Fire and Lights Out


It was decidedly quite in the car previously used by Nate's incompetent driver.


The sky outside was perfect – not overly sunny, but painted a clear blue that drew her eyes and only made her want to be lazy for a day. She could even imagine how the wind would caress her face, her hair, and how she'd smell the nice cologne of Nate–

Fuck, he wasn't there.


Nathaniel freaking Wolfe was not there in the car with her. Instead, he was marching to the library. Finding what had happened with the basement. Looking whether they should be worried about the hidden room and the locked door that would connect to the maze.


People could find out about all of that and the hidden treasure.

Oh. Shit.

Not that it mattered anyway. The hidden treasure was not hers to begin with. It was not Nate's either.