Chapter 20

_Carol's POV_

I woke up to a banging on my door, getting up with my hair messed up and eyes heavy in sleep I open the door with a force and scream,

"what" I see a worried man standing scared as hell,

"goo- good m- m- morning B- be- beta" he stuttered his words, I was still mad at this baboon for waking me up at 6.00 in the morning, I poked my face out the door only to see Selena's open empty room with the windows wide open, I signed at the view before I look back at the man who was still standing in front of me,

"what is it Zen?" I use a calmer voice remembering his name, Zen had trained his entire life to become a warrior but when he finally was ready our Alpha runs off to the woods, poor fella, now he waits till our Alpha gets back so that he can receive his mark, I wondered if it hurt, a Alpha scarping you or rather Marking you sounded so painful but then again how would he get the strength he needed when it came to fighting other wolves, pulling myself back to reality I hear something really frightening,

"beta she ran out in wolf form again" he said, who was the she and then it hit me, Klara, I run back inside to where my coat since I didn't have time to change to something more appropriate, cant run in a pante short pants along with a tank top, I pull my hair into a bun on the way since I had no time to loose, I bang open Klara's door to find the bedroom empty,

"LUCAS" I scream in the room with Zen still behind me, the bathroom door opens and Lucas runs out in shock, him still in his boxers I cover my eyes from the view,

"put some clothes on" I order him as he did,

"what up?" he asks me, I am flaming hot that he doesn't know his own mate is on the loose, men these days can be so carless,

"Don't you dare what's up me Lucas, where is your freaking mate?" with me screaming at him he takes a step back and then relies that Klara is missing, he started scratching behind his neck before I order him,

"go find her, your the only other wolf who can find her, besides Selena" at this we both go down with him preparing himself to shift and that's when one of our warriors storm inside with blood dripping on the side of his shoulder,

"Rogue Attack" was all he said before collapsing on the ground with more blood coming out of him, I rushed to him and lift him up with the help of Zen,

"find her!" I commanded as I took the injured warrior towards the couch,

"someone get me the doctor NOW!" I screamed alarming the entire pack to awaken, Derek was the first to run down and see the man on his couch bleeding,

"Klara is still outside alone, Lucas went to get her, " I tell him after I removed the pressure from his wound since the doctor got in just in time,

"we are under attack by Rogues" with that I take the rifle which hung in the cabinet along with a pouch of bullets, Derek immediately told his wife to help with the injured warrior while he goes and help Lucas, the second he saw me with the gun he nodded his hand and went,

he shifted into his brown wolf and took off while I ran in my own pace loading the gun with the silver bullets which was lazed with wolf's bane, I ran to the scene of the crime and saw Derek fighting along with the warriors, I spotted about 15 rogues and a unconscious wolf under the willow tree, I pointed a gun at the wolf Lucas was fighting, and


Perfect shot to the leg injuring him and giving Lucas the upper hand to end him with just one bite to the neck, minutes after I was attacked by a wolf, pinned to the ground and my gun out of arms reach, this war was endless,

But before it could bite my head off it was attacked by a brown and grey wolf,


I thought she was unconscious but thank god she wasn't. I grabbed the gun and walked forward with Derek by my side and more warriors, we were in the clearing area of our territory, there were 5 wolves standing there and watching us until 1of them shifted into human form, and walked towards us,

"nice to finally meet you, Beta Carol" this man walked towards us talking, he knew my name, his 6 foot frame now in front of us, he seemed like a 40 year old man, but he was definitely the leader of this rogue group,

"why are you here?" I asked him, he seemed to search the area for someone and he didn't seem happy when he didn't find what he was looking for,

"I was hoping to meet with the Alpha directly" he told lifting his side brow,

"you will speak with me only" I told him,

"well it looks like your Alpha is missing all the action, unless she isn't home" he caught me off guard this time, I turned my back towards Derek who didn't seem interested in turning, until the rogue spoke again,

"a pack without an Alpha is weak, which is why I am here to challenge you, Beta of this pack" he challenged me,

"not while I'm still breathing " a voice jumped, I turned my head to find Lucas jumping into wolf form, immediately pinning the Rogue against the ground, the warriors behind him came and surrounded him chaining him before he could shift, with that the rest of the rogues ran off, scared of loosing their worthless lives I'm sure,

we took him to the under ground of the house where we chain the imposters, he was the only rogue besides the other man who was left for dead, Lucas cam inside with Klara in his hands, she had taken a big hit and was unconscious, the pack doctor ran to her taking her to the bedroom immediately, locking the door behind her, minutes seemed like hours, later Lucas came out with his wolf about to pop out,

"I am going to kill that rogue" he shouted sending fear to the guards who were guarding the door to Klara's room,

"not yet, we first need to get the information we need from him, afterwards you can have him all for yourself" I saw a small smirk pop up when I said this, we both went down to where the prisoner was kept, he was heavily guarded, while I whispered into the man guarding the front door,

"no one opens this door, without my permission" he simply nodded locking the door after we entered,

besides me and Lucas there were only 4 men there, 2 of them holding the prisoner from the chains and the other 2 behind us, I raised my hand for them to wake him up, which he did with just one hit to the stomach,

