Did You Just Propose For Me?

Keira never thought there would be a day representing the word 'awkward' as bad as this one. It was not her intention – really, but circumstance called for it. 

They were still in the penthouse owned by Nate. Gathering in the spacious open space acted as the living room, with the supreme leader of Leinster Enterprises himself – Rick Leinster; and the naughty adoptive son, Nathaniel Wolfe. The ever loyal driver slash assistant, Keith. 

Amongst those three men, Keira was the only female one. Sitting on the edge of her seat, she bit her bottom lip in silent contemplation. What should she do now?

"I heard your library had a fire accident?" Rick asked, starting a conversation because Nate – who usually did that – was not in the mood to do so. Well, considering that he was sagging on his seat, body flat against the back and eyes dropping, looking exhausted. 

It seemed that the lasting effect of her joyous torture still drained his energy.