Chapter 11

Sam's POV

This girl better be worth it, the amount of things Jacob has done and kidnaping a rouge just topped my list,

I went downstairs to get the pack ready Colin went to get his laptop to track the rouge, after we planned on how we would get in cause this club isn't an ordinary club, it was meant for wolf and if Martin is a VIP then it will be even harder to get him, thinking about all of this was giving me a migraine, I head back upstairs to get my stuff when I heard someone talking I turned to see it was Jacob,

"you know I heard everything you were just thinking" he frowned at me, I was too embarrassed that I froze on the spot wondering if I was going to get punished for questioning his orders, until he stared at the ground and started talking calmly,

"when you meet your mate you are willing to do anything for her, you would die for her and when you know she is sad all you want to do is make her happy, Selena may not know me still but I felt every inch of her today, the agony of wanting to rip someone's heart out was too much if my wolf took over, you would be dead by now" he explained every emotion he felt today and that's why he wanted Martin cause he didn't want Selena falling into trouble when she finds him,

I nodded and grabbed my things thinking about how I would get Martin while the pack distracts him,

after a 2 hour drive we finally came to the club, everything went accordingly but we were surprised to see that he was alone with only humans covering him, not a single wolf insight, he wore a hoodie with shades on but we could smell him a mile away, he looked sad staring at his drink without drinking it,

we waited patiently to see if he was waiting for anyone but nothing, I finally approached him sitting next to him and ordering a beer,

"you know it is very dangerous to be alone after what you had just done" I spoke calmly trying not to alarm him the pack signaled me which meant there were more men coming about 15 mins away, he didn't answer until one of our warriors came from behind and shot him with a drug that was would only make him sleep,

we took him to the vehicle and took off going the opposite direction which the vehicles were coming from. I starred at him as the men tied him up, he looked depressed as if he was ready to die which would only meant that something must have happened.

we got back to the penthouse and took him to our torture cell as Jacob has ordered, he came in shortly as I dismissed the pack.

Jacob POV

one of the guards upfront tolled me that they had brought the guy and he was in the torture cell,

I wore my work clothes and left for the basement, I entered as I saw Sam chaining him to the wall, I entered when the pack left and it was just me and Sam.

Sam threw a icy cold water bucket at him, he woke up in shock, he started scanning the room until his eyes stopped at me giving me a pitiful look he looked down straight away

"listen I will tell you anything but please don't let them kill me" he said as I saw him starting to tear up a bit,

"don't worry Martin after all of this is over so will your life be" Sam said as he tightened the chains, he had to wear gloves each time he touched the chain since it was laced with wolfsbane, Martin was part wolf, which made it easier to drug him.

after we got the information we need from Martin, Sam unchained him and left a knife on the stool after a few hours, Sam came to my room asking me what to do with his body.

It was 8.00 o'clock in night I went to bed early since we had a long journey tomorrow, Sam stayed up late he had some family matters to attend to, I went to sleep wondering what Selena could be doing now, I knew I wouldn't be able to see her but one day I will and I couldn't wait, my wolf started howling inside of me as I thought about her, I fell asleep later on.

Selena's POV

I woke up as the sun shone bright on my face Carol was still asleep with her blanket covering her face I guess from the sun, I looked at the time it was 9.00am I jumped out of bed and woke up Carol how could I have over slept I thought to myself I ran to my room and went into my closet looking for something white, today was the day I say goodbye to my mom and I must wear something white and then black for the burial.

I had a body wash and wore my white long dress my aunt came in with breakfast, she combed my hair neatly as it was disrespectful to have a messy bun during a funeral she then kissed my forehead just as my mom would every morning and left the room.

