What Are You, Lightning McQueen?

But Nate lifted a hand, stopping the hasty apology before it came out. "It's fine," the blue-eyed man declared his tone even. No animosity. "Just bring me the new one when it's done."

Even so, Rudy's hands were visibly shaking. His breath was shallow, like a terrified kid. The plump pizzaiolo almost stumbled and bumped into one of the booths near the kitchen.

Keira didn't know what to say. She could only glance at Wilhem, eating their supposed pizza like a man who hasn't eaten in three days. Then, she turned back to Nate. Uncharacteristically silent. They remained like that for a few minutes. Both sipping their respective drinks and lost in their own world. The pizza debacle apparently made things a little awkward now.

Couldn't take it anymore, Keira decided to be the one who asked him. Uncertainly, "Are you upset?"

Nate blinked his electric blue eyes as if breaking from a trance she wasn't invited to. He shrugged, then winced ever so slightly.

"You hurt anywhere else?" Keira interjected. Something tugged at her heart when he grimaced. He reminded her of how the little boy living in the apartment upstairs tried to hold back his tears after scraping his knees.

"Ah, so you care about me now? If only I knew that you'd fall for me the moment I sport a bruise."

There he was. Nate with his untimely jokes. Freely performed every time he wanted to change subjects or avoid answering a question. Keira only knew him for those short moments when he visited the library and broke into her apartment; how could she ever forget that? – ten days ago.

As much as Keira wasn't a person with immense empathy or at least noticed every little thing going on around her, she was good enough to start getting a handle on how to read the man before her.

Some moments later, Rudy came out with another tray of fresh pizza. Dread was the sole emotion displayed on his sweaty face. He opened his mouth, probably with the intent to utter another stream of apology, but no words came through. Keira wondered again how deep Nate's root was here, that a mere inability to serve them a pizza because of an uncouth customer would render Rudy like this. Further proving that Nate might be a thug. Or a mob boss.

"Try it," Nate nudged the pizza, taking a slice from the tray and placing it on the little plate in front of Keira. "Don't listen to what Rudy said. It's not the best pizza in town. It's the best one in this country."

Looking down at it, Keira agreed that it looked terrific. Even the pieces of asparagus there seemed delicious. The mere sight and smell of it made her drool already. She couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "You really like it? What's so special about this?"

"Three things. His pizza dough, made every morning with enough kneading that he got very muscled arms."

True. Despite his protruding beer belly, Rudy's arms were nicely shaped, as though he went to the gym just to train his arms.

Nate cleared his throat, "Did you just space out thinking about Rudy's arms?" Somehow, he sounded jealous. "Because I got two very nice arms for you to ogle right here."

Deadpanned, she quipped, "You have a broken wrist in a splint, Nate."

"Ah! Finally!" The dazzling grin on Nate's annoyingly handsome face brought a realization. She just called him by his first name. She did call him by his first name, but only in her head. Not out loud.

"I mean, Mr–"

"No! I don't want to listen! From now on, you have to call me by my first name. I won't hear anything else if it's not honey. Or sweetheart. Or dear. Whichever you like."

Keira grimaced. "Why do you keep saying that? I'm not your girlfriend."

"Not yet." Nate adamantly said, "But you will be."

She rolled her eyes, not having it. What was wrong with him? Well, there were probably many things wrong with him. Like, losing some screws in his head. Or his impaired vision, hence why he said she was beautiful.

"Anyhow, back to the pizza. The second thing is the toppings. The meat is marvelous and the vegetables are always fresh because he got a good deal with a local farmer. But the sauce is divine."

"What are they?"

Nate smirked. "That's classified, it's a family legacy. I'd tell you but only after we got married."

Things surely escalate fast with Nate around. "Being your girlfriend is the last thing I'd do. Don't ever dream about getting married to me."

"Fine, let's save that particular discussion for later. You should really eat it now. Because I bet you never taste a pizza baked with a wood-fired brick oven, have you."

"Does that make a difference, though?"

He frowned as if she had just uttered the most unbelievable statement he had ever heard. "Of course. See?" Nate pointed to the pizza between them. "The base is not soggy, while the crust is puffy, yet soft and chewy. You'll taste more flavor in the crust, unlike those frozen pizzas you kept in your refrigerator."

"Did you throw that?" Because she couldn't find it when she was looking two nights ago. She'd remember if she ate it.

