Chapter 16


"if this plan of yours worked and you marked me, eventually I would become pregnant in time like all the other Lunas in other packs, what would happen then, I am the Alpha of the white moon pack and your the Alpha king, wouldn't our children be cursed too?" the second I mentioned children he gripped onto the table cloth, pulling it to him with every word I said after, I could tell his wolf jumped the minute I mentioned children,

_Selena's POV_

he had a sip of wine, and cleared his throat, I would tell he was over freaked out by my question, but I still stood my ground without showing any interest like as if we were in a meeting, well this meeting just became really awkward and the suspense was killing me, until he finally opened his mouth

"so have you finally fallen for me?" he asked raising his eyebrow at me, I looked at him with annoyance and shocked my head, and he started to explain once more,

"well my mother was still the Alpha of her pack when she had me, my father hadn't yet marked her" he then stood up and walked up behind me, I stood up immediately about to leave, knowing he was going to do something or say something I wouldn't want to know, but he came within a blink of an eye holding me from my back, as he gripped on to my hands making it impossible for my to escape, I tried to free my self but he would just tighten it more, the man from before came in and saw me and Jacob, he covered his face with the his tray in embarrassment and left

Jacob started kissing my sweet spot making me stretch my neck towards him, he smirked seeing me give in, I couldn't help it, it's like I had no control over my body, his canine teeth popped out as he started teasing me, rubbing his canine's against my sweet spot tempting me to say the words he longed for,

"I wont do anything without your consent, but if you keeping struggling like this-" at this moment he pulled me into his chest holding my hands behind my back holding it with one of his hands, and continued,

"but if you do struggle things will get more pleasurable" his words are so tempting it is almost like I want to submit to him get marked by him, with his now free hand he started moving his finger from my lips going all the way down to my stomach, he started rubbing a spot under my stomach, I growled at this as he just scoffed, I gave one big power push, I loosened from his grip a bit, at this he got angry and gave a loud growl making my wolf howl on how possessive her mate can be, I stood in the same spot after hearing this for once it scared me,

he turned me around as our eyes met, the lust he had for me was hard not to notice, he leaned in almost as if he was going to kiss me, oh hell no! I leaned back trying to resist,

"I waited for 6 years and I can wait 6 more if I have to" he smiled at the end looking straight at my eyes, I looked down trying to resist him but he forced my face to straight into his eyes when he said,

"resist all you want but you will beg me to consume you and when u do I will gladly take your virginity and make you mine, mark my words" with that said he let go of me, I ran out of there and into the house I didn't have tears but I was feeling something which I couldn't explain it was like I wanted to punch him and kiss him at the same time, I went and changed into some normal clothes and went straight to bed,

But this time I locked the door so that he wouldn't come inside, I heard a bang on the door as I curled up in bed under the blanket with my pillow pressed against my stomach, the knocking stopped as my eye lids became heavier while seeing the windows covered with rain drops going dripping down for it was thundering and pouring rain.

Klara's POV (Selena's sister)

I saw my uncle storm out of the study holding Auntie Lisa it was during lunch time so I had just finished lunch and was about to go out with a few of my pack mates when I thought I would go into the study to check up on Carol, I went inside to find a confused Carol, I could tell she was more calmer than yesterday, with my sister missing she has been going through a lot of stress, she saw me come in and put on a fake smile, she told me to close the door and sit down cause she had something important to tell me, I told her I was going out in a few minutes but she insist I stay cause it was important,

she had never been so serious before, the last time she was really serious with me was when my sister had been angered by some boy who she hated and she wolfed out so she needed me to calm her down since I was like a child to her more than a sister but this was last year when she came for the holidays and since I had just discovered my wolf it was frightening to approach my sister afraid something might happen.

after I had sat down she looked at the clock and then at me, I could tell she was nervous since she couldn't stop tapping her feet, she then looked at me and came and sat next to me holding my hand, I was quite frighten by this wondering if something had happen, she then started talking to me slowly in a comforting way so that I would understand and not over react,

"listen Klara, what I am about to say is something really serious, and do not freak out, promise" I felt more fear hearing this but I nodded agreeing to her knowing how stress could end her life with a snap of a finger,

"your sister called today-" I cut her off before she could say anything,

"what! really, is she coming home I cant wait to see her, I never got to give her my birthday gift" I was filled with happiness knowing that my sister would finally come home since I wanted to wait until she came home from her party to give her gift,

"I am afraid not, Klara" she said patting back in away of comforting me but I remained calm remembering that I promised her I wont freak out,

"I could never lie to you about your sister which is why I will tell you this now, your sister had gone into a unknown place deep in the jungle in search of a tribe that she claims could help her with her wolf, and she doesn't know when she will return home but she said she is safe and out of harms way, she ordered me to make you Alpha until she gets back cause she is worried for her pack" upon hearing this I stood up and looked at her with sadness but I was approached by a deep thought, if I were to be Alpha until she got back I would finally get my chance to prove myself which is why I agreed to the idea but only until my sister came home.

