Chapter 17

Selena's POV

It has been 15 hours since the date, the door was still locked and I had no interest in opening it, Jacob came and knocked twice but I wasn't bothered, that was until my stomach started hurting, I looked around to see if there was anything I could snack on but I couldn't find anything,

"my darling mate, if you do not open this door your day is just going to get worse" he said, at this I got up and wrapped the blanket around me and went towards the door the second I unlocked it he stormed inside closing the door behind him, he looked into my eyes as I looked into his,

what was I feeling, it's like I wanted him to scoop me up and take me back to bed, I never knew why I had these feelings I loathed this man and here I am telling myself I am falling in love with every love word he says to me,

"good girl, now how about we go eat something" with his evil smile he said to me,

I just scoffed and started walking towards the door which he stood next to, I was still wrapped with my blanket as I tried to storm off in a dramatic way,

I step on my blanket and fell but instead of hitting the ground I fell on him which made him fall back along with me on top of him, once I realized what had just happen I blushed as red as a rose, I stuck my face downwards trying to cover my face from him and little did I know I was still on top of him, which meant me sticking my face down only gave me more tingles, I lifted my head and all Jacob did was look at me with a smirk,

"embarrassed?" he asked me,

I growled at him , I struggled to get up but I was still wrapped like a butterfly cocoon, that was until Jacob flipped us now he was on top of me, I had no escape, now that he was on top of me staring into my eyes, we stared at each other for 10 minutes until he side smiled and said,

"told you so" he placed a kiss on my forehead and got up and left, I was still embarrassed I was in the same spot for 30 minutes still processing what just had happen, he could have done something to me but he didn't, at least I know now that he keeps his word, after an hour of being in a deep thought I finally had the courage to get up, I looked at the long mirror which was kept on a side of the room, I couldn't remember what was I wearing as I looked at the mirror I wore a pante short pair of shorts, with a light pink tank top, well I guess I have taste even when I am half asleep,

I finally went downstairs for brunch, in the kitchen the maid there looked at me from my head to toe, I ignored her and made a sandwich for myself, I took my plate and left the kitchen where I met Jacob, still embarrassed about this morning I ignored him and left, but I felt he was staring at me until I entered the large library where I found my favorite book, the story of Romeo and Juliet I sat on the couch with my legs high up eating my sandwich and enjoying the love between these two, love makes people do stupid, just like how Romeo killed himself because Juliet was dead or so he thought, huh typical, I was so stuck on the book when I heard someone say,

"I would do the same if you were dead" this voice send shivers down my spine, I knew who it was, I lowered my book slightly so I could see his face, only to find Jacob smirking at me, I raised my book again and replied to him,

"well one of these days I just might" he just scoffed and jumped onto the same couch as me, I kept the book down and shouted at him,

"can you let me be just for once" I yelled at him, he just stared at me I got annoyed at this and raised my book once more, that was till I noticed that I had reached the end of my book,

"fine, anyway I got to go and train my men you can have a free day today, except-" I cut him off here,

"great you get to it then" I got up with my empty plate and dropped it on his head, it was a plastic anyway, and I left the library until I heard him scream,

"picnic at 5 today"

oh no I thought, another one, ugh this is not going to go well for me today, could my day get any better,

well the picnic went surprisingly ok that was till he got a call which seemed to anger him, he told me he had business to take care and left, well head back to the house, I fixed something to eat for dinner and went to sleep for some reason it seemed really boring I didn't know why but just didn't seem like a day to me,

I tried to fall asleep but nothing worked, I connected my air pods and tried to listen to my sad songs which usual puts me to sleep in minutes, 11.58 and my eyes are wide open, I hear someone open the door, I shut my eyes pretending to sleep, I sniffed the air only to get the most intoxicating smell, I knew it was Jacob, there was no other wolf who would have a smell like his, he comes to my side of the bed and sits and stares into me, my eyes maybe shut but I can feel him staring at me,

keeping my eyes shut tight without giving it away I sleep tight waiting for him to leave, he rubs his hand against my cheek saying,

"sleep little mate", he then gets up and goes to his side and lies down, as much as I wanted to turn and look at him, but remembering I am suppose to be sleeping I stop the urge and stay still, that is until I feel a hand go around my waist,

this is it! he crossed the line, I opened my eyes opened wide with anger as I growled at him, he took his hand immediately knowing that he has been exposed, I simply yell at him saying,

"one more time and you will have to find somewhere else to sleep" with that said I went back to sleep as I felt my eye lids get heavier by the second.