"well this is a unpleasant view" he said adjusting his eye to the darkness of the dungeons, he saw me and smirked, "I am not saying a word" he spat at me

"if he isn't going to talk then let me finish him off Carol" Lucas was getting impatient I could tell, I pushed him to the corner showing him to go to the corner and calm himself,

"what was your objective today?" I asked him, he simply threw spit at me, I turned and looked towards a fuming Lucas as I nod my head showing him the way to the prisoner, he smiled but before he could punch the rogue spoke,

"I'll speak, I'll speak" he shouted, knowing Lucas scared him I held Lucas back and walked towards him, and sat on a stool kept in the corner,

"go on" I commanded,

"My Master wanted to see how well protected this pack was, since their Alpha wasn't around, so he put me IN charge of the mission with a few other wolves, but I don't know why" he spoke without making eye contact, then he looked at me and back at Lucas, saying

"I don't know much but all I know is that it had something to do with the Alpha king and your Alpha's relationship together" this gave me a questionable look as I turned back to look at Lucas, I knew exactly what he meant, with Selena being Alpha Hale's mate, which is why I never found her at that tribe,

"he's going to kill me after this, isn't he" the rogue said looking straight at Lucas, Lucas gave a what else do you think look back at the rogue,

"what's your name?" I asked,

"Tyler, Tyler Lawson" he said,

"well Tyler I am done here, but what happens next is not my decision, it's his" I said getting up and pointing at Lucas, I left the cell patting Lucas on the back before commanding the guard outside to open the door, me and the other 4 guards left, leaving Lucas and Tyler all alone,

"wait, please don't-" I heard him shout before something stopped him, guessing Lucas took the easy way out, I went back upstairs and washed my hands when I hear someone come inside,

it was Klara, I ran towards her, taking her back upstairs to her room, I frown at the guard who let her out, he looks away without making eye contact,

"where is Lucas" she faintly asks, she was still weak from the attack,

"he went to take care of something, you just rest, I'll go call him for you" I said heading out, I look back to see her fallen asleep, I turn towards the guard and dismissed him, Lucas came up in minutes with a bit of blood splashed all over his shirt, I stretched my hand for him to give it, Klara wont like the sight, he removed it and handed it to me, and went inside the room, locking it

I could hear him and Klara laughing a bit, giving them their privacy, I head down IN search of Derek,

when I found him waiting by the lake for me, I went and sat on the dock next to him, he looked stressed out, I couldn't see if his mate was near since it was only her who could calm down his wolf, Derek is going into old age and I could tell turning into a wolf took a lot of him,

"do you know where she is?" he asked me, I am guessing he meant the she' being Selena,

"I looked into a tribe but it was a dead end" I told him finally, as you remember I decided not to tell them worried they might panicked and call a search hunt on them, we did have trackers who could find her it seconds but even to do that we need a lead, which I still didn't have, he turned towards me with his eyes filled with tears, I have never seen a man cry and the sight of this made me wonder whether he was ready to hear it,

"where ever she is I know it's with Jacob, we knew she won't be able to resist the bond, it was just a matter of time before he got to her" these words brought me tears, me and Selena never kept anything from each other and if she really was with him, why wouldn't she have told me, I stood up and walked away I didn't want to hear false assumptions of my Alpha and best friend, I took my phone out to see it was her, she was calling me finally, I answered without hesitation and went somewhere quiet away from the wolf hearing, or so I hoped,

"Selena" I asked worryingly,

"oh thank the goddess your fine, is Klara okay?" she asked, I wanted to scold her but I tried my best to keep the anger behind,

"she is fine, she had her mate to keep her safe, now that your not here anymore" and there it was everyone, I know it hurt her a lot hearing it from me, but she had it coming the day she went missing,

"mate?" she questioned,

"yes, she found her mate and so did I, we are doing great thanks for asking" I kept on booming at her face, I had so much anger is she were next to me she would have had a black eye, well, maybe not a black eye it would heal in seconds, I punched against a tree trying to get my anger out but nothing helped, and that's when I started shouting at her,

"you know while your where ever you are, I had to stay here and fight almost 20 rogues with the pack, they knew the Alpha of this pack wasn't home, if it weren't for Lucas and me they would have taken over the pack, where was our Alpha when this happened, the one who promised to keep us safe, protect us from danger, the one who swore an oath to be our shelter, our guardian, my best friend, you let everyone down, and don't think I don't know that you have been seeing Jacob under our noses, thought I would never find out?" I shouted my heart out, while all she did was stay silent and listen,

"I am sorry Carol, I know it wasn't right for me to run away from home, but please you have to understand my situation, please" she was crying I could hear it through the phone, but I had no regrets she needed to know her mistake before she made problems worse,

"forget it, what's done is done, the Pack was ready so they didn't have a chance against us, but your absent is sending questions around the pack, they think you are not fit to be their leader, their Alpha, their Protector, and I won't argue with them, you failed us, your family, your friends, your pack" I snapped back at her, once again I had no regrets with any of my words,

"wait please Carol, let-" I cut the line and switched off my phone, I couldn't stand her right now, I went back to the pack house to find a strolling Derek running all over the place, I look at him to see his eyes red from crying,

"Selena send us a message, she is coming home in 6 days" he said as I scoffed and headed upstairs,

End Of Chapter