The Gold Digger

At first, Jenny Hawkins thought what she did with inviting – forcing with an ultimatum – Nathaniel Wolfe would be a good thing. 

She had had enough of Palmer's sneer and hushed words about how an average girl like Keira wasn't good enough for their youngest son, Joshua. Even after a few years, their short relationship was still a side topic in every passing event.

"She thinks her defective daughter is good enough for my Joshua."

That was what Jenny heard when she passed the market and accidentally caught Vallory saying that to her peer.

She stayed silent by then, choosing not to deal with Vallory's arrogance. It wasn't like she wanted Keira to date Joshua anyway.

"Such tragedy, indeed." One of Vallory's peers commented. They were oblivious of Jenny's presence from behind the aisle.

"Do you ever think that perhaps Joshua was bewitched by her?" Yet a different voice.