(this happened before Carol introduced her pack to her mate)

Carol's POV

it had been 3 days since Selena's call, and I think I may have found a lead, I searched Selena's things but found nothing, not even a clue, I got Martha the pack most loyal witch to do a spell, but she says she couldn't reach her, it was either she was dead or was cloaked by another witch, I thought about it deeply, until I got a call,

"hey beautiful" it was Aiden I took a seat on my bed while talking with him on the phone, he told me how he was sick and tired of waiting for me he couldn't resist me anymore, well I could say the same, I may not be a wolf but I could feel a small part of me wishing he was here with me, I then paused for a second to think of what I was going to ask him and that's when I remember I wanted to ask him about witches and there spells in the middle on the woods,

"hey I have a question and its a bit official than personal" I asked,

"ask away love," he replied,

"can a witch do spells in the middle of the woods, cause I released your pack has a contract with a witches coven right?" he took a second after I asked him but he answered me

"well witches are much more stronger than they are in the city so yeah and my pack considers the witches as a second family for everything they have done for us"

"why do u ask?" he asked me

"my best friend has been gone for 4 days now and I got a witch to do a spell to find her but she said she couldn't find anything that's why" I told him, he then asked a few more questions on how the witch performed the spell, then I mentioned about Selena telling she was with a tribe that would heal her wolf, and that's when I heard Aiden jump,

"I know that tribe" he said excitedly, I jumped at this with hope, he told me to meet him at a dinner I loved when I was 7, well me and Selena both loved until we out grew it,

I packed a backpack just incase something were to happen and left, I told the pack I may had to go meet up with some friends and left in my vehicle,

At the dinner Aiden was already there he came and kissed on my lips well I didn't expect that but he did miss me a lot, we got into my vehicle with him driving until we reached the jungle, we were surrounded by pine trees and it was really nice, Aiden turned towards me and said,

"this is where I am going to have to turn, the tribe would attack us unless they see me in wolf form" he then passed me a bag and told me to get on top of him after he had turned, he then removed his shirt and that's when I saw how muscular he is, I blushed at the sight of him, he smirked and jumped landing with 4 paws, he was a grey and brown wolf with a small spot of red at the tip of his tail, his eyes were still black color which meant he was in control,

he walked slowly to me as I placed my fore head against his, he then bent down letting me get on top of him, and he bounced through the woods, it was like riding a motorbike but much faster, I had never rode on wolfs back but the experience was amazing, as we were going he stopped suddenly and stood there, with me on his back still,

In minutes we were surrounded by men and women each holding a bow and arrow in ready mode as if we were enemies, the women wore a type of a head piece made out of colorful pieces of wood and feathers mixed in, each holding a beautiful flower in their hands, but the last time I checked it was called wolfsbane which was lethel to wolfs,

I whispered into Aiden's ear saying, "wolfsbane" he looked at me and then back at the men, one of the men came walking slowly towards us, he looked into Aiden's eyes and screamed

"abuku alema"

I am guessing it was their way of talking, I got down from Aiden and he turned back to human, I closed my eyes and passed him my backpack,

"you know you can look right, after all you are my mate" I blushed shily at this until he took my hands off my eyes, he was all dressed up in some jeans and tank top we then started walking and stopped at a small open area filled with kids running all over and screaming, the women here were washing clothes and some were cooking, the men were walking around the place in a protective motion with weapons in their hands,

4 guards came and bowed to Aiden, they took us into a what looks like a where the leader of this tribe lived, it was heavily guarded by men patrolling every inch of the house, we went in and sat in front of their leader, he saw Aiden and put on a smile big enough to cure your bad days, Aiden and the chief tribal talked in a serious mood, I was confused since I never learned their language, I then knocked my elbow on him and he turned to me and said,

"they have never seen any other wolf besides me and my Alpha" he said, his words worried me a lot, did that mean she lied to me, but if she wasn't here then where else would she be, I asked Aiden to ask the chief about any other tribe but he just shook his head, after staying there for a few minutes we left the same way we came, I said my goodbyes to Aiden as he was reluctant to leave my side, but eventually we did,

when I reached home there was a worried Klara on my bed, I walked up to her slowly and looked around but I couldn't see Lucas anywhere, she looked at me and said,

"she called today" I knew the second who the she was, Selena, I asked her what did she say excited hoping she would come back now, but she just wanted to say that she was feeling much better now but must continue her treatment to have a full recovery, but what I never understood was why did she lie to me, I thought I'd keep today journey a secret until I know where Selena really is, at least I knew she wasn't dead,

Jacob's POV

Its been 4 days now and the more time I spend with her the more I fall in love, I know she was giving in little by little, it was a matter of time before she trust me, I knew this would be rude of me but I had to see if she cared about me at least a little bit just to give me hope that she loves me a inch,

I got up and went for my morning training with the warriors, Sam said they were recruiting a new member but in order for them to be equal to a wolf if they ever had to fight they needed my mark, the mark of the wolf, all I do is scratch them on the side of there neck and they would immediately feel powerful which will help them fight a wolf without worrying about hurting,

The mark of the wolf not only helps them become stronger but also gives them the healing mutation all wolfs including the mind link a pack has, but the only difference is that they cant shift into a wolf unless it was a lunar eclipse which we celebrate as grands as ever, but the last time I remember was during the rule of my aunt

she got all the warriors in a circle and waited for the moon to rise and that's when they shifted, that's when I remember that this year they will be a lunar eclipse my first lunar eclipse with my pack and my mate,