After that we announced to the pack and told them that I would be there temporary Alpha only until my sister got back a lot of them looked at me with hatred but when they knew I was only there for a short while and with the guidance of their beta who they all respected so much they were a bit relived, she came into the study a few hours later saying I needed to go to bed early since I had to go meet the Brookewick's pack Alpha tomorrow, well my sister had to but since I was taking her place I had no say in objection.

I woke up in the morning and got into a jumpsuit since everyone said I looked like an independent women when I wore one, it was a white colored jumpsuit along with a black side bag I never like clutches or what ever my sister wore when she went out and plus I was only 16 so I was not ready to move on to clutched and purses, I got in with Carol in her Mercedes and we drove off with the rest of the vehicle behind us,

Carol was giving me a pep talk on do's and don'ts when it came to meeting an Alpha and let me tell you there was a lot, I had to be on my best behavior today since I was no longer under the protection of my pack grounds, we came to an old house and parked our vehicle there, and got into a different one that was already waiting for us there, after we had got in I heard a man from the front seat say through his walker

"inform the Alpha" maybe he had to tell them that I go in safely, well I am definitely not good at this.

the ride was so quiet it started to freak me out, there were no talking, no music and for some reason Carol didn't say a word and it was really bumpy going in that vehicle, we went off road until we reached a place filled with houses every where, 2 guards came to the window and looked at me in surprise I didn't know why but they just nodded and we went,

we approached a old style house beautiful on the outside, it was like a castle in a fairy tale there was this type of plant that went around the house with pinkish flowers which gave the Castle a beautiful look, we got down and I was stunned at this scent I caught, it made my wolf say something to me I am never heard it say,


as you can tell I don't have a good relationship with my wolf just like my sister, well her wolf hated her for everything she had done, but mine never liked how childish I was, my sister on the other hand became my guardian and my motherly influence after our moms funeral, I tried to ask my wolf to repeat what she said but she was silent,

I asked Carol if she got the smell she simply looked at me with confusion, and that's when I felt the pull hearing along with my wolf say follow made it more harder to resist but I stood my ground looking at Carol and the Alpha speak about my sister's absence,

they took us into a office room where we sat on the 2 chairs which was set up for us, the Alpha left a few minutes later which gave me my chance to finally speak,

"there is a pull, I can't resist it anymore please help me" I beg her, she thought for a while and she smiled saying,

"follow it, I'll be right here"

I jumped up and went outside I took a lot of turns and corridors until I saw a figure right in front of me standing that was when my wolf screamed,

"Mate need Mate"

I looked up to see a boy around my age looking down as we said together


I hugged him taking in his scent as he did the same to me, he then whispered into my ear,

"what's your name beautiful?" I blushed at his words when I told him my name he complimented on my name as I asked him his, his name was Lucas Riverdale one of the Riverdales which meant he was apart of this pack, I smiled as he kissed me for the first time,

"lets go meet our parents" he said at that moment my happiness turned into sadness, and he noticed it, he kneeled making me look down at him and ask why,

"I am here with my Beta" he locked impressed hearing this, and asked me

"so my mate is a Alpha?" he got up now kissing me as he asked me, I looked at him as the comfort I got from him was amazing for once I could feel my wolf without needing to be in wolf form,

he took me to the same room I came out of and knocked until someone from inside ordered

"enter" I entered the room holding his hand, I saw Carol's face when she saw me with him, she put on a big smile and ran her eyes around Lucas, and nodded showing she was impressed and happy for me,

"ah yes Junior" the Alpha said looking over his shoulder and seeing me and him holding hands which gave him a confused look, before Lucas could say anything Carol jumped up announcing to the entire pack who were present here,

"looks like we have a wedding to plan soon" she said clapping her hands as the rest of the people who were present there clapped along with them,

"I found her uncle" my mate said with pride bringing me next him and wrapping his hand around my waist showing a sign of possession I blushed so hard my cheeks were red as a strawberry, he looked down at me and kissed my forehead as everyone cheered our name,

"well then looks like my nephew will be leaving me sooner than expected" he said walking over to us as he hugged Lucas and then me, putting a hand on our shoulders and saying,

"I wish you a happy life together, but just because your leaving me for your mate don't forget to visit us" he chuckled right after Lucas hugged him back patting his back,

"your parents will be so happy to hear the good news why don't you go and tell them until I finish this meeting" he told as I turned around now holding his hand, as I heard him talk to Carol before the door close,

"looks like we wont need the contract after all, this deal will be finalized after the wedding" I heard him say which made me blush a bit more, we entered the kitchen seeing 2 people sitting together being a bit intimate, Lucas cleared his throat to grab their attention as they looked at him embarrassed,

"Lucas, didn't hear you come in dear" the women there said getting up and pulling her dress down and looking at me with a smile,

"mom, dad I want you to meet my Mate Klara" he introduced me, his mother came and shacked my hand while her dad came and hugged me saying

"welcome to the family Klara" he said, I noticed his mother was giving me questionable look as she scanned me from top to toe,

"I haven't seen you around here from which pack are you from?" she asked me, I looked at my mate who gave me a look like he wanted me to tell her and I said with pride in me,

