The golden scorpion

Sarcos went to one of his rooms and got dressed, then he went to his laboratory underground his castle. He took the vile with his poison and started to mix it with other liquids. When he finished he had a little tray with three crystal bottles. He looked satisfied. Then he opened a little wooden box decorated with crystals. Inside it was covered in red velvet and it held a golden scorpion made of golden leaves, it was big like Sarcos's palm and just a few millimetres thin. Sarcos held it in his hand for a while and then he put it back. He inserted the three crystal bottles into the special empty spaces in the chest and went up to have lunch with Sienna carrying the box with him.

Sienna was drying her hair, she had to wash them again because there were rose petals stuck in them. She put on some rose oil and was still deciding which dress to put on when Sarcos came. He looked at her surprised."You are not ready yet?"

Sienna looked at him with a guilty face and shrugged her shoulders."I'm sorry, I'm a bit slow." Sarcos smiled at her and said."No rush, we make it a dinner then."

"Are you going to eat with me?" she asked. "Rather not," he said. "I will go hunt later tonight. "Is there something special you like to eat?" he asked her. "Just fruit and rice," Sienna said, there were different items on her mind than food really.

Sarcos stared at her a bit and then he said. "When you finish I will see you in the garden." Sienna brushed her wet hair. "It will take a while." she sighed.

"Is ok, I wait for you." He nodded. He was very considerate and Sienna liked it. He was trying to be gentle with her, because he noticed she is a bit scared of Sharchan before. He wanted her to trust him fully and rely on him.

"The females are quite slow to get ready," Sarcos thought, It looks like he will still have time to work, on the days she is with him. The picture of her wrapped in the towel was stuck in his mind and he smiled. He went to his office and looked at the papers on his table. He sorted a few letters out and kept looking at the sky from the window. He felt impatient as a boy and laughed at himself. He was waiting for guards to tell him Sienna went to the gardens and he tried hard to do some work while distracted with thoughts about her.

Sienna put on the black dress with golden trinkets and golden sandals. This dress was making her even paler, with her golden hair shining like the sun on the black fabric. She was happy with it. She opened the door and the guard escorted her to the garden. Sarcos was already there. His guards told him straight away as she opened the door, so he just rushed to the corridors to be first.

He sat in the gazebo on the soft pillows. He saw Sienna coming to him in her black dress, the trinkets were swaying gently as she walked, making her look like a beautiful illusion. Her golden hair framed her face shining on the black fabric of the dress. She looked so enchanting, Sarcos caught himself staring." I'm losing my mind." he sighed to himself. He needed to mate with her till he would become totally fool like Tyrell. He noticed how much Tyrell changed from the times he met him as a ruthless Lord Protector and started to understand him better now. Sienna sat next to Sarcos and ate some rice with fruits while chatting with him. He stared into her eyes and listened to her voice like a calming song. It started to mesmerize him. He felt the scorpion in him, wanting her so badly. He clenched his hands under the cushions and shook his head to wake up from his daze. Then he looked at Sienna and pulled her into his embrace. She finished eating already a long time ago and she just nibbled some fruits and relaxed next to him. Sarcos felt he is getting hot and his mind is turning foggy. The sky started to turn dark. Sarcos felt the hot night air is making him wild. Sienna stretched in his arms and breathe in the warm night air. It smelled of flowers, making her intoxicated. She loved this smell. Her eyes glistened like that of a hungry tiger and she looked at Sarcos. He caught her glance and smiled. She wanted him."Come, Sienna." Sarcos's lips touched her shoulder. "I want to be alone with you." He helped her to get up and held her waist. Her body felt hot. Sienna smiled in a daze and followed him. Her hand held his hand and it felt like they are joined together."It must be the night," Sienna thought. "It is making me crazy. I just want him so much." she sighed in her mind. He took her to another room, just next door to the one she slept in. "I have this bedroom made today," Sarcos said, "Just for you, "Sienna looked around. It was having an even bigger bed than in Sarcos's room, and the whole round bed was covered in turqoise velvet and silk. The lanterns hanging from the ceiling were in turquoise, gold, and pink, with purple lines. This room was definitely more girly. "My favourite colour," Sienna smiled. "Yes, do you like it?" Sarcos asked squeezing her hand. Sienna nodded and kissed his cheek.

