Chapter 18

Selena's POV

I screamed at the top of my lungs trying to remember what happened, after I realized it was all a dream, I turned to my side to see Jacob missing, the time on my phone read 3.00, still gone into a shock I tried to calm myself by singing a song my uncle thought me it reminded me of mom and it helped, I felt really warm even though it was cold outside I was sweating with my top soaked in sweat, I went into the bathroom,

I looked at the mirror and all I see is a girl, an Alpha who has failed her pack, a daughter who let her mother down, a sister who has left her without a word, why was I born even if all I was suppose to do was be a failure.

I go into the shower with my clothes still on and turn on the warm shower as I cried my life out, I felt the warm water drop on me drop by drop while I sat on the shower floor hugging my legs, I hear a knock on the door as I hear him ask,

"you Ok Selena?" was all he said, I tried stopping the stuttering in my voice, he must think I am stupid for having a bathe at 3 Am in the morning,

"g- g- go away-y" I screamed, and realized, Shit I stuttered, there was a bit of silence and just when I thought he finally left me alone was when he opened the door, obviously I forgot to lock the door Stupid me, he stood there with worry filled in his eyes, I stuck my head down and ignored him,

he just stood there staring at me, I felt more sad than before and embarrassed, an Alpha is never suppose to cry and here I was with the shower On, my clothes soaked and my eyes drained but is still going miraculously, he walked to me close still confused, I growled at him when he came really close and was now standing in front of me, he kneeled down in front of me getting wet too,

"who did this to my Queen" he asked raising my dredged face to meet his eyes, I just shook my head and stuck it back down, I felt him come and sit next to me while saying,

"why don't you just let me help you, without pushing me back like you always do" he asked,

"didn't I not help you when you were feeling the lowest 8 years ago, don't lie" I just nodded my head once which seem to send a smile through his face,

"then let me help you this time too" his words were caring enough for me to agree with the wolf who is pleading me for his touch, I lifted my head with tears still coming down my face and nodded at him, he smiled knowing I finally said yes, he lifted me onto his lap I first was confused about what he was going to do until he kept his head against mine saying,

"every wolf cries, but it's their mate's job to make them feel better, and that's what I will do" he said

I rested my head on his wet chest, as he stroked my head making me relax, if only I believed him early I wouldn't feel what I felt right now, he lifted me to look at him eye to eye,

"I love you Selena, and you will always be my Queen" with that he kissed me on my lips slowly, and I didn't push him away, instead I gave in, it send electric shocks with every kiss and it was amazing that I didn't relies that I had stopped crying, he looked at me and saw my tears had finally stop, he smiled and kissed my forehead,

"lets get you dried and back in bed" he said as he carried me out of the bathroom and into the closet,

I went back to sleep but without fear cause this time I had my mate wrapped around me, my eyes became heavier by the minute as the last thing I remember was the spider hanging from the window.

I got up in the morning trying to get up but I couldn't move, l turned around to see Jacob still wrapped around me, I moved his hand away from me and sneaked out of bed, still wondering what happened since everything was really burly, and that's when I realized he kissed me, he FREAKING kissed me, I blushed at the thought, I never knew I would give in after all I was ready to leave this place and forget about it, but when I think about it I feel happy,

I go downstairs when I see the maid had already made the breakfast, I go and take my plate and sit on the couch, right after I am done a furious Jacob comes down to the kitchen and sees me on the way, he jumps onto the couch next to me saying,

"someone got up early"

I just push him and went the kitchen to keep my now empty plate, when he came from behind wrapping himself around me and keeping his head on me, which gave me tingles everywhere,

"Aren't we going to talk today" he asked me

"we have nothing to talk about" trying to loosen his grip

"so the fact that you finally gave in is just going to go away like the ocean" reminding me of this didn't make me want to answer but he did have me wrapped up tight making it hard for me to escape the question, I turned around facing him

"I gave in and you kissed me that's all that happened" with that I pecked his lips making him let go of me instantly as I slipped under him and left, leaving him stunned.