Chapter 19 - The Capture

They followed him through the trees in silence. Morgan still didn't know what to think about the whole thing but, at this point what did she have to lose? She was promised answers, and if that meant throwing caution to the wind to get them, so be it. If he knew them, he may know more about her family too. Around the time her mother died, the people of Dallek thought they had magic in their blood. She never got the chance to find out for herself. If Eraleth knew something, she would find out, somehow.

The empire wasn't too fond of magic in recent years; a group of mages ambushed the Emperor, and he barely survived. Since the attack, the use of magic was outlawed, for nearly sixteen years. The laws had become more lax. Hunts for magic users were no longer common, but public use of magic would still land a charge of treason. Morgan had always wanted to learn magic, but they burned the magic schools and imprisoned the teachers, accused of treason just like the rest.