Chapter 13

5 years later

"mommy I want to fly like a bird" Zoey said moving her arms up and down

"Zoey you know mommy cant do that, what if you fall!"

the kid gets picked up and is being thrown up and down like she is really flying,

"Jacob, put the child down, right now you will drop her" Selena said taking Zoey off of his hands,

"oh babe you know I wont let anything happen to our little girl" Jacob said


In the plane

I opened my eyes in fear looking around, oh thank the moon it was just a dream. ever since the witch gave me my new chain, it caused me nightmares every day about me having kids with Jacob, I couldn't stand the sight of him nor hear his name, since the day of the incident I have never taken my chain off which made me have these nightmare every time I closed my eyes.

I finished school and left for higher studies in Virginia, there was a small pack under the crystal moon Tribe who had taken the little town of New Orleans and made it their home, wolfs were free to act as they pleased even if they wanted to transform in the middle of the town they could no one would stop them, the Alpha of their pack was more than happy to take me in, they gave me a little cottage at the end of town close to my university, it was still a 2 hour drive but I was well protected.

I had been gone for 3 years, I visited my pack once a year made some new allies here and there, Carol would send me a daily report everyday on how the pack is and videos of my sister training with Derek, she is 15 and has started training for Alpha if something ever happened she would know what to do, but finally my studies were done, in 3 days it'll be my 21st birthday and soon I would have to find a man and have kids and live the life my mom would want me to live, Derek says my mom was only 20 when she met dad the nephew of a different Alpha, she got pregnant with me at age 23, sure everyone back home wants the same for me but I have considered myself to be a lone wolf, I was better that way, I don't need a man to tell me what to do and have me bear his children when all he'll do if boss around the pack, as tradition if a alpha female or also known as Luna is pregnant their mate will take over until the little wolf is born, I wouldn't want that at all.

Carol says she has great things planned for my birthday but I am not sure if I am up to it, I have too much work to do once I get home, but there is a welcome party for me as always, sure this one would be a big party since I am never leaving home ever again.

The rest of the flight I watch a horror films, I was never a fan but I could not stand to have anymore nightmares. one was more than enough a day.

we landed with a bit of turbulence but safely, I may own my own jet but before I became Alpha I use to go in business class with my dad where ever he goes, which reminds me of him a lot and the fun things we would do on the plane.

I got down from the plane and saw everyone else getting into a bus back to the airport, as I stepped foot onto the ground a air hostess holding my bags showed me to the back of the plane, I saw about 20 vehicle along with kids and their parents holding cards, flowers and presents. I looked to the side and saw Carol standing their with the largest smile I have ever seen her put on, she came running to me and hugged me, I hugged her tight, I kneeled down spreading my arms wide as all the kids came running in for a hug, I was snuck in the middle of a group hug for a long time.

I got up and nodded my head as the rest of the pack bowed down to me at the same time, heading towards the car I got a lot of greets from everyone I went pass, I came near a black Ferrari, I looked up at Carol, she took my hand and kept a key on my palm, I looked up in shock,

"it's all yours" she said, I got into the vehicle and took in the smell of my new sports car, I loved it, the wheel had a great grip around it, there was a Tv and so much more I was looking all around trying to take all of it in, I have always dreamed of having my own Ferrari and now I did,

"aren't you gonna drive" Carol looked at me, I gave her a sneaky smile and drove at high speed until we reached the gate of the runway and got onto the road, there was too much of traffic on the way to enjoy the ride but we reached the pack house eventually.

the entire place was decorated for my welcoming, I drove into the poach and handed the keys to the man who was there, moments later everyone came running to me hugging me and taking a good look at me, I wasn't able to come home for an year, my Aunt says I have changed so much she hardly could recognize me.

I went into my parents room looking around at their pictures which hung on the wall, I shed a tear looking at my mom, I took out the necklace she gave me and kept it on the table below her picture, the witch gave me a different necklace which meant this one was no use for me. I closed the door behind me and left for bed for I was tired and not ready to party yet.

3 days later

I woke up and went straight to the bathroom, I removed my cloths only to find the worse surprise ever, I had gotten my period last night, after a bath I cleaned my bed and wore some sweat pants and a t-shirt, I met up with everyone in the study we discussed on some new proposals we had got from human companies which would benefit for us a lot. after the meeting I went into the kitchen for Breakfast.

