How Much Does Angel of Lies Worth to You?

"That was a great play, Miss …."

"Hawkins. Keira Hawkins," she took the offered hand and smiled at the game master. Casey Neumann.

"It's a pleasure to have you here and witness how four gentlemen emptied their pockets and bank account for you."

"Thank you for letting me join, Mr. Neumann."

From behind, she heard Nate clear his throat. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at him.

"May I offer you a drink, Miss Hawkins?"

Keira nodded, moving to follow his lead.

"Ahem!" the self-claimed mafia lord once again announced his presence, not wanting to be left alone. "Offer her a drink?"

Neumann paused and turned slightly. A slight smile on his old face. "Why, yes, of course. We have to celebrate her win. It's a breeze of fresh air, after all."

"Without asking me first?"

"Apologize, Mr. Wolfe. I don't know that I need to ask you first to treat this clever lady a drink. Is she your slave?"