Chapter 15

Selena's POV

I stormed out of the room with rage, what was he thinking getting close to me in pubic is he trying to cause problems, I looked at my phone and saw 56 missed calls it was off the entire time which is why I couldn't hear it, I searched for Carol's name and called her, she didn't pick up then I tried my sister but still nothing, right before I was about to smash the phone in anger the phone rang, it was Carol I picked up the phone and kept it in my ear to see how worried she was,

"Selena! where have you been? the entire pack has been searching for you, hello Selena, Hello!" hearing her voice was nice knowing how worried she was I went into the Library and locked the door, hoping no one would eves drop,

"Carol" it's nice to hear your voice" I said with a calm tone sitting on the couch,

"where are you? tell me now I am on my way with the pack" she started to hurry her words almost making it unclear for me to hear her,

"Carol, stop what your doing now and go into the study and lock the door, I must talk to you in private and listen carefully" I started to rush my words a bit before I thought for a while, she was silent until I heard a Click which meant she must has locked the door, I thought about what to say, if it was safe to tell her the truth and that's when I feared that Jacob might do something which is why I decided to lie to her,

"ok I am in the study as you wanted, now tell me where you are, please you don't know how worried I have been" judging by her tone I knew she was crying what I didn't know was is it happy tears or sad tears, I started to calm myself down so I wouldn't rush my words, hearing my pack worry about me made me hate Jacob more and more,

"I am safe and untouched but I need you to do me a favor?" I asked her,

"anything" was the only reply I got from her,

"tell my sister to take over the pack with your guidance, only till I get back" I heard a gasp after I told her this and was approached by a silence,

"ok! I will do as you say but what about you? when will you come back home, Derek has been worried sick with sleepless nights" her concerns made me comfortable knowing the pack still cared for me even though its only been 1 day after my disappearance, I got a sweet smell and knew immediately that Jacob was listening to my conversation, which made me worry even more,

"I wasn't feeling my wolf for the past few days, I heard there was a tribe here deep in the woods, they seem to know a lot about me even though they don't belong to a pack, I am learning more about my wolf and better ways to heal myself" I paused for a bit to catch my breath before continuing,

"I wont be able to reach you since there is no bars in the woods, so don't be worried I am in a safe place, the second I am out of here I will call you to pick me up" I heard her sigh under her breathe but for all she knows I could hear everything, even my uncle who is in the background,

"there is a rumor going on about you and Alpha Hale, I- I- is, it t- t- true" she stuttered a bit, I knew she was scared of my reply knowing the hate I had towards him but I act like I never knew anything about it, after all I am suppose to be in the middle of nowhere how would I know,

"what! " I screamed into the phone hoping it would startle her,

"I never even met him, I went to moms house and changed and head straight to where the tribe lives" I acted like I never knew a thing, and I should say my acting was getting better, good enough for her to believe it, I ended the call telling her that she must help my sister and not to worry about Jacob and the rumors, she told me she would stop these rumors and gave me her word. after the call I opened the door to find Jacob leaning against the door frame.

Carol's POV

I kept the phone giving my word to Selena, I turned around to find a furious Derek, his eyes kept changing colors, I ran outside and called his wife since it was only his mate who can calm him, she came in and hugged him giving him a small kiss and allowing him to take in her scent,

"what do we do now?" I asked walking towards him after his temper was calmer, he took a deep breathe and looked at his wife, thanking her and looked back at me,

"she says she is with a tribe right? I want you to find this tribe that is helping her, she had no right to leave without informing us" he said furiously grabbing his wife and stormed out closing the door behind him, I could tell he didn't like Selena far away, even though she said something about Jacob it was still suspicious, she had feared Jacob her entire teen life and now she doesn't care, something was up, I knew she was lying to me the second she picked up the phone.

Selena's POV

( Selena has gotten ready for the date Jacob had planned, and was heading downstairs)

I wore the dress as it fitted on me like a glove, I went downstairs to see a man waiting I remembered that his name was Sam, Jacob had mentioned him a few times during our short conversations, he took me to the back of the house and pointed to path which was lit up with fire combs, fire combs where coconuts wrapped in pieces of cloth and set on fire mostly used to lite up the forest when farmers had to stay up late on the look out for animals,

I walked admiring the lights and I came towards a spot with trees covering the midnight sky, there were beautiful lamps hanging from each and every branch, which looked beautiful with the sky being covered, it was like lanterns which were lighted up during my mother's Farwell,

after the path had finished I saw a trail of wines falling from the trees almost as if they were the door to something, I went through it to find a table and chairs set up next to a pool with candles everywhere, with a bit of sunlight left I could see the jungle view right after the pool which was filled with rose petals floating, I never knew there was a pool here I just assumed there wasn't since there was a river and an entire beach surrounding the island,

I went passed the pool to see the jungle and leaned against the beam, i could see the beach from there, the mansion was on the highest hill, having a candle light dinner here with the view would be anyone's dream date, and it was indeed my dream too,

not moments later Jacob came from behind and wrapped his hands around me like he always does,

"like what you see" was all he said before placing a kiss on my neck the same place which was my sweet spot also known as where he would mark me,

"its beautiful" with all the pleasure I got the words just slipped through my lips, he held my hand making me feel like I was eclectic shocked as he showed me to my chair, like all gentlemen he pulled my chair and pushed me in after I sat, not moments after a man came dressed in a fancy Tux and offered us a soup, it had already been only 10 minutes to the date and we both were laughing, for the first time I didn't want to leave, it was like all my range had disappeared and the only thing their was the love, and it felt, really nice. we talked about a lot of things, political matters with the hidden world these days (the wolf world) after talking for 30 minutes I went silent and he just looked at me waiting for me to ask him something, I started clinging onto the table like I always do when I am nervous, and that's when I asked him,

"what am I to you after you are healed?" he looked down the second I asked him, he then took a deep breathe and explained to me slowly,

"like I said before the moon goddess cursed me for my parents mistake, but she also created a loop hole" he gently explained to me as his words made me more interested in the subject, but I interrupted him at this moment,

"which is me, right but-" I interrupted myself, at this point I was preparing myself to ask a question which I know would get him on his nerves, we had just finished dinner so even if I had to run in embarrassment I could without hurting anyone, and I continued,

"if this plan of yours worked and you marked me, eventually I would become pregnant in time like all the other Lunas in other packs, what would happen then, I am the Alpha of the white moon pack and your the Alpha king, wouldn't our children be cursed too?" the second I mentioned children he gripped onto the table cloth, pulling it to him with every word I said after, I could tell his wolf jumped the minute I mentioned children.