"I am from the white moon pack, Mrs. Riverdale" she gasped hearing after this and looked at her husband who showed interest with my reply, and that's when I said pride and proudness,

"I am Klara Alwitz, of the White Moon Pack" she covered her mouth with her hands as her husband look at his son with like a proud father, I looked up at my mate who was showed pride only as he slipped his hand around my waist,

"your the Alpha Selena's sister!" she said staring at my mate with happiness, I smiled back at her without a reply when Lucas said to his parents,

"I will be leaving today dad with my mate back to her pack, it's only right that I meet hers now that she has met mine" he said kissing me and taking me along with him, his parents wished him a happy life as they knew their son will be living with my pack given my status because of my sister, I went and joined Carol and waited for him to come with just a back pack, we said bye to his pack as he bowed his head at his Alpha who happens to be his father's brother, we got in and droved back towards the old house form before

him and me got into the Mercedes along with Carol but this time me and Lucas in the back seat cuddling each other, we started having small talk until Carol brought up about my sister, I could tell that Lucas was more interested about my sister which is why I did not stop her from speaking,

"Selena is going to be jealous, when she sees him, well she was 15 when she met her mate" the last part went much quieter than usual but it was loud enough for me to raise my eye brow and question her, she was silent until she started talking again but slowly I could see Lucas sitting with his hands still around me but without a single word as he listens to what Carol had to say,

"on your mom's funeral remember the boy who had extra protection than usual, and you want to go out but you were stuck with me in my room?" I just nodded as I recalled that day,

"about that I never got to ask you, who was that?" I asked out of curiosity,

"that I will let your sister tell you herself, I am not the one having her emotions right!"

"but anyway, well that was her mate who came, but you should count your self lucky unlike your sister who never got to meet her mate the way you met yours, instead she hides in the middle of nowhere just so she doesn't meet him" hearing what my sister is going through made me hug my mate more he could sense I wasn't happy so he just kissed me on my head,

"can I ask why she hid from her mate" Lucas asked he took the question out of my lips before I could ask her myself, she went silent and then started talking again,

"all he wants from her is the gift she possesses the white wolf, she is the loop hole sent from above" hearing this made me and my mate look at each other,

"ok that's enough about that, your sister is safe and she will return home soon, now lets talk about your future" we continued with our talk until we finally reached the pack, Lucas has already fallen asleep I kissed him on his lips waking him up, we got out and introduced him to my uncle he seemed over joyed to find out that I had met my mate and that he wanted to live with me, he did give us the talk to both of us, even though Lucas is 18 I am still 16 which is why we all came into a agreement when we both are more comfortable with each other, we would get engaged and get married after I am 18 but he can mark me when I am ready, my uncle warned Lucas in a way I have never heard him before, if I were to be harmed it would be Lucas's head on the wall, that night I went to sleep like sleeping beauty with my mate's arms around me.

Carol's POV

It had been 7 days now after Selena's call and she still hasn't called me back, Klara on the other hand hadn't been as stressed as she used to now that her mate was here to comfort her, which is why it was finally time, I cant hide it anymore,

I told Derek about Aiden Whitmore, a man who keeps his word, but also a distant cousin to the crystal pack, I told him how I was planning to bring him here and let him meet everyone, since I am only human I could never tell if my mate was near me or further but since he is a wolf himself he knew the second we met, but I decided to keep him hidden, I felt sad knowing my best friend and Alpha might never know what it's like to be loved and I didn't want to bring Aiden up knowing it would make her cry just like all the other times she had,


(when Selena was only 17)

"how do I call him my mate when all he wants is me to do something I don't even know how to, what if I loose my wolf trying to save his, why would the moon goddess curse me to someone so selfish as him" she cried in my arms that rainy night, she had come home for the holiday and it had only been 4 days and she was crying already


Remembering this made me feel even more bad but I know it must be hard for Aiden speaking from experience after listening to my alpha, it was time he came home and lived with me, I went that afternoon to his pack and brought him home, his family already knew me and they definitely knew Selena since it was their house she stayed in for the last 3 years, he flew in that night and I brought him to the pack house, I saw everyone look at him when they noticed he was a wolf like them, but they never said anything bad just welcomed him with open hands,


(the Alpha had received a phone call about some interesting news from his closest friend and greatest ally)

the Alpha ordered his men to call his entire family to share some exciting news, within 5 minutes the entire Riverdale family were now in the office room along with him,

"I have some news to share with you my dear brother" everyone looked towards him as he mentioned his brother's name,

"we have a future Luna queen, it's not been confirmed yet but Alpha hale just got off the phone with me and your Lucas will become the next Alpha of the White moon pack when he marks her" everyone looked at the pleased Alpha with confusion, they knew Lucas was going to be married the sister of the Alpha of this pack but how would he become the Alpha, and the Alpha explained to his Family,

"Alpha Selena will step down from her role as Alpha of the White moon Pack for a much higher position leaving your boy and future daughter-in-law as the new alpha of the pack" he also warned his family about saying a word to anyone as they applauded the proud family.