She's No Snitch

Nate once again cut a corner suddenly into a backstreet that looked like it had hopped straight out of the pages of a comic book or gritty noir film.

She pressed her lips into thin lines but didn't comment. At least, the area looked relatively clean, free of thugs or living proof of urban poverty. She supposed he'd taken her to the classier side of the criminal realm.

They traveled far enough down the street until they reached a series of warehouses, several of which had the eerie look of being abandoned.

Keira could feel her discomfort rising. She sucked a breath as they stopped outside a slate grey building with aged paneling. A single faded blue metal door stuck in front of it rusted at the hinges and some part of its edges.

For his part, Nate looked entirely at ease. He seemed unconcerned, even whistling himself and tapping out a new rhythm on his steering wheel, apparently waiting for something. She hoped it wasn't a gun pointed at their head.