Chapter 21

_Selena's POV_

A rogue attack, which pack was my worry, I turned to see a mad Jacob staring back at Sam,

"which pack?" I asked him, but he stood silent he knew he had already angered his Alpha, I growled at this using my Alpha voice I commanded,

"which. pack. got. attacked." this scared him a bit more, I knew Jacob's command was broken

"w-white m-moon" he finally spat out the name,

I heard a loud growl come from behind me knowing who it was, I ignored him and ran to my room to find my stupid phone,

I finally found it and called Carol, but what she had to tell me wasn't what I wanted to hear, she blamed it all on me, tears came hearing everything she had to say,

I tried to explain myself but I just got the reply 10 times more, I fell on the ground, filled with tears, before I could say anything she cut the line leaving me in more tears, I cried so loud I knew Jacob heard it,

he opened the door not long after seeing me on the ground crying, he lifted me up but I just pushed him and ran out, without been able to control the wolf I let her out, giving her full control of me, she shifted into wolf form obviously, and ran wild, while I sat back going through every word that was spat at me,

and then it became dark, this happens every time I shift, my wolf would never want to let me see, it's like I needed to prove myself if I ever want to enjoy the run, I guess it's on her now until she decides to give me control again,

_Jacob's POV_

the force she used against me was powerful enough to send me to the ground, damn she's strong, I ran behind her but lost her, the last thing I saw was a white wolf running, but her eyes weren't the usual hazel brown it was blue, which meant her wolf was in control,

"Sam tell the Warriors not to shoot the wolf, it's Selena" I shouted from the where I was, I shifted into my large black wolf and went where it took me, but nothing, she was faster than any other wolf but I was faster, I thought I caught up to her but I had to stop, if I pushed myself too much I might end up on the ground with a chest pain, I turned back and headed back towards the house where I met Sam loading his gun with a tranquillizer, I shift and wore the boxer that was throwen at me,

"I told you we are not going to shoot her" I scolded him

"this is only if something bad happened" he replied sticking the gun behind him and heading outside,

All the warriors came to the house with some injured but would heal because of the mark,

"tell the pack to keep their women and kids inside, I want every warrior out there, guarding the villagers, if you come in contact with the wolf don't shoot, call me or the beta immediately, no one keeps a hand on it, she's mine" I ordered them,

"Sam take a team and scout the area, we have had rogue attacks before this would be a time for them to attack while she's out there, and don't even think about shooting her" I growled at him, knowing what he was capable of doing.

it was dinner time and she still wasn't home, I started to worry, running back and forth in the living room waiting for her to return but nothing, I shouted at everyone who came near me, my wolf was going mad inside demanding to come out and find his mate, Sam came in hours later panting from running,

"did you find her" I asked

"not yet Alpha, but we found 2 rabbits and 3 deer left for dead, we don't why she is killing the animals and leaving them without finishing them off" he reported,

I took a second to think when it hit me, whatever she talked about on the phone angered her to the core, but it wasn't just anger, sadness I could feel it,

I went to the study and sat on the couch with my laptop and started looking for the recordings on her phone, I had set it all up before she woke up on the first day she came here, I listened to the Conversation and all I felt was betrayal and pain,

This was what she felt

I could feel everything she just went through, the women on the phone sounded a lot like the girl I have come to know as the Beta.

I stormed out of the study and went straight outside and growled sending everyone there on edge, Sam approached me from behind and tapped my shoulder bringing me out of my thoughts,

"what!" I shouted in anger,

"Alpha I sent a group of men to the east side of the island and..... um.... they..." he was really frightened with what ever the news he was going to give me, I turned to look at him as he straightened his back and spoke again,

"they had found 6 dead wolves, I believe it's rogues" I left a questionable Sam as I went out and shifted into wolf form again, this time giving my wolf control to find her,

he took me all over, it was a mess with her scent all over, it was like she didn't want to be found, she was really good with confusing me but the pull got strong as I headed to where the villagers lived, she was closed I knew it, I felt it,

