The market

Sienna felt so happy and free walking in the city. She enjoyed walking thru narrow streets and to see so many different people around. She noticed there was a commotion in the city as lots of merchants come from far away and lots of different tribes come to see the new Tiger King. Sienna get quite an attention when she walked on the street because of her golden blond hair and blue eyes. Most people recognize her as the queen, so they just nodded their heads and let her be.

Sienna went straight to the market. She loved to see this buzzing place. She went to look for the bread, but stalls with fabrics caught her eyes.She could not resist having a look. She was so happy looking at the beautiful silky fabric, imagining stunning dresses in her head, when a manly voice rasped behind her back.

"What are you buying little dove?" the handsome black-haired warrior asked with a seductive smile. He was dressed in black and looked just a bit older than Sienna. His pitch-black sparkling black eyes were pierced into her blue eyes like a hungry wolf on the hunt." His presence looked so similar to the guards Sienna saw this morning. The shiver went down her spine. "How can he call her little?" she thought.She is not that small, even next to his tall frame, it may look like she was. She noticed he was lean with the same steel like disposition as the guards, maybe just a bit more defined. "I would definitely not want to fight with him,"she shivered. She took a deep breath thru her mouth and managed a brave smile trying to look innocent.

"Just some fabrics," she said. The warrior brushed his hand on his long black locks and kept staring at her. "I think you will be looking best in this turqoise blue one,"he said and pointed at the silky fabric." It will go with your beautiful eyes" he added.

Sienna looked at him. "It is very nice, actually my favourite colour, but I have a turqoise blue dress already," she said. "Have a nice day, I need to go now." she smiled and tried to go away from him. He blocked her way. " Don't rush, I can accompany you, I see you are by yourself." he said gently but firmly.

Sienna shivered." I'm sorry, but my mates will be looking for me soon." she blurted.

He looked at her with a cheeky smile, pointed at 2 golden bracelets on her arm and said. "I think that Tiger King is right now with a delegation of my father, the king of the black panther tribe and the Snake King is coming late at the evening. "he said. "So who will be looking for you here little dove?"

Sienna hesitated." Who are you?"

"I'm Black Panther prince, Xander, to your service, " he smiled and put his hand on his heart with a very slight bow.

Sienna felt cornered. Her mates will be not looking for her for sure for at least the next hour or so, and she was not sure how to get rid of him. Is not, that he was not pleasant to talk to or handsome, it was just she felt of sense of danger coming from him. His strong dark eyes were staring at her in such a hungry manner she felt like prey.

"Nice to meet you, prince Xander. I think I will be going back to the castle now," she said." I'm getting tired."

"You did not buy anything yet and is still early morning." he frowned."Did you not sleep well at night little dove?"

Sienna blushed, he was getting kind of personal." That's fine, I can come here another time when I feel better." she nodded.

"Hm, you look quite pale," Xander noted looking at her blushed face which started to lose colour. He knew he scared her and he liked it. He needed to corner his little prey, so he was not letting her go.

"Let me go with you back to the castle, my queen. I would not like something happened to you when you nare not feeling well." Xander offered to accompany her and showed her the way with his hand. The castle was not far, so Sienna went, "He be able to do nothing, there are guards next to the castle everywhere." she thought."I will be safe."Sienna start walking towards the castle thru the narrow streets, Xander walked next to her and kept talking. Sienna was distracted. Finally, they reached the castle and Sienna started to walk on the steps up. Xander suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her to near alley. Sienna shrieked in surprise and Xander put his other hand over her mouth. He hugged her tight like a steel ring. Sienna looked in a horror. There were more warriors of the black panther tribe waiting, all looking so dangerous. Sienna froze and tried to pull Xander's hand off her mouth. He turned her to face him and held her tight. He felt her soft body and he was on the fire. He looked at her pale face. "Don't scream anymore." he said to her firmly." What is this?" she whispered. Xander's lips curled up and he run his finger on her soft cheek, "This means that we are going on the trip together." he said with a wicked grin.

"You would be not able to get me out of the city" Sienna gasped.

"Watch me!"Xander smiled, she was his now. Sienna felt she could not move even a little bit. She could hardly breathe. He was too strong. Xander nodded his head and she felt someone from behind is putting a fabric scarf on her eyes. "Please , no, "She whispered."" If you don't want me to gag you stay quiet," he said to her firmly, "You are mine now."She felt like Xander run his hands down her hands and pushed them behind her back. She felt someone else tie them tightly and gasped in pain."Not so tight."Xander made it a bit loser but firm. Then Sienna felt they were covering her in layers of fabric. She felt the soft fabric brushing over her face as well.

Xander looked at Sienna covered in heavy silky veils. She was not recognizable at all. She looked like a blue veiled figure. Xander nodded in satisfaction. He held her waist tightly. He felt she was trembling involuntarily. He felt like he can possess her and it made him feel good. She could see nothing and was completely dependent on him.