I sat on the counter waiting for my aunt to finish cooking, she handed me a plate and sat opposite me, I started eating when I noticed I was being stared at, I looked up and saw my aunt, she just sat there looking at me as I ate my food, I kept my fork down and joined my hands together,

"what is it?" I raised my eyebrow, she took a deep breath and started meddling with her food like a little child,

"it's just that, your 21 today, me and your mom both were your age when we met your uncle and dad" she stopped half way through, I could tell she wasn't comfortable telling me this since I was against the idea of getting married and having kids, no one knew besides Carol about the nightmares I had every night, she looked at me eye to eye saying,

"I wish it wasn't me telling you this but there are a lot of potential wolves from other packs who are 2nd brother or nephews to other Alpha's it would be great for your pack and you, after all u came from 2 Alpha bloodlines, it would be great if u got married to another, you'll have healthy strong wolfs"

I gripped onto the counter looking at my aunt with my wolf eyes which meant I was angry, I stood up looking down at her, I excused my self and left the kitchen. In the my office Carol came in with her hands behind her back, she had this sneaky look filled with excitement, I stopped all my work looking at her,

"guess what I got" she said pulling her hands out, it was tickets for the concert at club hell, I jumped up with excitement, I hugged her tight squeezing the life out of her,

"cant breath" was all I got, I pulled away from her and checked the time, we went into my room to choose something to wear, I ran my hands through my cloths when I came across a short black dress with a neck line, and shoulder cut, I took it to the mirror placing it on top of me, I took a pair of high length boots and got ready, touched up on my makeup and went out.

there was no sound coming from Carol's room which meant she must have gone downstairs, I went down, everyone's eyes were on me now, pictures were taken, the rest of my inner pack came all dressed up, we laughed a bit and left, me and Carol got into my vehicle while the rest got into another behind us.

we reached the place and had no problem at the entrance and that's when it hit me, I had left my necklace back at home, how could I have been so stupid to leave it, I knew we were going some where public, I looked around, I felt nothing but I couldn't risk it at all, I whispered to Carol she answered me saying I need to live a bit without fear, I trusted her words and enjoyed the night.

That was till the DJ there announced my name as the birthday girl everyone screamed my name as I stood on the stage embarrassed, until I felt it, the Pull I looked around but could not see him, I was confused in my thoughts, I jumped down from the stage and started walking around looking for Carol, I needed to leave this place immediately,

I started walking backwards slowly trying to find where he was and looking for Carol at the same time, until I bumped into someone behind me, and that's the first time I felt him, it was like a warmth going around me making me feel comfortable, the first time feeling him was a emotion that was hard to describe, I knew immediately it was him, I didn't turn around afraid to meet his eyes, my wolf was howling inside of me which made me want to turn and see him, I forced myself not to turn until a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and a whisper near my ear,

"miss me? " was all I heard, his face was resting on my shoulder, I felt his breath on my neck, it was heart warming as much as I wanted to answer I stood my ground, he placed a slight kiss on my neck making me shiver a bit, while feeling all of this I didn't notice the men who surrounded me out of the bloom,

"what do you want Jacob" I used my Alpha voice, I saw one of his men tighten his wrist when I called him by his name, I was confident calling him by his name instead of referring him as Alpha, he had a sweet spot for me,

"you know what I want" his arms still around my waist, I had no freedom from him, his arms were around me tightly while his men circled around us turning their backs, I looked for the nearest exit but every exit had more than 3 guards, it would be impossible to get out unless I took the chair next to me and hit it against him, then all of his men would come to him and forget me as I escaped, I thought hard waiting for the right moment, until Jacob finally let go of my waist, I saw my chance and grabbed the chair, before I could smash it on him, he grabbed me pushed the chair away,

"your quite the fighter aren't you little wolf" we were eye to eye now, my eyes looked up for he was taller than me even when I am with heels, I maybe 5'9 feet but he was much taller and muscular, he stared into me and I stared into him, the music faded away and all there that I could hear was his heart nothing else, his hands once again wrapped around my waist, there was a moment of silence, he pulled away from me, now with one hand wrapped tight around my waist as he forced me into a room.