I looked to get her scent but it was impossible, I turned back into human and wore the jeans I brought,

I went through every corner it was around 2 in the morning trying not to wake up the people that slept here, until I heard a growl, I looked up into the woods when I saw a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at me, knowing it was her, I walked slowly towards her side

"Selena, we can talk about this back home, all you have to do is shift back and I'll take care of everything else, hell I'll even carry you back if that's what you want" I talked reaching my hand, when I was just centimeter away from touching her she took off instantly, running deep into the wood,

I shifted following behind her, we were running side by side now, I tried my best to corner her but every time she would just creep through from somewhere, Damn she's really good at escaping, it made me wonder if she was this good why haven't she yet found a way to get out of this island, maybe she did fall for me.

I lost her once again.

I headed back to the house and shifted inside the bedroom since my jeans were ripped, I couldn't sleep well that night, twisting and turning around wondering if she was safe, she had killed 6 rogues I didn't have to worry about her getting into trouble is at all it was my people who would have to worry.

I went to sleep seeing the clock on my phone say 3.56AM I fell asleep, but woke up just 3 hours later, Sam had slept on the couch along with Cecile, his wife she was worried too for her Luna, my footsteps woke her up, she greeted me and then ran to the kitchen while Sam handed me some files that had come for me through mail.

I decided that Selena need time to cool off, she will come to her senses or at least till her wolf gives her control again, the villagers were heavenly guarded, just incase she turned up,

I got into my formal wear and left to where the villagers were, they were safe, for some of them didn't wish to even come out of their homes, it was understandable since a lot of my people lost their lives to rogues who had no control of them selves, and with Selena not in control right now we were on high alert,

it's been over 24 hours since she shifted which made me even more worried as the minutes turned to hours, a wolf who has shifted for more than a day could have a lot of problems shifting back to human, which made me worry, if she has the same problem how will I get my queen back,

I was disturbed by the pack doctor who had come on her daily routine of checking her patients, seeing me she was concerned, I hadn't got any sleep and it bothered her knowing how much I was suffering,

"Alpha you should take a break, it is not good for your health" she said, her and her husband were good at their job, they have 3 kids together looking down I could see her swollen tummy, I signaled one of the guards to get her a chair as I made her sit,

"the person taking a break should be you doc, what are you doing when your so close to giving birth, let your husband take over for a few weeks, just till the baby comes, your health and the baby's is our priority" I told her as she didn't want to take a break, I growled making her sit down instantly,

"these people are my family I care about them more than me, helping them and seeing the smiles on their face is enough for me" she told now getting up and handing a kid a couple of boxes, at a distance I saw her husband Devin walking towards us, me been mad for making his wife work while pregnant I storm towards him,

"you have no shame making your pregnant wife work do you Devin" I shouted at him, he looked confused at me and then looked above my shoulder to see his wife there, he frowned at her saying,

"I didn't know my wife had come, the last time I checked she promised me she would take a day off, since her delivery was due next week" we both turned and looked at a embarrassed pregnant doctor, she blushed as she knew she was in trouble, I called one of the warriors,

"make sure doctor Quinn gets home safely and stay there, I don't want anyone getting in besides Devin" I ordered as he took her back to their house,

"Alpha do you mind me asking, how is the situation with our Luna" he asked,

"she still hasn't come back home, but she should turn up anytime now" I replied changing the expression on his face,

"if it helps, she would be more comfortable if her mate were to calm her, but if your unable to do so I could supply a drug that should help her calm and leaving her no choice but to shift back" he suggested,

"thanks but I'll call if I need help" with that I left back,

I stared at the clock at the seconds passed, it was 8 now and still nothing from the guards or the patrollers, I was more worried they'd report if they saw her anywhere, but not a single sound form them


found her, she is been cornered by the Warriors, waiting for your arrival,

~End of Book.~

This is where the sample ends my dear readers,

if you wish to read the full 60 chapter book you can find it on Wattpad,

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but this is the end of the road,

thanks for reading,

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have a great year
