Chapter One

Selena's POV,

meeting him was nothing I have ever felt, I never knew why I would ever even think about leaving him without knowing the real him, he maybe be the king of the wolves but he was ready to leave everything just to be with me, but once I knew he was the one I could hide behind, and a man who would give me nothing but happiness and love, I left everything just so I could be with him, and I have never regretted it or at least not all of it, but in order for everyone to understand my story we would have to go all the way back, to the day I first learned about the super natural world, after the day I lost the only man I ever had and who I cared too much about,

Dear diary,

in 2 days it will be my 15th birthday, but this year I don't feel like I should celebrate it, my dad passed away this year my mom say's he had a heart attack while he and my mom were driving back home (its a miracle my mom survived) but I knew it wasn't the truth. I shut myself for 1 week crying repeatedly hoping my dad would come back but he didn't. a few days after the funeral Carol came as she hug me in bed crying next to me. she started saying I was going to be fine, I am a strong women, and was encouraging me to go to school tomorrow, I didn't like the idea but she made me a deal, if she made me dumplings everyday I would come for a week only. I had not eaten in 3 days so my best friend (Carol) made me dumplings my favorite, I'll be going to school tomorrow as promised. I am scared for I was weak and being around my friends who will remind me of my dad just made me cry even more, but it was my best friends concert tomorrow so I had to be there. I hope my dad will give me strength for tomorrow.

good night,

_The next morning_

As I opened my eyes I heard someone scream, "Selena Alwitz get up or your going to be late" it was my mother looking down at me with a annoyed face,

I got up in shock and looked at the time as it read 7.00Am, I jumped out of bed in my Pjs and got into my uniform, grabbing my lunch from the kitchen I headed out the front door. Carol was waiting for me in the car with her mother,

"sorry for being late" I said panting as I got in the vehicle.

"Good morning Mrs. goodwill" I said with smile on my face, she turned around and looked at me with sad smile and said

"morning Selena, I heard about your father my deepest condolences" I put a fake smile and nodded, telling myself not to cry, be strong.

As I saw the school clock tower from a distance I started to shake causing me to led out a tear, I quickly wiped it before Carol saw, we got out of the car Mrs. Goodwill gave a kiss to me and then hugged me and Carol and left.

I walked into school pulling my girly cap on with my best friend beside me, I looked down as I walked so that no one could see me.

we got to class and as we entered the whole class came running towards me condolence me as they brought in a bear hug till I had no room to breath, I started crying but Carol gave me a tissue to wipe them off.

The bell rang as the first period started it was English my favorite subject, the teacher walked in and looked at me and gave me a are you ok look, as I nodded, she continued with the class.

After a while I started to feel really dizzy, I looked at the teacher and told her as she nodded allowing me to keep my head down and sleep for some time.

"Selena!" I heard a voice shout out, I tried to shake it off but it wouldn't go away like a siren in rang in my head until it stopped with a rather familiar voice speaking this time,

"Selena wake up my darling" I heard again,

as I opened my eyes it was so bright and empty I stood up and turned looking around and saw a man coming towards me and as the man got close to me I started to feel some relief inside of me, it was my dad,

I got up crying as I ran towards him hugging him like the world would end if I didn't,

"dad your really here" I said still holding on to him, I backed away to look at his face one more time to make sure I wasn't dreaming,

I saw a women walking towards us being alerted I jumped out putting my dad behind me

"don't get any close to him I will hurt you" I shouted as I stood ready to fight,

"no, no, Selena, stop she is the moon goddess stop it right now!" I turned around to find my dad kneeling and bowing his head down, he pulled me down too as I had no choice or clue what was happening, as the supposed moon goddess approached us she spoke in a humble tone that made me calmer than I normally am,

"stand up my children" she said with a humble voice,

I looked up at her, she was a lady with skin as white as snow white, her hair was floating as if we were under water she wore the most beautiful gown ever her face could not be seen as there was a round hoop floating on top of her that shined brighter than the sun. the lady picked me up gently and hugged me saying

"I have watched you grow from the day you were born my Selena" I was still confused and at the verge of freaking out but my dad was next to me tapping my back trying his best to tell me I had nothing to worry about, she pulled back from me and looked down

"you are ready Selena, more than ever" she said as she walked past us and disappeared into thin air

I looked at my dad with confused face, he looked at me with a smile and said

"let me tell you from the begging Selena" he started,

He told me of a story on how a century ago 7 tribe leaders were cursed to bear a beast, this beast was nothing compared to the books and legends, it lives inside of you and only comes out when your in anger, it was stronger and faster gave you the will to kill an innocent if you had to, once the beast is out you no longer have any control of your body as it begins it's transformation into a predator,

"ok dad thanks for the story dad I am not a kid anymore I'll be 15 tomorrow you know" I said laughing at my dad,

"Selena you have to trust me, these legends are true don't make it a joke now, why else do you think your here next to me?" my dad said with a look so serious, I had never seen him this serious it was like there was a power radiating around him as he spoke with a bit of annoyance

"Ok dad, chill I believe you but what does it have to do with me" I asked, afraid he would scold me,

"my beautiful child me and your mom thought we would tell you together on your birthday tomorrow, but given..." at that point I started to tear a bit but he continued,

"Selena your a descendent of Xavier Maluthro the Alpha of the white moon tribe, one of the 7 tribes" he said with pride inside of him as he looked straight at me,

I gasp

"so that means I bare the curse of the beast" I could feel my heart beating fast than usual as I started to pant "no that cant be right dad, I don't have a beast inside of me it would have come out by now" my dad looked at me and hugged me as he wiped my tears,

"the beast lives inside of you from the day that you were born but only comes out on your 15th birthday, trust me your uncle and mother had to go through it but remember as the clock hits 12 midnight you will start to transform, your beast will come out, you wont be able to control yourself, you will get a lot of emotions, but your strong my girl. the rest I will let your mother tell you, tell her I love her so much as well as your sister" I start to see him fade as he said the last word,

"dad no..... dad come back" I raised my head screaming to see I was back in my English class,

I had tears all over my face, Carol took a tissue packet wiping all of it as the teacher came running to me

"are you ok Selena? come on get up lets take you to the nurses office and call you mom" she said raising me from my hands, Carol packed my bags as I left looking back at all the student, some of them were whispering and some of them gave me a worried look.

we reached the nurses office I sat down on one of the beds looking down as the teacher went to the principles office to call my mother, Carol came in few minutes later with my things,

"I am so sorry Selena, I shouldn't have told you to come to school, I was being too selfish" as she left the bags on the ground and came to me sitting down right next to me,

"no, no, Carol I came by will don't blame yourself" I said tapping her back, my mom walked in and hugged me crying,

"are you ok Selena I was so worried about you when they called me and said you were crying, come on lets go I have something to tell you when we get home" she picked my stuff and nodded at Carol and took me by the hand as we left the Nurses room I said bye to my teacher as she nodded back to me, we got into the car and I fell asleep.