Who Do I Have to Kill, Boss?

Thankfully, their trip back was smooth.

There was no swindler mechanic. No blood-thirsty ghost hell-bent on killing them. No old lady and thugs as her guardian dogs who wanted their car back.

Keira looked out the window and welcomed the green trees and river on her side. It had been ages since she took a deep breath and felt fresh air rushing in her lungs.

Behind the steering wheel, Nate was humming the song on his radio. "Finally, they play my favorite song!"

She snickered, "You can always play it on your phone, remember?"

"Oh, it's not the same, my dear. There's always this unexplainable and proud feeling when the radio plays your favorite song. It's like the world acknowledges your taste in music. If you know what I mean."

"No, I don't know what you mean," she chuckled. Seeing him happy over such a small thing somehow made her happy too.