresh in her mind, even as they should have been buried by centuries of Druchii memories.
Danny sat down with a heavy slump, shock guiding his actions as he stared at her in a mixture of joy and disbelief. She'd convinced Taylor to give them some time, and frankly, her introverted daughter had jumped at the idea of escaping the awkward situation. Taylor probably thought they hadn't noticed her climbing out of the window in her Nimue outfit. Well, Danny hadn't but she wasn't so unobservant. If she was, she'd have long since been assassinated.
"How- how is this possible?" Danny asked.
"Because of Taylor. Taylor has so much power, more than you can even imagine," Annette said, a proud smile on her face. "She wanted me back, so here I am. Maybe a little different than before, but her power works in strange and mysterious ways."
"But you're back, for good?" Danny asked desperately, making her nod.
"I'm not going anywhere, ever again. I'm a 'cape' as well, now. Well, that's as close as most will be able to understand my powers," Annette said, a cruel smile flitting across her lips.
"Wait, you don't plan to become a cape, right? It's too dangerous. You and Taylor need to-" Danny started, but she held up a single finger and silenced him.
"Do you really think you're in a position to decide what Taylor and I do, husband? You know what a Trigger event is. It was your apathy and failure as a father that led to Taylor gaining these powers, and I will not permit you to limit our daughter," Annette warned, his eyes going wide. "Don't look so worried, dear. I simply need to ensure you understand the new chain of authority in this house. It goes Taylor, our immensely powerful daughter, then me, the Druchii Sorceress… and then you."
With a click of her fingers, she lifted his body with her powers and guided him upstairs. Despite his growing fear, she could feel his arousal growing. He'd always been the submissive in their relationship, and her new memories had only reinforced her own dominant personality. As he was thrown onto their bed, purple bindings kept his arms and legs spread, and she made short work of his clothes with a smile on her face as he shuddered.
"You had a job to do, husband, after I passed away. You were supposed to look after Taylor, and you didn't. You failed me, Danny, and now I have to discipline you," Annette purred, her own clothes falling to the ground. "Taylor has snuck out to go and play hero, so we have some time, don't we?"
"Annette-" Danny started, silenced once more by her finger.
"No. You haven't earned the right to call me that, not after how badly you let me down. You will call me mistress," Annette said, her tone a mixture of lust and anger. "But don't worry, pet. I'm back now, and I have learnt some wonderful new tricks."
He whimpered, but she had broken High Elf Princesses, and he was just a mortal. As she mounted him, she called upon her hundreds of years in worship to the Prince of Pleasure, a dark smile on her face.
It was a shame that Taylor was so prudish because breaking him together could have been a wonderful mother-daughter activity… but she had time to introduce Taylor to the decadence of Slaanesh, the Lord of Excess.