I looked at the standing mirror, there I saw a girl who stood there, her world had just begun and she must go through it without her mother, dad left me when I was 14 and now my mother, I had just excepted my dad being in a peaceful place and now I must except my mother, how would I go through this, who would be there to see me get married and have kids, who was going to stay with me when I would have a mental breakdown, as I was in my thoughts while looking at the mirror two hands came from behind and hugged me,

"it's going to be alright Sel I am here for you, I will make sure you get through this and become the greatest Alpha the world has ever seen" Carol's voice always calms me down a bit, I wiped my tears and went downstairs to the study my uncle was there looking at the television with his hand up his chin which only meant one thing he has found something,

"did you find him?" I asked going next to him as he looked at me,

"the man that killed your mother was found dead in a well the local police thinks it was suicide, he had a note tied to his wrist" he tolled me trying to phone someone, I looked at him and then at his phone and back at the TV offing it,

"he deserves it for what he has done" I said but I knew my uncle was hiding something he didn't want to tell me, I ignored since I had more things to worry, A man came running into the study screaming

"Derek he's almost here" the man said he was one of the pack members I looked at my uncle who got up and ran to him

"how much time do we have?" he asked I could see the worried look on his face which made me worry and wonder at the same time,

I used my Alpha voice whenever a pack member was next to me

"what is he talking about?" I asked giving the man a look and he looked down and nodded his head,

"it's Jacob Hale he'll be here soon" my uncle started pushing me out, and handing me the necklace my mom gave me. he told me to stay in my room and make sure I don't come out unless he says so, I ran outside knocking on Carol's door, I told her to come with me but she seemed busy, I grabbed my tablet and phone and went to my room, I locked the door and went to the window as I looked out of it.

After 15 minutes 3 black defenders came through the gate, afterwards a bright red Porcha came with more defenders behind them, I went into the my balcony to get a better view, I wanted to see him what he looked like in person, I saw as a man got down from the vehicle and order all the men who got out of the defenders, the entire front garden were covered with men who had black suits on, about 3 guns on each guard along with a large rifle which they held with pride.

I stared at the Porcha waiting to see who it was, my balcony has a cement barricade going around it with little holes as a designs all around which made it easier for my to hide as I looked through the holes,

I turned around to catch my breath, I took in a large breath and got the most amazing smell ever, it smelled like a mixture of strawberry and lime it sounded awful but smelled great, I turned around to see the vehicle empty, damn it, I thought to myself, I missed my one chance to see him.

I went back inside locking the balcony door and the smell was even more unbearable what was I feeling, I felt like there was something calling me even though I couldn't hear anything, something was pulling me towards the room door as I pulled myself trying to fight the urge, my wolf was going nuts, jumping all around I couldn't control it at all, I looked around my room to find something to restrain myself from turning all I saw was the necklace my mom gave me as I remembered that I was asked to wear it.

I wore the necklace which gave me a weird feeling as I clipped it together, my wolf was calmer but the urge to open the door and the smell was still there, is this made out of magic I thought impossible my mom would have told something and then again my family was famous for hiding secrets.

I closed my eye trying to stop the pull that was now incontrollable as I did I remembered my mothers last words as it rang in my head like a siren,

'promise me you will do as fate wants you to do, there is good inside of him, you must save him before its too late, promise me you will save him'

it wouldn't stop inside my head, what did it mean good inside of him, save him before it's too late, I wondered, then it clicked to me like an image, The Alpha, she meant about the Alpha Jacobs, but that cant be right my mom was trying to hide me for as long as possible from him and now I must find him and heal him, my world became more complicated as I was thinking, I thought I was strong enough to hold the tears but I couldn't anymore, tears came like a waterfall and snout came out of my nose, there was this urge that made it impossible now to stop I got up and went to the door I unlocked the door but before I could open it Carol came in closing the door behind her as I saw she was panting a lot than usual she locked the door and took me to the bathroom and made me sleep inside the bath tub, she opened the hot water as it fell to my head, I sat there squeezing my knees crying screaming as carol locked the door she was trying to comfort me but nothing helped, the urge to walk outside was still there, that amazing smell which no one could describe was more stronger now and my wolf was silent for some reason, and that's when I first heard him.

