A Country Side Mother vs The Mafia Lord

Keira opened her eyes to a shouting match while being lifted in someone's arms. Jostled.

Startled, she screamed, mirroring the sounds of the other three people. Her eardrums were about to burst, broken until she felt like a deaf person.

She was exaggerating, definitely. But so was her mother.

… her mother?

Keira's eyes widened as she took the situation in.

Nate – also known as the Most Annoying Patron of the Year and self-proclaimed mafia lord – was carrying her in his arms. Holding her tight. He uselessly tried to dodge someone else as they performed repeated smack with their hand on his shoulder.

That someone turned out to be her mother. Freshly – or not so fresh, considering her unusually uncombed hair and rumpled clothes – came from her little hometown of Fallbank, Montana.