A Mom's Wildest Fantasy

Now, safely settled in the fancy Presidential Suit she could never afford by herself - and even if she could, she would never spend the money she saved for months in exchange for a night feeling like a queen – Keira stared at the pretty diamond-like lamps above her.

With hair freshly shampooed and dried, she tried to close her eyes and let sleep claim her. 

Alas, it was not as easy as she thought. 

Flashes of the grotesque ghosts and their knives and claws came back in vivid details behind her closed eyes. Keira gasped, sitting up with chest heaving. 

"They're not real," she whispered, convincing herself. Though not successfully, it seemed. 

Because the next time she fell asleep, her fatigued mind supplied another stark image of her would-be killers. She woke up with a start – her phone chimed a moment later.