The room was dark with a long table and 2 chairs opposite each other, I was forced to my chair as he walked and sat on his large chair, I couldn't stand the sight of him, let alone have him sit opposite me, I looked towards the side trying not to look at him, I knew I would fall for him if I looked at him any longer, until he leaned back to his chair, I could tell he was staring at me intensely, I crossed my hands still looking towards the empty wall while he just sat there looking at me, he waved his hand slightly indicating for the men to leave the room, it was just me and him,

"I have been waiting to meet you ever since the funeral, and finally here we are, as fate predicted" I looked to the side of my eye, he gave this look which made me blush a bit,

"you owe me Selena it's time you payed me back" hearing these words I cut him off standing up looking straight at him, he seemed surprised I suppose my eyes may have changed color I was so furious I wanted to end him right there. thinking of this made my heart ace I didn't know why but I ignored it,

"I don't owe you anything" I said gripping onto the table, I felt my claws coming out and scrapping the table a bit,

"I wish I didn't have to say this but you leave me no choice" he stood up making me fall back into my chair,

"I killed Martin 5 years ago as a result of it you owe me, no matter what you say or do it wont change anything, if you refuse I will be forced to take everything you have and love" he threatened me for the first time in my life I was threatened, my heart dropped hearing these words come out of his mouth, it was like I was emptied out dry, I sank into my chair, he stood up and walked towards me, I looked down without looking at him, he held my chin forcing me to face him,

"I would never hurt you Selena, if I wanted to wouldn't I have done it already?" he questioned me, I was in a deep thought and nodded, he smiled at me

"for 10 days I want you to come and live with me, and if you still hate me you will never see me ever again" I stood up looking at him and ran out as I heard him shout,

"I'll be waiting", I went out of the club and got into my vehicle and drove off, I went back to my house instead of the pack house and locked the doors, I checked my phone and only to find that my battery had died I found a charger in my room and plugged it in, the second it reached 1 percent I texted Carol, before I could tell her I thought about it, there was something inside of me telling me not to tell her the truth,

I left my phone and went to bed without telling Carol, what if he hurts her for knowing the truth, I wouldn't live with myself if something happened to Carol, in my thoughts I wondered what would it be like to live with Jacob, this was all my wolf talking I didn't want anything to do with Jacob him, but for the sake of my wolf I thought about it hard and went to sleep.

The next day I got up, had a bath and took the only clothes available for me to wear from my cupboard, I got into my vehicle and drove to Hale enterprises, if I were to find him he would be there only, I entered and was questioned by the guard who stood near the gate, after saying my name he bowed his head to me and let me in, I parked in there underground parking space and was met by a man, I got out with my phone in my hand and was led upstairs he had 3 men walking behind him always, must be the beta, I thought to myself,

they took me to what seemed like a pent house, it was huge and beautiful, it had a modern look to it which made me fall in love with the place.

Jacobs POV

I got a call from Sam saying she had come, I started to get anxious something that come very rarely to me, I went into the study when I saw her sitting texting on her phone,

"I'm glad you made up your mind, you wont regret it, I promise" I looked at her she looked at me standing up and coming towards me, she stopped keeping a 5feet gap with in us, I saw that she was miserable as she asked,

"10 days right?" I nodded my head giving her my hand, she took it and came with me, her touch felt so good it made my wolf dance, I felt sparks going through each step I took with her holding my hand, I knew some part of her would give in it just need time, we reached the helicopter and took off,

After an hour I felt a weight on my shoulder, I turned to find her sleeping on me, taking advantage of this I slipped my hand under her making her fall into me, it felt nice having my mate sleeping on me, it gave me an urge as I promised myself I would protect her no matter what,

we finally reached the island I got out caring her bridal style her arms wrapped around my neck, I walked as I heard whispers coming out of my pack who stood on the side looking at me and her astonished,

"they say she is the our future Luna"

"really no that cant be she has her own pack"

"well that's for the Alpha to decide"

hearing these things from my pack made me more protective of her, one of the guards came in front of me and tried to take Selena off my hands I growled at him pushing him to a side, I heard Sam behind me saying

"no one touches the girl besides Alpha make sure you spread the word"

I took Selena to my room and laid her on her side, I slept right next to her, I know she wouldn't want me to get close to her but the urge was unbearable, until a hand was on me, I guess neither could she resist either, I drifted to sleep with the love of my life wrapped in my arms.