Chapter Seven

Jacob's POV

I woke up in the morning having the worst chest pain ever, I went into the kitchen and had the syrup the witch gave but nothing worked, I went into the toilet and removed my shirt and saw the worst thing ever, black scars coming out of my chest outlining my heart. I immediately knew what it was, it was the start of my life ending, I sat on the bed wondering what I am going to do and who I should call. I was in a deep thought which made me forget that my chest was still paining.

The moon goddess punished my parents for giving birth to me, my mother was the Alpha of the Crystal pack and my father was the Alpha of my pack.

It is said, if any of the Alpha's from either packs bared a child together that child would be the end of the both packs instead of the parents having to be punished it was the child that would be punished.

I was in a deep thought when I was interrupted by a phone call, It read unknow I answered is as a man spoke,

"so tell me Alpha Hale have the scars popped out yet?" I jumped out of my bed going towards the window looking for anyone who was looking at me,

"who is this? I hope you know who your talking to?" I said still looking around,

"oh come on junior don't your remember me, or have you forgotten your past already" there was only one man who would call me junior,

"well uncle Zafir, you know better than anyone that I would never forget the face of my parents murderer" there was a moment of silence,

"listen boy, I was suppose to be the Alpha king, you were suppose to be dead along side your parents in the fire" he spoke aggressively, he was my fathers younger brother, after the pack found out that he was the one that killed my parents they exiled him from the pack, leaving him to the status of a rogue , a wolf without a pack.

"I will take my place as Alpha king." There was a moment of silence before he continued "one of these days you will be weak, now that the scars have finally appeared, I will come for you boy, you will fall to the ground begging for your life as I happily end it." he cut the line after.

I got up and called my beta ordering him to bring me the witch.

An hour later the witch arrived,

"My Alpha, the witch is here" said my beta bring her in to the kitchen,

I was sitting on a tall stool wearing a robe, as the witch came in, she gasped and said

"Alpha Jacob it's begun hasn't it" she said holding her chest, I told my beta to close the door, and I removed my robe and said

"how long do I have?" my beta closed his mouth without saying a word, he is my best friend and he already knew what was going to happen to me, the witch got closer step by step and touched my scars,

"this has just began, I will make you something that will help you live longer, but I cant assure you it would hold for a life time" she then immediately started mixing stuff from her bag and gave it to me saying,

"I will come back in 1 week to see if it works, if it does I will give you 10 years only to survive that is all I could do Alpha, have you found the wolf yet?" she asked rubbing something on my chest,

"I did find her but-" before I could continue I was interrupted,

"so why have you not brought her the next full moon is in 3 weeks we can save you before you grow weaker," she said packing all her stuff,

I calmed down as the medicine she rubbed on me started to burn my chest,

"she is only 15 years old, 4 years younger to me, she turned yesterday on her birthday, I felt every bit of her inside of me everything she was feeling I was feeling too, and it was comforting, a feeling like nothing I have ever felt before, is that even possible?" I asked looking at the ground,

she took a moment and started talking to me slowly in a comforting way,

"The moon goddess hate to hurt her children, that's why every punishment she gives comes with a loop hole and lucky for you, you were able to find that loop hole only to find out it wasn't a thing or a plant or a spell, it was another wolf, which can only mean you and her are meant to be, like soul mates if you put it like that" she tapped my back and bowed and left.

I was still in the kitchen when Sam (my beta) came in again,

"so what are you going to do now, the witch told you the girl needs to be more mature before she can heal you, but just give me the words and it will be done" he said in a sweet voice as it turned to a soldiers voice,

"don't worry Sam, if I need anything I will call you, right now I need to rest, could you take over the daily patrol and give me the latest news on my mate" I couldn't talk a lot cause the burning made it hard to breath, so I whispered it to his ear.

"sure my Alpha, go get the rest you need" he said leaving the kitchen, meanwhile I was heading to my room to rest.

Carol's POV

Marcus showed me my room it was right next to Selena's one it was so huge, I had my own bathroom, closet, TV and don't forget about the view, it is breath taking.

After I finished unpacking I went downstairs, my mom was with Mrs. Alwitz and they were going through some papers and books, as I went pass them, they saw me and called me inside the room.

My mother tolled me to have a seat, they locked the doors and took a seat opposite me, Mrs. Alwitz started talking calmly

"are you done unpacking Carol, I made sure that your room was next to Selena since Betas get their own little house behind the mansion"

I answered politely, still wondering why was I here

"oh thank you Mrs. Alwitz-"

"oh come on, you can call me Cheryl, your a Beta now, in fact it should be me who should be talking to you by your last name" she said interrupting me

"oh, ok Mrs. Alwitz, I mean Auntie Cheryl" I said stuttering a bit as she frowned at me.

"Now we have something to tell you, now that your Selena's Beta you should know this, but you must promise not to tell her a word" my mother said as I nodded, Cheryl started to talk to me in a serious tone

"Selena is out on patrol so we should have some privacy" she said taking a deep breathe, and continued with a look that scared me to the core

"Selena has a great threat that she doesn't yet know" she handed me a picture of a teen who looked like he was around the age of 18.

She explained telling me that he is the king of all Alphas and every wolf obeyed him no matter what the cause was, his mother was the Alpha of the Crystal Tribe and his father who was the Alpha of blood red moon Tribe, even though the Alpha king only had a Tribe and no packs under him we would sometimes call his people a tribe or a pack and it never bothered anyone since we all know the story, when the two had a child the moon goddess got mad cursing the child to bear a dark wolf, which would kill him over time, and give a chance for another wolf to take there place only if they successfully killed him, then there was an awkward silence but that's when I got the news as they continued, Selena posses the white wolf.

The white wolf can cure any one with her healing touch but only through the love in her heart, which is why the Alpha king searches for her, he already knows that she is the Alpha of this pack and he will take every chance possible to take her, when I heard all of this worry came to my eyes, but I held my ground trying not to cry,

"so you want me to keep a look out for him right?" my mom looked at Cheryl and then at me, and nodded together

I stood up with confidence,

"I will protect Selena from him even if it costs my own life" I said with pride inside of me, I am her best friend and Beta it is my duty I can't say no and wouldn't, I then left the room and went up stairs to mine, as I closed the door and turned around, on the bed sat Selena with her evil face,

"so you and my mom were in there for a long time" she said and an awkward silence approached, she stood up and started walking towards me, "I didn't hear anything since that was the only room sound proof from werewolf hearing, but it just makes me even more Curious" she smirked as she locked the door behind me.