You Looks Like Shit

Nate grinned, leading the Hawkins family to the winding yard where the copter was waiting for them.

The mafia lord spread his arms wide, walking backward so he could still face them. "Welcome to Wolfe Air Service!"

Keira wasn't the only one staring open-mouthed at the helicopter specially summoned just to take them on a fifteen minutes walk to the other side of the little town.

Her father stopped on his track, standing still with apparent appreciation clear on his face. By his side, her younger brother's jaw went slack; both hands pulled at his electric blue hair.

If she didn't know any better, Keira would call it ecstatic. But, knowing Ryan's dislike of Nate after he pointed a gun right at him, he was probably jealous and upset at the same time.

Her mother, on the other hand, was quite torn in between.