Oh, It’s Definitely Illegal

To put it simply, Mr. Bones sounded precisely like the kind of name Keira didn't want to tangle with. Ever.

She was pretty knowledgeable that mobsters usually stick to a nickname based on their usual torture specialty or killing method. Some articles she found on wiki – oh, the horror – said so. Added with the few trivia she had gathered from some popular TV series and movies.

The thought that Mr. Bones would easily break her bones was enough to send a shiver running down her body. As there was no way that the mysterious person they were meeting used the name Bones for his love of a crime procedural comedy-drama TV series titled 'Bones', right?

Much less because the person Nate wanted to meet had such fascination with that 2001 slapstick comedy film made and set in South Africa. That would be far too ridiculous to think.

Despite her worries, Nate swung himself to full height, giving her a 'ladies first' gesture.