Chapter 12

Selena's POV

I couldn't hear Jacob anymore, I was more calm now the tears have stop, I got up from the bath tub before Carol could push me back down I raised my hand as a way of saying that I am fine, she knew I was in a serious mood so she moved to a corner all of my clothes were soaking wet, I turned back showing Carol to leave me while I got into a robe, she left closing the bathroom door, after I blow dried my hair I came out and locked my room door so I could change my clothes, I went out to the balcony and all the vehicles were gone which meant he was too.

It was 3.50PM the burial is at 4.00PM I got into a black jumpsuit which had a cut right in the middle of my chest, I didn't have anything else to wear, so I had to choose this, there was a knock on the door it was Carol she came in, she was wearing a black dress with a high neck line, it look pretty on her, she had a unusual hat with her,

"you know I don't judge your outfits right?" she asked I just nodded looking at the hat which she kept on the bed,

"my mom said you should wear it with this net mask, just incase, the border guards said there was a vehicle parked just outside the territory, they went and investigated it but only 2 men were in there, they said they were waiting for a their sister, but I think its his spies" she then handed me a net bag or mask, I couldn't tell

"help me please" I asked her as she smiled and nodded, she gently put the net on my face, my hair was kept loose so that I wouldn't have a problem with the hat, she then clipped the hat to me hair, I looked through the mirror it was a velvet hat and fitted perfectly, the sides were long so it covered my face along with the net which made me itch a bit, I went downstairs to see the pack was waiting for me, I came down the stairs with Carol next to me.

we walked on a path which had blue petals all around with bamboo sticks on fire lighting the way to the river, my uncle and the others were carrying my mother who was placed in a clear coffin, we walked for some time and reached the lake with the water fall it was beautiful, they opened the coffin and placed my mother in the boat decorating around her with the most beautiful flowers ever, the witch step forward and said a few words as we responded to it saying

"may her wolf find peace"

my uncle handed me a bow and arrow,

"as tradition the daughter of a wolf shall be the one to set her family's soul free" he said looking at me proud, my sister came and gave a push to the boat as it went on the water,

when it reached the middle of the lake my uncle brought a stick wrapped in a towel and had the strongest diesel smell ever, he set it on fire holding it to me I leaned my arrow to the fire as it caught on fire, I aimed it up focusing it to the boat,

"rest well mom" I said under my breath as I let go of the arrow it landed straight on the boat as it caught on fire, everyone besides me kneeled in honor of a lost wolf, I stood there watching the boat turn to ashes, I turned to look around when I thought I saw a man standing but I guess I was day dreaming I thought,

I headed back I was the last to go inside everyone had gone earlier after the boat caught on fire, I went in my grandma and uncle stood there but I just ignored them and went straight to my room, I closed the door and turned to find a file on my bed, I shouted for Carol, she came in and I locked the door,

"did you leave this here" I asked pointing towards the file, she shook her head, I picked the file up and sat there was a sticky note on top of it,


it read I knew who it was from, Jacob I looked at Carol she was confused

"who send you this" she asked taking the file from my hand, I grabbed it back and removed the sticky note immediately, I opened it and it was a case on the man from the TV, Martin was his name.

I got up and went to my uncle's room and handed him the file saying

"Jacob decided to leave me a goodbye gift" my uncle looked surprised and opened the file, after going through it he closed it and looked at me leaving the file on top of his side stool,

"he must have left it while we were at the lake" he was rubbing his head which meant he was I in a deep thought, "you should call him and thank him" he said, I took a step back from him

"but I thought I was not to make any contact from him" I looked at my uncle who was in a deep thought, I shook my hand in front of his eyes to get his attention, he looked at me suddenly

"if I call him it would be disrespectful, she was your mother and he did something you were planning to do" he looked down saying it, I left the room angry and happy which was confusing, I was going to hear his voice again which I wanted to hear so badly but I would have to thank him for something which I had to do.

I went into the room with all the pack info, I found his pack and called using the house phone

"Hale residence who is this speaking" a question was asked through the phone, I took a deep breath using my deep voice,

"I wish to speak with Alpha Jacobs" there was a moment of silence it started to freak me out, did I call the wrong number, did I call a human beings house, I checked the number twice before the man finally replied,

"who wishes to speak with my Alpha?" the question came once more I was hoping I could avoid it and say thanks and leave the phone but looks like I need to introduce myself, ugh being the Alpha is too much,

"I am the Alpha from white moon pack" I said with pride

"please hold" was the only reply I got, I started to get nervous wondering what was I suppose to say until the music stopped and the voice I was waiting to hear came on,

"well this is unexpected Miss Alwitz" he said, his voice was so smooth it was breath taking

"I am calling to say thanks for ending Martin, you didn't have to do it, I was going to end him myself" I said before I could keep the phone down he replied

"with all do respect Selena it was never my intention to kill him in the first place, I need to set an example for them, if they ever crossed me or my mate, death will be the only option" my heart started to race hearing him say that, calling me his mate, I didn't know what was I feeling but I needed to fight and show that I am a independent women and not some women who needs to be avenged every time someone crosses me,

"I don't need to be avenged Jacob just stay away from me and no one gets hurt" threating him wasn't what I wanted but he kept calling me mate, if this was another Alpha this would be war, but I wanted to see how soft he was on me,

"so your threating the Alpha king now, don't test my patience Selena, I could take things a lot further than you expect, lets just say I would need something from you in the future and take this as my advantage, you owe me Miss Alwitz remember that" the line was cut after, I kept the phone sitting on the couch thinking what have I just done, I realized he didn't fight with me for calling him by his name instead of using Alpha this proved that he did have a weakness, it was me. whatever this payback he needs from me I could get out of it, now that I know his weakness. I decided not to tell anyone about it, just that I called and he was not there so his beta passed the message.

3 months later

I started school a week after the funeral we started our end term, me and Carol along with the other girls came to school with my aunt, there was always a vehicle behind us just incase we need the extra protection, while I was in school my uncle would be on the look out, after we got home I would go on my daily duties with Carol, life was lonely without mom and dad but I had all the family I needed right here.

"Alpha the witch is here as you wanted" carol said opening the door to her, I was in study.

After the funeral the pack finally excepted me as their Alpha, I got my own office the way I wanted it, the witch came inside with Carol, she locked the door and sat on the couch while the witch sat in front of me.

"you asked for me Alpha Alwitz" she said with respect, I was a respected role now even my uncle called me Alpha no matter who was near me.

I took the necklace from my drawer and gave it to her,

"I need you to take this and spell it in a way my mate wont find me even if I am next to him, I must stay hidden for as long as I can, do you understand" my tone had become deeper, sometimes it would scare Carol when we have a little girl talk,

she nodded and took the necklace she bowed down and left,

"but what about what you mother said, her finale wishes were for you to heal him and do as fate wanted" Carol stood up, I kept my pen down and stood up she looked down, she knew she pissed me off I tried not to scold her but I did talk with my deep voice,

"you think I don't know that, Jacob Hale is bad news for me, once he is dead then only, and only then I shall be free to roam around, because of him I must miss a lot of meetings with other Alphas, which is why I send you every single time" I looked down at her, in me I felt bad I talked to my best friend this way, but if she knew what I had to prepare for in the future she would say the same thing. I don't know what is Jacob's intension but I know it wasn't good, my pack needs me and I must be strong and ready for what ever he has lined up for me.