" Now my little dove, be good and walk with me." Xander rasped and Sienna felt his hand tighten around her waist. The warriors were close to them circling the prince and Sienna in the middle." I'm lost!" she thought. "How will Sharchan and Tyrell find me like this."She had to walk in darkness the stairs down, Xander holding her tight, he was careful with her and was lifting her most of the time when walking the stairs.

Then they were walking a long road to the city gate, Sienna had to walk fast with them blindly. Xander was pulling her with his long steps. She breathed rapidly and felt off her balance. She just wished it was a bad dream, but it felt too real. Xander's hand clenched around her waist made her shiver.

The City Gate guard did suspect nothing and let them pass.

"We are already out my dove," Xander leaned to Sienna's head and laughed quietly. Sienna was bewildered but could do nothing. She felt like a dog in a cage. She was also upset at the guards because Tyrell told them to check people's faces when they were leaving. They most likely saw she is a female, so nobody bothered...

Sienna felt desperate and was still led by Xander blindly. She had no choice. She decided she will not provoke him or ask many questions and that she will be nice to him. She needed to keep well till Sharchan and Tyrell will find her.

"Hey!" What you are having there?"She heard the strong tiger voice. It made her heart jump up. She remembered that voice. It sounded very familiar. The hopeful feeling spread around her body. It was Lord Ziran!

Lord Ziran was coming back from his hunt. He was almost near the City Gates when he saw the group of warriors, with one holding tight a female covered in veils. "She must be very pretty if they covered her like this. But no one is more pretty than the queen, so why would they do that. Also, it look like her hands are tied," he studied the veils in his mind. He got curious about what she looked like and come closer. "I better check that out. I'm Lord's Protector after all." he thought and grinned.

"It is just a female I bought. " Xander told him with a smile. "She was a bit stubborn, so I had to take her like this."Xander still clenching the female's waist tight.

Ziran looked at the female, she was covered in blue veils, he could see nothing apart from what he noticed before, but when he came closer he felt familiar with her.He ran his eyes up and down the veiled figure. Then he saw a shining white delicate foot with the gold snake sandal peeking out from a long dress.

Ziran froze." I know this foot, it is the queen!" he thought. In his mind, the memories flashed. He was dancing with the queen complimenting her on her pretty feet in the snake sandals and also how he hold her feet when he was taking these sandals off.

Ziran stared at them. He was sure he could overpower all of them, but he tried nicely first." How much she was? I give you triple." his strong voice echoed in the land. Sienna's heart fluttered with hope.

"Not for sale. She is not pretty. I bought her for breeding only." said Xander, "She is not worth your money, let us pass."

Ziran's face darkened. He came closer to him." I think the queen is the most pretty of all females here!" he laughed and transformed into a huge tiger. Xander passed Sienna to the warrior behind him and transformed into a huge black panther together with all his guards. Only one stayed in human form holding Sienna tightly.

"You should bring more warriors!"Ziran said with wicked laughter. "At least attack me at once, so you don't waste my time."The black panther warriors attacked him, but Ziran was in a bloody rage. His heart was burning to see Sienna captured and to hear them talk so badly about her. He got mad and the black panthers were in lying in pools of blood shortly, he did not kill them, just broke their bones badly, it will take them a few months to get back together. Ziran changed to his man form again and looked for Xander.

Xander lay in the pool of blood. He got broken both legs. His handsome face was scrunched in pain." You will pay for this tiger. My father the black panther king will revenge me! "Ziran looked at him coldly, "I was thinking you will train harder to revenge yourself, but if your daddy must aid you, tell him to find Lord Ziran." I'm looking forward to meeting your father..."He laughed and left him there. The panther delegation will pick them up in a few hours, he smiled bitterly. He wished to kill them, but it will implicate the City.

Ziran turned towards the warrior who held Sienna. "Go help your prince," he ordered him. The warrior saw they had lost and pushed Sienna towards Ziran, she lost her balance and fell, but was caught into a strong embrace before she hit the ground.

"What a pity I swear my allegiance to Tyrell," Ziran thought when he held her. He lifted her over his shoulder how she was and walked with her closer to the city. He did not want her to see what he did to the black panthers. He would not bear it if she got scared of him. When injured panthers were out of sight, Ziran stopped at a little clearing. He put Sienna down from his shoulder and stood her up. "Hold still Sienna," he whispered gently to her. He removed the veils on her head, fabric scarf from her eyes and untied her hands.

Sienna looked at him in a daze. She blinked her eyes to get used to the bright light. Then she looked around and it was just Ziran there. She smiled at him confused."Lord Ziran."She whispered his name. "Where are they?" she asked him worriedly. " Ziran hugged her and held her close." They are gone. It is ok now, my little queen," he looked into her blue eyes and pet her hair. "Thank you for saving me," said Sienna and kissed his cheek. Ziran's lips curled up.