Chapter Four

Jacobs POV

( ring, ring)

"Aunt Lu how are you? I was just thinking of you" I said as I picked up the phone.

"oh cut the crap Jacob, I know what happened! you lost her as she slipped right under your nose and almost started a war against the white moon pack, one of the most honest and loyal packs" my aunt said while screaming at me.

"you cant blame me Auntie Lu, when we got there one of my men said they saw her and her mom get onto the freeway along with another vehicle, they have no clue how she did since my men surrounded the area" I said trying to save myself.

"you stupid boy, do you know what will happen if she is misdirected any bet her pack is already feeding her lies, you are killing your self and your pack, stop goofing around and get ahold of your self boy" she said as I cut the line before she could say anymore. I looked as we reached my building.

My family owned there own high business when I became alpha it was passed down to me, I lived in a large pent house on the 26th floor, the 24th and 25th floor were given to my pack, as they took turns guarding my door. I did have a Palace all to my self but it reminded me of my parents and being there alone was torcher,

There are over 100 members in my pack, but only 50 of them stayed with me in my pent house and Palace for the rest they were on an island I own, safe, a place that no one could fine as it was hidden well when my family bought it years ago before I was born,

My pack was the largest pack ever to walk on the earth. which is why I am the Alpha king, I had everything an Alpha ever wanted, a great pack, an amazing business, a family but there was always something missing I never figured out what it was.

I arrived at my pent house as my informer stood saying

"my Alpha I am sorry about what happened today, I believe when they found out you were coming they might have taken a back door which led to the free way" I looked at him with anger holding his neck against the wall

"A BACK DOOR" I shouted "do you know how embarrassed I was to find the girl I was looking for escaped right under my nose, my aunt laughed at me, while you just sat here feeling awkward, I was there facing reality, next time this happens you wont be forgiven" I gave him a last warning as I let him go

"now Someone find me that girl I am loosing time over here, hurry up" I shouted as I stormed off to my office

Selena's POV

As we finished the freeway we stopped at a open park space,

"mom why did we stop?" I asked her looking around.

"your uncle is on the way we will wait for him before we get back on the road" she said looking through her phone every second.

20 minutes past and we saw a lot of vehicles pull up along with my moms car, my mom jumped out hugging my uncle

"are you alright? did they hurt you?" she said checking him from top to toe

"no, no, sis I am fine. did anyone follow you?" he asked looking around

"not to my acknowledge" my mom said looking around as well.

"well then we better get on are way" said my uncle as he and my mom exchanged vehicles, I stayed with my uncle as my mom followed behinds us and the black land rovers surrounding us.

it was a Quiet drive my uncle said nothing to me throughout the entire 1 hour drive, I felt awkward as I looked out the window and watch as we passed the villagers.

we turned into a narrow road, I thought my mums car wont fit but surprisingly it did, the narrow road turned into a large road as we went I saw trees covering the fence leaning over to the road like a arch it was so beautiful with flowers everywhere.

"do you like it" my uncle asked me with a smile on his face

"it's so beautiful, is this where you live?" I asked still looking around, my uncle smiled and replied

"its where we live now" as he knocked me with his elbow after a long drive down the beautiful arch way we came upon a mansion, it was huge and had a old look on it 2 men opened the large gates and we entered I saw from a distance 4 women 2 holding flower bouquets and 2 holding large chains filled with flowers.

my uncle parked under the poach and my mother parked her car a bit far and handed the key to one of the men there, as I got out of the vehicle, my grandma along with my sister and aunt came outside with big smiles on their face, the 4 women who stood in front of them put the 2 large flower chains on my neck and gave me the flower bouquets as they bowed down to me and left.

I ran leaving the flowers in my uncles hand to my grandma screaming

"hey grandma I missed you so much its being a month since I saw you" my grandma hugged me back

"welcome home my girl, come in let me serve you some Pasta" she said tapping my back and pulling me inside

"hey sis isn't this place huge I went into all the rooms, and I think I found my hiding spot for our next game of hide and seek" my little sister Klara said as I walked in.

I looked around and It was huge there was a huge lounge area on my left and a closet on my right and a few corridors going towards the side as I looked straight there hung the most largest chandelier I have ever seen and 2 stair cases going in an oval shape,

"wow grandma is this wear you live? your house is so cool" I said as I was mesmerized by everything

"stupid child this is not my house anymore, this is our house" she said looking at me with a big smile.

In the kitchen my grandma served me some Pasta as I gulped it all in like a greedy pig.

my mom and uncle came slowly and sat beside me on the counter looking at me. she then slowly started telling me how in 3 hours it will be midnight, and I need to be prepared for the worst, when I transform every bone inside of me will start to hurt and I will have no control over myself,

a few minutes later a weird looking women entered the kitchen she had a necklace made out of bones and her hair was all messed up she wore robes instead of decent clothes, she came close to me

"hmm she does carry the beast, it is inside of her waiting to jump out, I might need a stronger spell than expected" she said examining every part of my body.

she continued

"her wolf is not like any other wolf, I see it glowing, this wolf is much stronger and doesn't look like a beast at all, its hard for me to explain but what she posses is something out of the ordinary the last time I came across something like this was with that Boy before he transformed he too had a wolf like this girl but that was last year, but don't worry my barrier spell will hold till sunrise" she then started chanting some words and drew a symbol on my forehead. she then went to my mother and said

"she is ready" the women left after she had some food my mother went upstairs with my uncle and I sat their wondering what I should do now.