Sarcos held her waist and stood with her in front of the big mirror. She looked at him through the mirror and he stared at her. She was so white, next to his tanned skin. Sienna was not petite, but next to Sarcos she looked small, he was like two meters tall and had wide muscular shoulders. Sienna smiled at him. She felt the butterflies in her stomach when she looked at his handsome face. He was very gentle with her. Sienna felt happy he is so nice to her. She leaned back on him and he bend a bit to kiss her neck. "I want to have you, Sienna," he rasped into her ear."Let's mate."Sienna turned to him with wide eyes."You do want to have me like now?" Sarcos nodded."But there is something I need to do first. I will need to get you an antidote to my poison." Sienna nodded.

"Because I'm a king, I made you a special antidote to my poison and all the others I know. I will seal it behind my mark." Sienna looked at him curiously. Sarcos smiled at her with his dark eyes glittering. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes," Sienna nodded.

"It does hurt a little, but I will do it gently as possible." He looked at her. Sienna nodded again. She was a bit shaken, but she decided already, that she wanted him.

Sarcos took Sienna gently to the bed, he lay her on her belly and opened her dress at the back. "Lay still," he smiled at her and ran his hand over her back.

Sienna looked at him with a bit of worry."You are not changing into a big scorpion, yes?"

"No, "he smiled and shook his head. "What a funny question," he thought, then the picture ran through his head and he furrowed his brows."Did Sharchan change into a snake?"

"Yes, but I told him, I only mate in human form," Sienna got it off her chest. Sarcos smiled."You are so cute. Have no worries, I will be next to you only in my human form. I will put the antidote on you, seal it with my mark and then I have you my way, it has to be done together. After you have my mark sealed, we can do anything you want to do as well," he smiled. Sienna blushed. He is so straightforward. But she liked it, at least she knew what is on his mind. Sienna relaxed and buried her head into the soft cushions. Sarcos went to the table and opened his wooden box. He mixed the content of a few crystal bottles together. Then he picked up a golden scorpion made from golden leaves and placed it flat on his palm. Then he went to Sienna.

He kissed her neck slowly and continued down her back. Her skin felt smooth and hot. He looked at her pale skin and at the golden scorpion in his hand. Then he told her in rasped voice. "It will feel hot, it is the antidote."Sarcos dropped a scorching hot liquid on Sienna's back and pressed something cooling on top of it. It was the golden scorpion. It stuck to Sienna's back like a sticker. Then he lay down on top of her and thrust inside of her strongly. Sienna felt her back on the fire and gasped. Sarcos held her down with his hand, another one was on his scorpion mark and kissed her neck. She felt him strong inside of her. It was like she was consumed by pain and pleasure at the same time. Sienna stretched her arms and lifted her head."What is it?" She moaned. "It is the antidote and my scorpion mark, it will be on your lower back," he rasped. Sienna let her head fall back into the pillows. The fire and pain subdued and she felt pleasure in her body only now. Sarcos kissed her neck and run his fingers on the golden scorpion mark on her lower back. It sunk inside her skin the same way as the snake and tiger bracelets and it looked like a golden tattoo. "It is all set now. You will be immune to all poisons from now on." He rasped and keep thrusting into her body even more strongly. Sienna felt dizzy, she longed for him to kiss her too, but she let him do what he wanted first. She felt like he is taming her with his strong touch. Her body felt like it lost all its strength and she was just laying there for his pleasure. She breathed deeply and felt Sarcos's hands gliding around her body. He was really passionate and she felt her body crave him a lot. She felt like in a dream. The one you can't move and just have to watch what is going around you. Sienna just closed her eyes and enjoyed feeling him inside of her. The time stopped and Sienna smiled in her head. Sarcos really made her feel good. After a while, he turned her to the other side and kissed her fiercely. Sienna put her hands around his neck and wrapped her legs around his hips. "Sarcos," she smiled. "I love you Sienna." he kissed her. "I love you too."Sienna smiled and kissed him back. After Sienna felt so tired, she just put her head on Sarcos's shoulder and fell asleep.

A small falcon with a golden scorpion necklace landed on Tyrell's office window. Tyrell was buried in his papers with a serious face. He was using this time to work through the trade deals. He noticed the trained bird of prey and sighed. He stood up and untied the note from the falcon's leg. The small picture of the golden scorpion on a white silk fabric square unravelled in his palm. Tyrell stared at it with a painful expression in his eyes. "The queen is officially Sarcos's as well!" Tyrell sighed again and went to find Magnus. "Get everything ready. Sarcos will bring Sienna in two days to the city." Tyrell sighted. He felt his heart heavy. Magnus opened his mouth in aww, "Sarcos, The Scorpion King?" Tyrell glared at Magnus, "Yes, I will do the blood brother ceremony in the arena."