A One Night Stand Go Wrong, Perhaps?

Cameras flashed in her eyes, blinding with such intensity as they rounded the current president of Leinster Enterprises' Food and Hotel Department.

Not quite something rare to happen, considering Nate was a big shot in the business industry – and yet, he had enough influence to stop them from ever talking about him most of the time. The cause of this crowded reporters, however, was what made it different this time.

For the record, it was not because he suddenly relapsed to sleep around with some A-listers or a rising new model of nude photography magazine. Nor was it due to a new project he got under his sleeve. No, it was nothing like that.

"Mr. Wolfe, what is your relationship status with that girl?"

"Is she your new girlfriend, sir?"

"A one night stand gone wrong, perhaps?"

"Why did you let her do that to you, Mr. Wolfe?"

"Is this trouble in paradise?"

"Why are you doing nothing, sir?"

"Why did she slap you?"