"It's a week past expiration date. What do you expect me to do?"

"Nothing. I was going to eat it."

Nate grimaced, looking very much like a spoiled, wealthy child who was very picky in eating fresh meals. "I'll restock your fridge tomorrow," he casually announced.

"No." Keira vehemently refused. "Don't you dare break into my apartment again."

He pouted. Leaving the subject there, he picked a slice of the inviting pizza. "Try it."

Keira picked the slice Nate got her and took a decent bite. Flavor exploded on her tongue instantly, and she lifted her eyebrows in surprise as she chewed. "Wow."

"Told you," he said triumphantly. "I knew you'd like it," he murmured, more to himself than to her. The fact that he seemed so satisfied by her enjoyment made her feel strangely touched. She couldn't remember the last time someone cared this much about her opinion of a pizza.

"Tell me something about yourself," the slight grin on his annoyingly handsome face made her sigh.

"Why should I?" Keira didn't want to humor the man who practically kidnapped her. Wait, why didn't she fight to get out of his hold earlier? Oh, right. Because she was worried about him. Why did she care in the first place? Ridiculous.

"Well then–"

"Rudy!" Wilhem's loud call interrupted Nate. The calculating blue eyes came back.

Rudy hastily trotted out of the kitchen. "What can I get for you, sir?"

Wilhem placed a hand over the pizzaiolo's tense shoulders. "So, when are you going to pay me back?"

"Pay you back for what, sir?"

"Hm? Have you gone senile now, old man?" Wilhem clicked his tongue. Disapproving. "You owe me a thousand bucks, remember?

"Mr Wilhem, I already wired you the money last week."

"I don't think so," Wilhem denied, not convincing. "Maybe you should check again, because your name is still on the list in my father's book. You know better than anyone else how dangerous it is to ignore your debt, don't you?"

Rudy's face hardened as he responded through gritted teeth. "I have proof saying I already paid you the money."

"Are you saying what I think it is you're saying? Do I look like someone who'd steal money from a dingy restaurant owner now?"

"That's not what I meant, Mr Wilhem."

"You just accuse me of taking your money, Rudy. If you really wired the money, then I'm sure as hell would give it to my father." Wilhem's doubtful words only made Rudy's face redden in anger. The rude customer even had the nerve to casually pat Rudy's shoulder. "I will give you a week to wire me the money while I try to placate my old man. Sounds good?"

Rudy didn't answer verbally, but his stiff nod and silent glare were enough to sign his understanding. Wilhem left after that. She noticed that he didn't even pay for the pizza and beer.

The sound of chair scraps against the floor made Keira turn to Nate. He pulled some bills from his wallet, leaving them on the table. It was more than three times the price displayed on the board above the booth.

'We're not done eating,' she wanted to say, but the cold in his electric blue eyes returned. His face was devoid of any emotions, and it scared her a little. Nate didn't say anything else as he headed towards the door, intending to leave.

"Mr Wolfe, please don't do anything reckless," Rudy said, stopping Nate before he crossed the door. Keira followed behind him, not wanting to be left in this part of town she had never visited. "It is not worth your time."

Nate looked over his shoulder, much like the cool hero who was about to save the world. "Who are you to judge how I spend my time?"

Rudy gulped, squeaking like a frightened duck. "I- I'm so sorry for this. I'm ashamed that you have to experience this. Please forgive me, sir."

Keira was lost. She didn't know what they were talking about. Did this mean that Nate will go after Wilhem? Was that what Rudy was so afraid of?

"Don't make contact with the Carter family ever again," was all Nate said before he stormed off. Keira hurried to follow him, getting herself inside the blazing red car and buckling her seatbelt. He glanced at her, "You don't mind a drive around the town do you?"

Keira minded. Obviously. But she also couldn't say no. Not when Nate quickly averted his gaze to the road, speeding off through the pretty empty street. "Please tell me you won't chase after him."

But Nate merely grinned, all white teeth. Wolfishly. His electric blue eyes were already locked on the yellow car ahead of them. It must be Wilhem's car. How ridiculous.

"Oh, no…" Keira muttered in horror. "What are you, Lightning McQueen?"

"I prefer Batman, but, if you fancy fast cars so much, who am I to refuse?"

And the blazing red car picked up the speed. Keira wondered if she'd die in a crash with her own kidnapper.