Instant Justice

Keira wasn't sure if she liked Nate's current wolfish grin.

On the one hand, it would mean that she must suffer Nate's arrogance and boastful words about his mad driving skill later.

On the other hand, it would also mean that she got to live after this impromptu street race finished.

Gripping the seatbelt and dashboard in front of her with knuckle-white hands, Keira shot a side glance at the blue-eyed fancy man beside her. "If I end up dead, I'll hunt you for the rest of your life."

Nate, ever so eloquent, turned a hopeful look to her. "Yes, please remain by my side for the rest of my life. Oh, no, please always be with me even in the afterlife."

He even had the audacity to wink at her. What was wrong with this man and his corny pick-up line?

Right after that, the red car blazed through downtown Banoufield and towards the sparse road on the outskirts. If she wasn't mistaken, this would lead them to the industry area near the harbor.

Keira paid a quick look at the speedometer. She never rode a car faster than one hundred miles per hour, but apparently, Nate took up the challenge. He further stepped on the accelerator, pushing the number up to a hundred and sixty.

In no time, they caught up to the yellow sports car. Wilhem, the pizza parlor's rude customer, was Nate's goal. He flashed the headlights, flicking them on and off to get Wilhem's attention.

Then, Nate maneuvered his car until it was speeding right by Wilhem's yellow one. The blue-eyed fancy man rolled down the window on his side, whooping loudly just before he laughed like a maniac. Keira shot a questioning look at him, not that he noticed.

The yellow car's window rolled down, and Wilhem's face was red with anger. "What do you want, bastard?!"

But Nate merely grinned. Not that wolfish one he usually donned when he spewed some suggestive innuendos or that wide one when she agreed to do something for him. She had seen his grin numerous times along those short three days they knew each other.

No. This grin meant a challenge.

"Nate, don't do anything stupid." Keira didn't even care that she used his first name. Neither did he.

"Oh, I'm not the stupid one," he drawled out the words, feeling at ease despite the high velocity of their cars.

Wilhem's face reddened as he glowered. "Crazy bastard!"

The yellow car rumbled louder as it sped off. Nate didn't want to be left behind. Keira was worried that she would really die tonight just because Nate couldn't control the trajectory of his drive.

"Why are you doing this?!" Keira tightened her hold on the seatbelt and dashboard. The fairly long bangs that usually covered the right side of her face were blown away by the wind.

The maniacal laugh quieted, and Nate's grin suddenly was replaced by a grim look.

It would be one hell of a report if she was flying in a helicopter reporting the blazing red and bright yellow sports cars trying to outdo each other as they sped through the empty street. If she uploaded the recording from the helicopter to Ourtube, then it might have gained millions of views and likes.

What happened right now was practically ripped off the Fast and Furious movie. A bloody good entertainment to be watched.

Just not from the passenger seat. Keira felt like her heart had just jumped out of the car a mile ago.

Thankfully for Nate's excellent driving skill – or not, it was what got her in this situation in the first place – they had led the illegal race. Wilhem's bright yellow car was behind them for once. She wouldn't be surprised if she found out that Nate could pass him anytime he liked, but he only wanted to play around with the other reckless driver.

As he suddenly pressed on the brake, Keira swore she'd kill Nate if they died. Marking the smooth asphalt with dark marks from his skidding halt.

The crashing sound she expected was heard. Thank God it was not from the collision of Wilhem's car with them. Rather than colliding with the back of Nate's car, Wilhem had taken a sharp right turn, resulting in his bright yellow car ramming into the sturdy guardrail.

Smoke billowed out of the front, and Keira's heart now pounded with the possibility that she would be arrested by the police as a killer's accomplice. The horror she expressed was not mirrored by Nate.

Nate's face was devoid of any emotion. But she was pretty sure that his electric blue eyes glinted in amusement and satisfaction. He didn't look like the fancy, most annoying patron of the week she had worried over for the last several days.

He opened the door and stepped out of the car without saying anything. Keira followed with her wide, shocked eyes.

Wilhem was already out of his car, furious with his fists balled by his sides. "You want me to kill you?"

Both men stood facing each other. One of them looked ready to murder, while the other was merely glancing at the crashed car.

Being ignored like that only added more fuel to Wilhem's fury. He stomped, approaching Nate with a raised fist. But it didn't collide with Nate's face as he most likely intended.

Nate, as graceful when he maneuvered between the aisles of old books written in Latin several centuries ago, easily dodged Wilhem's attack and went to grab his punch with a right hand. He shoved the rude man until his back was against the side of his wrecked car.

"Son of a bitch, I'll teach you a lesson for messing with me!"

"No." Nate's figure was towering as if his intimidating aura added to his height and broadened his frame. "I'll teach you a lesson."

The repeated words only made Wilhem glare and glower like a thug. Perhaps he was a real thug but dressed fancier in his casual clothes, just like Nate with his fancy suits.

"Bastard! What are you talking about?" Wilhem spat, pushing Nate's shoulders to make more distance between them.

Staggering a little, Nate crowded the rude man again. No, it was more than that. Nate brought his hand around Wilhem's throat, holding him in place as if the other man's struggle meant nothing.

"You extorted money from my friend."

"It's none of your business!" Wilhem said through gritted teeth. "He has to pay! He owes my father money!"

"He already paid. But you spent it all, didn't you?"

"As I said, it's none of your business!"

"No, that's not all you've done. You also dared to interrupt my dinner date."

If he could, Wilhem would probably laugh. Unfortunately, he was struggling to even breathe. Letting a mocking laugh would only mean that he wasted the air he desperately needed.

But that didn't stop him from pulling his lips to show a hint of a smile. Insulting as that was. "Wha- wha' you gonna do?"

Nate snarled, showing the darker side of him Keira didn't know he had. "Me? Oh, I'm so tempted to choke the life out of you."