chapter 10

Jacob's POV

I opened my eyes to the un bearable pain I had on my chest the sooner I knew it I was on the ground rolling back and forth holding my chest as if my heart was about to be ripped out, I shouted for my beta as he came running in, he held me in one position asking me what was wrong, he wasn't clear as I couldn't hear him over my screaming, I felt like I wanted to jump off the building I couldn't stop the agony I felt in my head, I saw Sam rushed to the bathroom and get the balm the witch had given, he tried to rub it on my chest but I wouldn't stop rolling around, he commanded 2 men to come and hold me as he gently applied the balm on my chest but nothing worked, after an hour of torcher it finally slowed down but I was still unable to get up from the floor,

what had I just gone through, I questioned myself, is this the side effects of what the witch had given me, after a deep thought the pain in me disappeared as I got up and went to the living room shirtless, Sam ran as he saw me coming in, I caught a glimpse of who I think is the witch, I couldn't look at anyone I stared at the floor as I rested my hand over Sam's shoulder taking me to the kitchen and making me sit on a high stool.

The witch came in moments later and inspected my chest, she then grabbed something from her bag I couldn't tell what it was as she placed it on the counter next to me and took a blood sample from me, she shook her head going through her book, she then chanted some words in Arabic, but still nothing I could see she was more frustrated than me.

Watching her go through books and repeatedly looking at my chest which still had the black scars outlining my heart was getting me worried every second,

"nothing" she shouted throwing her book onto the table, what did this mean was I in dream but I felt every ace in my chest, she turned towards me and Sam as she looked at us, she looked surprised as me and Sam had to watch her do things we didn't understand until she finally started talking slowly so that we could hear clearly,

"I didn't think this was even possible" she said taking a deep breathing and pausing for a moment till she had me and Sam confused and curious atlas she continued

"the mate bond is stronger than I could have imagined, I never believed in a mate bond but seeing you hear restless with a heart ace proves all my books right" it was like she was telling herself instead of us, me and Sam looked at each other confused, if only I could read her thoughts, that way I would understand what she's saying, she looked at us again and sat down seeing our faces with frowns and confusion made her clear up more,

"when the girl shifted for the first time you said you felt it at the hit of midnight, I didn't want to believe it so much but after what you just went through I could tell you were not faking it either-"

"no shit" Sam interrupted her frowning at me as I nodded as a way of thank you

"the girl might be going through a type on trauma that effects her so much her mate can feel it too even from miles away, if she was hurt physically you wouldn't feel this way so much but this means she is going through something huge emotionally, big enough to make you feel the same way, Alpha could you please describe what you were feeling when you got up from bed today" she said looking down when she asked me, I sighed and knew I would have to tell it eventually, plus it was only the witch and Sam who was freaking out in the morning but still is.

"it was like someone trying to rip out my heart, I felt like killing myself," I paused for a bit to collect myself "the last time I felt something like this was when I was 10, when I saw my parents catch fire right in front of me" Sam got closer to me tapping my back in a way of showing he was there for me.

"give me a minute I must make a few calls" she said as she took her phone out and left the room, I got up and Sam came in front of me holding his hand, I tolled him to move as I was feeling much better than before I made my way to the fridge taking out some fresh juice pouring a glass for me and Sam, I put the bottle back in when the witch came inside as I handed Sam his glass,

"well that solves why you were feeling hurt today" she said walking in, I kept my glass on the counter sitting back on the tall stool as she continue but with a sad tone,

"I called a friend and she said that a former Luna of the girls pack had died from an attack today in the morning, who happened to be the girls mother" I got up immediately taking my phone out before asking

"Is that all? " she looked at me and quickly added

"the funeral's tomorrow at sunset at their pack house" I nodded saying

"Sam show the witch to the door, and get the pack to meet me in the study in 10 minutes" I ordered using my alpha voice,

"yes Alpha" he replied showing the witch to the front door which was the elevator door,

All I could think about is Selena not being able to be there for her to comfort her but I need to find out more on the attack, after the meeting 4 of my best men were on the job, I went back to my room to make phone call, I called my aunt she picked up on the 3rd ring, I tolled her everything as we planned out what we were going to do, she was going to go with the other alphas today and I was going to go tomorrow knowing that the pack would hide Selena knowing I was only going tomorrow, as much as I wanted to see Selena as Alpha it was my duty to pardon a former Luna in a pack even though I never met her except for the one time when I almost got a glimpse of Selena as she growled at me but we never met eye to eye, after the phone call I heard a knock on the door before I could say anything it was my delta with the information I needed

"I think you might want to see this for yourself" he said handing me the file filled with papers,

"who is Martin Wentuz?" I asked going through the file when a particular page caught my eye, a face I would never forget, my uncle, some how this guy was involved with Zafir which meant no good,

"so Martin Wentuz is a rouge who joined Zafir's pack last year and he was caught pulling into the same lane as the Luna's vehicle did, we have no way of figuring out if he is responsible for her death but he was the only important man out of the 10 vehicles the others were unidentifiable" he said looking at my face for a reaction, he was able to tell who a person was just by looking at their face and he was good at it,

"we tracked his cell phone and it seems like he is at a club called hellhole it was meant for rogues but the drive is a bit longer than expected" he said still standing as Sam came in

"Sam I want you to take Colin and the pack and bring Martin here" I ordered using my deep voice again,

"with all do respect Alpha, kidnaping a wolf who is surrounded by his pack could start a war between the rogues, meaning dealing with Zafir" he said, in my pack my uncle was addressed by his name never as my uncle, he deserves to die but as much as I want to I couldn't it wouldn't be Alpha of me to kill him unless he crosses my territory,

"I don't care, whoever hurts my mate will suffer at my hands" I said as rage begun to come out, I saw the fear in Sam and Colin's eyes as they nodded and left.