Who Are You?

Wilhem struggled again, trying to kick Nate with his uncoordinated leg.

"It's easy to make your death look like an accident, as I don't actually need to stage a car crash." His eyes flicked to the evidence.

The bright yellow sports car had rammed right to the guardrail. If the driver had a head wound and died there, the police surely would write it off as a single-car crash.

Nate hummed, looking straight at the red-faced man choked by his right hand. "But I'm too tired to move your lifeless body inside your car again. Let's just say I've warned you not to mess with me or anyone I know again. If your stupid brain couldn't understand, that means no more visits to Rudy or taking his money. Understood?"

Wilhem's only choice was to nod. Else, he would truly die by asphyxiation because Nate didn't intend to release his hold if he continued resisting.

Nate shoved him further to the wrecked car with a sneer before he released his deadly hold and retreated. He didn't waste any more time glancing at Wilhem, who heaved on the street.

The car rumbled, and they left the industry area where no other cars seemed to pass.

Heart still beating rapidly, Keira locked her gaze on the road ahead. Soon they would arrive downtown. It was still pretty far from Keira's place, but it was better than being here with the man who just almost choked someone to death.

"Stop the car."

Nate didn't give any indication that he heard her.

"I said stop the car!"

This time, he muttered, "No." Not even slowing down.

So, Keira took the initiative and pulled out her phone to make a call. In three rings, someone picked up her call.

'Banoufield Emergency Service. What's the exact location of your emergency?' The officer said, only heard by Keira.

"I'm around Mals Avenue and just passing Rent-A-Cup."

'What's your name?'

"Keira Hawkins." At this, Nate glanced sideways at her in question.

'What's the problem?'

"I was shoved inside a car against my will, and the driver refused to stop, so I guess this is kidnapping."

That worked like magic.

Nate stepped on the brake, stopping the car with a screeching sound. Unceremoniously, he snatched her phone and ended the call. "Don't ever do that again."

The coldness in his voice matched well with his blue eyes. It sent shivers down her spine. And Keira hated that it was not the kind of shiver she wanted to experience.

Her hand went to the door, wanting to open it. "Unlock it."


"Unlock the damn door, or I swear I'll call the cops if I see you again."

Growling low, Nate reluctantly unlocked the door for her. Perhaps he saw the tint of fear clouding her eyes. However, as she got out and hurried to get away from the car, the blue-eyed man went after her.

"You can't just leave," he protested.

"I can, and I will," she didn't look back at him.

Suddenly, her hand was wrenched back, held in place by Nate. "I'll take you home."

"I can get home by myself." Keira knew this area. There was a bus stop just around the corner. She only had to walk past that newly opened restaurant where a group of rowdy college girls were having dinner.

"It's not safe out here."


"Says the one who almost killed a man with bare hand."

Nate ignored her sarcastic accusation. "But I didn't kill him."

"You could have."

"But I stopped, didn't I? I know you wouldn't like it."

"What did you say?" Keira frowned, hearing something amiss. "You mean, you'd kill him if I wasn't there? Is that it?"

Nate was silent. Jaws clenched in apparent frustration. She was afraid that that was his only answer.

"So you'd really kill him if I wasn't there?"

The fear came back tenfold.

"I know who Wilhem Carter truly is. He's a vile person. He had it coming."

"Oh, you know him?" Keira hoped he wouldn't notice the shake in her voice. Appearing weaker before an unstable man like Nate would only make it worse for her.

"I know what his family did, and it's not pretty. You saw how Wilhem treated Rudy. Do you think I'll keep silent about that?"

That struck her.

Keira quavered, "Who are you?"

Nate gulped but otherwise did not say anything.

Trembling, she tried to get her hand away from his hold. "Let me go."

"You can't be afraid of me. Please don't be afraid of me," the blue-eyed man insisted.

"Then, give me a reason not to." Keira waited for him. "See, you can't even say anything."

"I won't hurt you. I can't. Never."

"But you'd hurt anyone else?"

"If they deserve it."

"What else did Wilhem do to deserve it, then?" Keira probed deeper. "What did he do that you almost killed him?"

It took almost a full minute before Nate gave in. "Extortion. Fraud. Drug dealing."

"You can call the police."

"They wouldn't help. Most of them are on Carter's payroll."

"How did you know?"

Keira hated that he didn't answer her again.

Because then, it would only mean that he was in the same business with him. That would only explain his broken arm and bruise, aversion to police, and knowledge of Wilhem Carter's crimes. After all, he didn't deny it right away when she asked if he was a thug.

"You're no different from him, aren't you?" Keira hated this. "You're just a thug like Wilhem. You hurt him, almost killing him, and you didn't even blink an eye."

Nate bared his teeth, hands in fists. The tendon in his neck popped when he countered, "I told you, he deserved it. I only do him justice."

"Killing him is not justice."

"It is," Nate slightly raised his voice. "It is when Wilhem won't stop what he was doing if I don't get my hand on him. The police won't because they are just the same, corrupted to their cores as they were. If they can't do justice, then I will."

"What makes you the authority to do justice?"

"I rule over the east side of the country. I can do whatever I want with my territory!"

"Including killing a man?"


"Then we're done here," Keira said quietly. Desperately trying to get his hand away from her. "I don't want to see you again."

"You can't just go. You're mine and I will not let you–"

A resounding slap shut him up.