I loose track of time and rush down, Selena was anyway a late riser so I didn't have to worry about her till brunch time, I come back inside after the morning training and see her on the couch snacking on some cookies like she always does,

I go to the kitchen and dismiss the cook as she leaves getting one more looks at the lazy Selena on my couch, I took a wine glass and break it in my hand, and I shout,

"shit.." along with the sound of the glass breaking,

Selena's POV

I sit on the couch snacking on my favorite cooking watching grey's anatomy on the TV when I hear someone curse along with the sound of glass breaking, it was only me and Jacob in the house, I get up with curiosity and see a mindless Jacob with his hand bleeding all over the counter,

"how careless are you Jacob" I scream at him not realizing I had dropped my cookies, I ran to the sink pulling his bleeding hand and holding to the running water,

after I get the ice box I find the first aid in one of the cabinets and take out the bandage and some cotton along with some spirit water which should help keep the wound germ free,

after I finish wrapping his hand tightly I look up at him and see him with one of the biggest smiles ever, realizing what I had done I run outside in embarrassment,

Jacob POV

she yelled at me for being careless if only she knew I did this on purpose, but I was right all along she does has something for me, seeing how she clean the wound and wrapped it made me smile happier than ever just seeing her do all this to me, but once she was done she realized what she had done which made her blush in embarrassment she ran out, well I was expecting that, I link my warriors to keep a safe circle around her and make sure the area was clear, I went to my bedroom to change my shirt since it had a bit of blood on it, I go downstairs and see Sam

"she's in the daffodil field on the south part of the island, " I nod as he goes back to what ever he was doing, I left with 2 of my warriors behind me and ran in wolf form to where she was, don't know how she got there in minutes but she had,

she sure is faster than I expected I saw her walking through the field dancing with around, she didn't notice me yet, I went behind a tree and change back into my clothes and walked towards her, it was like nature was her blind spot being close to her she still hadn't notice me,

Selena POV

I ran as fast as I could still thinking of what just happened I couldn't get it out of my head it's like he is controlling me, once I finally stop running I realized I was in a beautiful field of daffodils, I dance around it as I remember my teen years, when ever some one pissed me off I would go to this special place filled with daffodils and dance remembering all the great things life has given me, and it does calm me down, I dance for almost 15 minutes when I feel 2 large arms wrap around me,

"so my Queen does love me" was what he said putting his injured arm in front and showing me the proof, he then unwraps it and all I see is a healed arm, that's when I remember, he's the king, his healing power is much faster than any other wolf,

"I just did what I had to, it doesn't mean I love you, I still hate you" I snap back at him, I could tell it hurt him a bit, until he replied,

"keep saying that to yourself, one of these days now my queen,"

he let go of me and walked a bit further and turned back towards me stretching his hand, "coming", I just crossed my head and shook my head a big NO, he just growled at me saying,

"its just a walk around the pack, nothing else will happen, I promise"

it's just a walk not like he can throw me off the cliff right? I walked towards him slowly still not sure of my decision until he grabbed my hand, which send sparks all over me, I could tell he felt it too with the way he smirked at me,

we walked a bit further until I saw little houses all over, men retuning home with buckets filled with what seems to be fish and women wiping dust off the curtains before closing them, my hand was still holding Jacob and I didn't want to let go since it gave me a good feeling, once we were walking through these houses everyone attention came towards me and Jacob, the men bowed their heads while the women nodded, I saw a little girl all alone in a corner, I left Jacobs hand which seem to anger him a lot as he growled under his breathe, I went to see this little girl she was about the age of 7 holding a teddy bear,

I carried her looking for who the parents were but seconds after kids came running from every house screaming only one name, "Luna" it made me blush a bit as these kids were running around me and playing run and catchers, I kept the 7 year old down and started playing with them while their parents simply looked at me, I side glanced to see a Jealous Jacob standing and watching me along with every one else, all I did was stick my tongue out before continuing the game,

"that's enough, we don't want to starve My Queen now do we" said Jacob walking towards me, I picked up the kid from before,

"what your name little one?" I asked her moving her hair away from her face,

"Zara my Luna" she replied, I was not a Luna and I guess they didn't know the real reason I was here, but it fine I would be out of here In no time,

"what a beautiful name, and you can call me Selena there no problem with that" I replied I could hear Jacob growling a bit but I just ignored it, I didn't like the name Luna since I am never going to be his Luna, she just chuckled and got down and ran back home,

we walked back home holding hands as always since he felt a bit protective after the afternoon walk, I went up stairs to get my phone since I had to check on a few things with my pack,

after dinner I had a body wash and went to bed Jacob was already sleep which meant I can sleep peacefully tonight,

_____IN A DREAM_____



mom what's wrong, why is there blood coming from your eyes, tell me now

mom don't go please!

Mom don't leave Me Please,

"YOU DID THIS!" was all she said till everything turned Black