Insane Offerings

This was how the conversation with Nate had turned into.

"I thought you wanted to uncover the lost treasure with me?" He had wondered, genuinely asking as if he was truly lost with no idea whatsoever.

And this was how Keira reacted with such a shameless question.

"Well, that's what I thought too. Until you decided to lock me inside the car and left me out of your plan and whatever you did back there in the library."


What a massive prick.

"You really don't even think about it do you?" Then Keira stormed out of his car, thankful that he had yet to start driving.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Nate called after her, getting out of the car himself to once again stop her. "Why are you acting like this?"

"Why am I acting– you know what?" Keira took a deep breath to fire off her fury. "I'm done with you!"

"What? Keira!"