Chapter Five

The Witch's POV

As I look through this girl's soul she posses the white wolf, if Jacob found out, he will come after her, I must warn the family.

"Alpha Derek, may I speak to you and your sister in private please" I said bowing my head, they took me to a room filled with book I guess it's the library.

"you may speak now" said Alpha Derek with his deep voice,

"I am only saying this to keep the girl safe, she posses the wolf, which the Alpha King wants, I am guessing he already knows it's her, he will use her for his advantage, keep her safe here" I said handing him a necklace with a moon symbol

"tell her she must wear this at all time, it will hide her wolf incase she comes across Jacob, he only knows that your niece is the white wolf, he doesn't know her name or her face I recommend that she wears this necklace and covers her face when she goes out" I said while leaving through the front door

"take care Alpha" I say before stopping,

"wait" I heard a voice say before I could step out of the house, it was the girls mother asking, "for how long will we have to do this, we cant keep her locked up for her entire life" she said with a worried face, I sighed and answer

"there will be a time when the Alpha king looses his wolf, when he does his pack will fight him to become alpha, which means killing him, then your daughter will be safe to walk around, I cant tell you when that would be, but it will happen and when it does you will receive the message," I left closing the door.

Selena's POV

I kept my ear to the door the witch and my uncle went though, I heard everything they were telling,

"the alpha king" I shrieked as I ran upstairs, I went into a room, it had all the picture including my mom's and uncle's,

"I guess these are the alpha's before me" I said rubbing my hands on my moms photo which read Luna 2006. in the middle of the room there was a large book, I went to it as it read Tribes and I turned where the bookmark was kept, at the top of the page it read Alpha king and under it was a name I heard when I was over hearing my uncle conversation

"Jacob Hale" and below it was my name under the White moon pack, I closed the book I knew what it meant Jacob was the name the witch meant, that means I am being hunted.

the phone rang 11.59 my mom screamed my name, as I ran down and went to the back garden and the entire pack bowed as I stepped outside,

"its time" my mom said I was lead by a little girl in the fence I climbed the fence and was now out as I turned my entire family stood there watching me, 12.00 midnight hit, and I felt my body heat up and my ankles breaking I was in so much of pain it was like someone cutting me, I tried to go back to the fence but something stopped me as my symbol glowed,

30 minutes of torture and everything disappeared, I looked back and the entire pack had their hands on their mouth, I was a white wolf with blue eyes, there is a blue glow all over my body, I didn't know why. My mother came close and said

"my beautiful white wolf now run and feel the air go through your fur" she said putting her hand through the barrier, I ran like I have never ran before, I could hear everything, the owls, the deer's walking.

moments after I was accompanied by another wolf, I look and it was a brown wolf, it was my uncle, he led the way to the heard of dear, he showed me how to hunt as I took my first kill, I then went back to the fence with my uncle and transformed back to a human and wore the clothes kept for me.

It was 6.00Am in the morning as I walked through the fence my symbol on my forehead disappeared.

everyone kneeled down as one shouted

"my Alpha" I nodded my head with pride inside of me, as my uncle came and kept his hand on my shoulder announcing

"this is your new Alpha, you may refer her to as Alpha Selena" I gave a look I had never given before, it was happiness and pride together, I think that is what you call the Alpha stare, everyone chanted my name 5 times and rose up.

I went inside, my family and rest of the pack celebrated as my mom showed me my new room, it was huge, a bed in the middle and picture of my mom and dad on the both sides of my bed, a large walk in closet, and a door leading to my large bathroom.

"I love it mom, its bigger than my before bedroom" I said looking at the pictures of my dad,

"now go to sleep, tomorrow your uncle will show how to by an Alpha" she said while offing the lights and closing the door.

Jacob's POV

I looked at my phone as it read 11.59PM, wondering what was going to happen as I was waiting for my men to call me. 12.00 hit and I felt a shiver go through my body as my phone rang a few minutes later

"did you find her?" I asked as anger ran through my whole body,

"Alpha when we got there she had already taken her first kill along with Derek" one of my men said,

"Are you telling me she already completed her last step for Alpha, cant you'll do anything right" I said in anger smashing the phone on the ground.

an hour later my men came back,

"my Alpha, were sorry we disappointed you, we couldn't see her face for she had already transformed" he said giving me a picture, I smiled and answered

"so this means she really is the white wolf" I said with smile

"bring the pack inside, for a meeting"

20 minutes after I went to the meeting room and everyone was there,

"listen now carefully, we may not know what she looks like but this picture confirmed that she is the wolf I am looking for, from tomorrow I need 3 of you'll to keep tabs on her, and try to get pictures of her, when you get a chance to take her, take her with out hesitation" I was interrupted by one of the men,

"Alpha she is only 15 years old 4 years younger to you, kidnaping her would make the case worse" he said, I was in a deep thought before I replied,

"well now that I know that, plans change just keep tabs on her of what she does. When the time is right I will be the one to take her, understood! no one should have any interaction with her, and please use a different vehicle so that she wont know it's you, her pack will keep her close to them for safety now that they know I am looking for her, so be careful" I said dismissing them.

I looked at the picture

"you will be mine little wolf even if it means I need to end your Tribe" I thought to myself.

I went for work, I still had a business to run.