Monosyllabic Reaction

The first thing Nathaniel Wolfe said to Keira Hawkins after pulling a big stunt involving a fake gas leak and fire in her library, without informing her of it to her, was, "What are you doing here?"

His low voice reached her ears, bringing forth a sudden fury previously buried under worry and fear. She had panicked over his well-being, and he just casually sauntered to her, innocently asking 'her' of what she was doing there.

The nerve!

Keira rose to her feet, levelling her eyes to his towering form. "Do I mean so little to you?" She asked, instead.

Nate reeled back, brows knitting as he didn't expect such a question to be uttered out of the blue. "Why are you asking that?"


He was really inconsiderate, she thought to herself.

"Because you clearly think so!" Keira snapped, stomping away with her flat shoes, making heavy thud along the dark alley where she had been hiding from the reporters for almost half an hour.