Jacobs POV

I entered the house it was beautiful with the large one of a kind chandelier hanging right in the middle while 2 stair cases going up in a shape of a oval and that unbearable smell as I got out of the vehicle, it got stronger every time I took a step forward, I knew what it was which meant she was still here somewhere, and that made my wolf go crazy I tried to follow where my wolf wanted to go but then Derek came, I gave my condolences,

"Alpha Hale welcome to my pack's home" he said with respect that meant only one thing he was no longer Alpha, the last time I met him he was ready to fight, and now he is welcoming me, something wasn't right here, his wife came and showed me upstairs where I saw Selena's mother, all the people there left as I entered the room and closed the door, for some reason I was tearing up I didn't know why and then Sam entered the room and looked at my face,

"what's wrong, why are you crying" he said closing the door behind him, handing me his handkerchief,

"I don't know why, I have never met this women and here I am feeling sad for no reason" I turned around as tears still came down my face,

"it's her right" Sam said going near the body, I walked towards the window which had the view of the woods,

"she's here, I can feel her, smell her, I want her Sam, I want to touch her and feel her, my wolf is going nuts" Sam looked at me curiously, as I stared through the window, I left the room I couldn't take it anymore and that's when I almost felt her.

I looked straight and there was a door with 2 more doors next to it, the urge to open it was getting stronger, she's in there I know it, but I couldn't feel her wolf it was just the urge to go in there, I looked around and saw that there was no one, I went walking towards the door with her scent getting stronger, and that's when a women came out of another door

"Alpha Jacobs what are you doing here these room are a mess you wouldn't want to go in there" she said blocking the door I was going to walk into, everyone calls me Alpha hale but she called me by my first name, did she not have any shame to call me by my first name, she's got to be the Beta then, how would I get through her now,

"the crowd is downstairs waiting for you, should go now" there was a fierce sound in her voice,

"who's room is that" I asked as I saw her jump a bit,

"it's mine Alpha Jacobs" she said but I could tell she was lying, but before I could ask anything else, someone unlocked the door, before anyone could open, the beta opened the door and went in, and that's when I got a glimpse of her, I couldn't see her face but her scent was amazing,

Selena's POV

I was in the bath tub crying my life out while the water fell on my face,

"it's ok to cry, even I did when my parents died"

a voice said inside my head, hearing this voice calmed me for some reason, my heart stopped racing as I heard this voice in my head,

"who is that?" I said shouting looking around the room,

"who's who" Carol asked as she stood up looking every corner on the bathroom

"I am mind linking you, your beta wont be able to hear it, its only me and you"

it said again I was so confused I got up but Carol pushed me back down into the water,

"how is this possible" I spoke I looked at Carol she was so confused I didn't know what to tell her,

"your my mate Selena which why you can hear me through your thoughts"

the response left me stunned,

"is this J-Jacob" I stuttered a bit, when Carol heard the name she left the bathroom immediately, I don't know why but it was just me now,

"hm, so you've heard of me, I don't care what your pack has told you about me"

I was stunned, how was it that his voice calmed me when my best friend was right next to me trying to calm me down,

"the part where you want to use me for my power, yes I have heard enough" I said this time Carol came in and looked at me, she brought a book along with her which was on my shelf, I had seen the book before but I wasn't interested, it was already there when I moved in,

"I would never do that to you Selena, your my mate all I want is good for you"

these words made my heart melt, I loved this voice, I wanted to hear it for the rest of my life, the calmness it brought me was amazing, everything was gone now, the only thing there was is his voice, and it was the best thing the that I have ever heard,

"one day in the future I will come for you and take you to a place you have never seen before, a place where our wolves would be free to run everywhere, but for now it's goodbye, my love"

that was it nothing else, I slept in the tub, dunking myself in the water as I remembered his words, it made my heart feel loved for once there was something I wanted it was him that's what I wanted.