He’s Still Inside

Reagan Hendrick Library was unusually this crowded.

Sure, they had an occasional influx of visitors, but they consisted of elementary kids with chaperons as loud as megaphone speakers. Furthermore, it only happens once in a while, maybe two or three times a year.

And so, nothing like this had ever happened through all the years of her employment here.

People in uniforms were milling around the library's front yard, in the parking lot. Police and firefighters, water tank with hoses being unrolled. Staff and library patrons watching from the sidewalk.

"Oh, look at what the bastard did," Wilhem goaded from the back seat, leaning forward until his head popped out next to Keira. "We should get there earlier."

She glared, reeling back to get away from him. "Shut up."

"You took too long thinking about it because people are already coming out."

Keira huffed, crossing her arms irritatedly. "If you really can unlock the door, then do it now."