Chapter Two

Mrs. Alwitz POV

(Selena's at school still and her mother is at home)

(on the phone)

"yes mom I know tomorrow is her birthday and I will give her the talk today, don't worry" I said while packing a suitcase, my mom tends to worry about a lot of things specially when it came to the pack,

"but darling you know how she will freak out, giving a teen so much of responsibility, there are a lot of things that could go wrong, you and your brother were ready I trained you'll and you'll turned out fine that cuz you knew from the day you were born of what you were and what will happen in the future, but your daughter she knows nothing!" I put her on speaker she was too loud for my wolf to take it,

"mom I have to go we are moving today and I need to pack our bags, we'll have this talk when I get to the pack house bye mom, love you" I cut the phone.

I went to my bedroom picking up my husband's photo which was always kept beside my bed I kissed it slightly, saying

"oh, what will we do Lorenzo, she Is too young for this, you promised we would go through this together" I kisses the photo and put it in in bag.

minutes later I got a call from the school, I rushed when i heard Selena isn't feeling well, her birthday is in 10 hours you should be fine but i feared something might have happened and hoped nothing is wrong grabbing my purse and car keys I drove off to Selena's school.

I got to the school and went inside as I got Selena and came out of the gates, there was mysterious man standing next to the gate looking at Selena, he was a man or rather a boy maybe in his 18s in a hoodie, he seemed a bit familiar but my focus was my daughter.

I growled as a warning and left pulling Selena to the car she was half drowsy so I don't think she realized that I could do that,

As we were driving there was a black car following us I looked to see Selena was sound a sleep, we took a lot of turns and roundabouts but the vehicle was still following us I guessed he must be the same man from the school or one of his men, which meant he was following us I started to speed up and confused the driver until I got my chance.

There I saw a vehicle just like mine I tricked the driver into thinking that vehicle was me as I went on the opposite side of a large container covering us, atlas the vehicle went past us I quickly looked at Selena and she was still asleep I sighed in peace.

I called my brother with a minute to loose and asked what I should do whether it was safe to go back to the house for our clothes were still there, he told me to wait for him and his men, even though he was younger to me he always played the role of protective brother and I knew after Lorenzo's death it was only him I could turn to when I needed protection.

A few minutes after we arrived at my house my brother and 5 other vehicles behind him came I was so relived, having my brother near me and my daughter gave me peace inside my heart,

Selena's POV

I got up to find that we had come home I saw that we were there were around 5 range rovers and my uncles Lamborghini, I immediately got down and ran inside the house excited to finally see him in months. after the funeral he never came here just called me and my sister and knowing he was here I had to be the first to give him his bear hug,

I entered the house through the back door when I saw my uncle was there standing in the hall giving commands to his men, I never knew why there was a lot of protection when it came to him but I never asked, there were boxes everywhere I was so confused, there were men putting all my pictures and art work into a huge box, that read pack house while others read donation.

I ran to my bedroom there were 2 men putting all my stuff into boxes, some of my favorite clothes went into the donation box, I would've shouted at them but they were very muscular tall men and I didn't want to start a fight I knew I couldn't win.

I ran upstairs to the office room my mom was there with my uncle who was now upstairs with my mom before I opened the door I listened as I heard my mom say

"we need to hurry up and get Selena out of here" she spoke with worry

"oh don't worry Cher, as long as I am here no one will come into your house, just calm down" my uncle said trying to calm her,

"in 8 hours it will be midnight do you know what will happen then she will-" I opened the door before my mom could finish the sentence as they both froze to death.

"yes mom please continue, she will what!?" I said there was a awkward silence after that.

"I must go and check on the pack sis, I will come in when were ready to go" my uncle said as he closed the door and left me and my mom alone.

"ok dear, come and sit here I have something important to tell you" my said sitting on her chair as I sat across her.

"listen baby, our family has a history, that you-" I stopped her

"I know everything mom you have nothing to worry" I said with a calm voice.

"but how ?" she said confused,

"dad tolled me everything" I sighed as I took a deep breath I tolled her everything that happened in the class room, my mother was in tears hearing it.

A few minutes later my uncle came in and said that my grandma had gone to pick up my sister and is on the way to the pack house. I was still confused what is a pack house I had no idea, but the most important question was

"mom" I said taking a breath "what will happen to me today at midnight, dad told me something about my beast coming out" I looked at my mom who got up and came near me hugging me and saying

"don't worry darling, your stronger than you know you'll be just fine" hearing my mom say that smoothed me a bit and I was still asking more questions

"I don't want to hurt anyone mom, I don't want to be called a murderer mom" I said crying in my moms hands.

"which is why we are moving as soon as were done packing, were going to a place were you belong, we belong" my mom said with confidence I left the room to go and pack my school stuff.

After I was done I went to the roof top where 2 guards sat watch, I looked from the highest point ever at the city view since I was going to miss this place. At a distance I saw 10 vehicles 1 was a Porched that caught my eye cause it was bright red pull up on to the road, the only house down that road was mine. I told the guards as they came up and bowed at me and looked they both had a death look as they ran downstairs grabbing me.

"Alpha they just turned onto our road" one of the guards said in a rush, as they let go of me,

"how much time do we have?" my uncle asked, his voice was so deep, it was so scary, I almost didn't recognize him.

The road towards my house had a lot of turns which would make someone puke on the way,

"about 10mins " said the other guard, "my uncle nodded

"ok pack, get everything you have and lets go, we'll come back for the rest later" my uncle said again with that deep voice. "Selena go and get your mother tell her they'll be her in a few minutes" my uncle commanded I didn't want to ask any question since we were all in a hurry. I ran upstairs and told my mom who got all her stuff and ran down with me.

"brother whats happening?" my mother asked with a worried voice,

"10 vehicles pulled up to your road we think it could be them" my uncle said as he grabbed my moms stuff and loaded them into his Lambo.

"is there a back road we could use?" my uncle asked my mother while looking on his phone. my mother nodded.