Got Him Killed for A Share of Money

Biting her lip and finger nails, Keira chanted prayers for Nate in the forefront of her mind. 'Please, be safe. Please, be safe. Please, be safe.'

It had been ten minutes since the uniformed police informed her that they would seal the library building due to a gas leak somewhere inside – the basement. Where Nate probably was.

Why did he have to storm there all by himself?

Why couldn't she go with him?

What if he was hurt in the basement, unconscious and helpless?

What if he di–

"I can hear you thinking." Someone said, sitting disgruntledly on the back seat with her, shoulder pressed against the window on his side. "It's fucking annoying."

Keira shot a look at the rude man who just begged Nate with no dignity on the Wolfin Hawks Museum's front yard earlier today. "Shut up."