Ziran became Sienna's bodyguard

Ziran stared at Sienna. If she is not a queen, he can claim her for himself right now. But she is a queen, so even though he got a valid claim to her, he needed to become the king first." Have a little rest, my queen," he sat her on the flat rock."Thank you," Sienna murmured and let go of his shoulder.

Ziran looked around. The quiet clearing in the middle of the forest was safe to rest a bit. His heart was on fire. The tiger in him screamed to take Sienna away with him. But he was the Lord Protector. He would not like to take the queen like this. He was proud. He would not be less than her other mates. Ziran sighted. He will wait to become a king first, but he can stay next to her till spring, after he fights the beasts, he will go on the quest for a crown.

Sienna noticed he is thinking and asked him worriedly."Lord Ziran, is everything ok?"

"Yes my queen, we will be going back to the city soon." He picked the blue veils from the ground. "Let me cover you one more time, we need to sneak in to protect your reputation," he said seriously.

Sienna's eyes teared up. "I don't want to wear those again," she protested.

Ziran looked at her firmly."We have nothing else to cover you. I'm responsible for you now, so you do as I say."He said to her in a brutish manner. He was so frustrated he needed to give her up when she was in his hands.

He came to her and help her to stand up. Sienna was quiet, she almost forgot Lord Ziran is a brute. She stood up and did not look at him. Ziran smiled. He made her angry. He looked at her face, she looked so adorable when being angry. Her eyes shone tiger light in them. Her nostrils get wider as she breathed in rapidly and her chest risen. Ziran felt like he wanted to agitate her more. He lifted her chin with his finger and put his face close to her. She averted her eyes and did not look at him. He felt her clench her teeth. He run his cheek next to hers and whispered."I like this, are you provoking me now?" Sienna's eyes flinched at him in shock. Then with a wicked smirk, he took the veil and place it on top of her head, secured it with the headband and it covered her face completely.

Sienna stood quiet, she would not talk to him anymore. She was upset. Ziran finished putting the veils on her. She looked like a fully veiled figure again. He held her hand and pull her."Let's go my queen."She did not bulge. Ziran smiled, he loved her resisting, it was like teasing to him. He knew she could not see thru the veils. He held her waist like he saw the Panther prince before. Sienna felt an iron-hard hand around her waist and shivered. Ziran felt her shiver and his body reacted to her. Why does she have to be so irresistible to him?

He pulled her waist."Let's go. Sienna tried to resist him, but the iron hand just keep lifting her, so she decided to walk. Ziran smiled. "Let's see how long her anger will last." he thought and walk quietly next to her.

Sienna blindly followed him. She got no choice anyway...

When they came to the City Gates, Ziran sat her down at the stones on the side of the gate." Wait here," he said quietly. Sienna was still. Ziran was satisfied. It looked like she is tamed.

Ziran went to the City Gates, glared at the guards angrily and said to them. "Go fetch the Tiger King right away! I have important business with him. The guards looked surprised at him." Yes Lord Ziran!"

Ziran sat next to Sienna. He saw her slouching. She was tired and so hungry. She had enough."You can lean onto me," he said. Sienna let him make her lean on him." Lord Ziran, I'm sorry."She whispered. She did not want to hold the grunge on him. He saved her after all. Ziran smiled." Is ok, I will always forgive you anything. When Tyrell comes just be quiet till we are inside the castle." She nodded and buried her head in his chest.His heart felt elated.

Tyrell already finished the black panther convoy trade deals, when a guard called him to the City Gates," Lord Ziran is waiting for you," he said.

Tyrell lifted his eyebrows in surprise and went with the guard. He respected Ziran and held no grudge toward him after he swear allegiance to him.

Tyrell came to the City Gates and saw Ziran sitting a bit away from the gates on the stones with a covered female. She was leaning on his shoulder. She looked tired. Ziran noticed Tyrell coming and stood up, lifting the female off the ground He hold her in his embrace bridal style and gave her to Tyrell like that "I have a gift for you my king" he said with a wicked smirk. Tyrell smelled a familiar scent. He took the veiled woman into his arms. "Sienna," he thought. He did not even need to remove the veils, to know it is her. He felt his mate bond.

"Don't uncover her yet," said Ziran," Let's go thru the gate first."Tyrell nodded. He needed to protect her reputation."Lord Ziran will carry you on his shoulder, just be patient my love." He put Sienna over Ziran's wide shoulders like a bag and both of them passed the gates as if nothing happened. The guards bowed in front of the king. They assumed Lord Ziran bring a female for himself.

They walked in long strides straight into Tyrell's office. Ziran seated Sienna on the sofa. Tyrell crouched next to her and removed the veils from her reddened face." Tyrell, Ziran saved me"..Sienna embraced his neck.

Tyrrell looked at Ziran" Our queen was taken by Black Panther prince Xander and his warriors." he said."I think you need to protect her better." he scolded him coldly.

"Tyrell's eyes burned in anger" I kill them all for this," he said.

"No need, I have beaten them already," but you need a bodyguard for your queen, as you are so busy with running the city, "Ziran said, "I will be happy to offer you my services," Ziran bowed and his lips curled up.

"It can be my reward," he smirked. Tyrell nod."We are very grateful to you. You are Sienna's bodyguard from now on.

Ziran smiled victoriously. She was in his care now and he will be with her every day. He felt like a cat guarding a canary.

Tyrell looked at Sienna worriedly, "What were you doing outside by yourself?"

" I went to the market, as the guards told me I can go," she looked at him. "They even said that you left me some money to go shopping, "she waved the small red purse in front of his face.

"Tyrell's face went dark. Ziran's face went darker.

"I did not send any guards," Tyrell said., "They must trick you,"

"You did not place our men to quard the queen?"Ziran glanced at Tyrell."They could take her any time. What if someone will take her while she sleeps?" He scolded Tyrell more.

"Well, you are her bodyguard now, so you can arrange the guards as well," said Tyrell, "Find someone you trust, because I do not trust anybody here!"