Lounging around

The next morning Sienna woke up a bit broken. She felt her body was all heavy. She opened her eyes and stared at Sarcos's handsome face. He still looked sleeping, breathing deeply. He looked so innocent, that Sienna had to smile. His handsome face was so alluring to touch. She reached her hand and ran her finger on his cheek. This is her third mate. She had to blush. How does it come to this? She was not even a month in this world and already had three mates. Well, Sharchan and Tyrell she had to take, she could not let them both die. Besides, Sharchan was so handsome and Tyrell was her sweetheart. Sarcos was a mystery by itself. He was fearless and strong but with a terrible reputation. How is that so? He was so caring to her. Sienna was quite surprised by herself, she can be actually in love with all of them. She smiled cheekily. She ran her hand on Sarcos's naked ripped chest. It was hard as a stone. She sighed. He was irresistible.

She decided to get out of bed and get ready for the day. She rolled around and went to stand up when she splattered on the floor. It looked like her legs did not want to listen to her. She sat on the floor with furrowed brows."What is going on? Did he take her so hard she literally can't walk?"She looked at the bed to pull herself up when Sarcos's smiling face come into her view. He was stretched over the bed watching her with curled lips. He reached down and pulled her back to the bed, the way one saves a drowning puppy. Sienna looked at him with a horrified expression. "I can't use my legs."She whispered. "It is the antidote," Sarcos smiled, "You will be feeling a bit tired today, but tomorrow you be fine." he hugged her tight to his chest. Sienna cuddled up to him. "What I'm supposed to do like this?"

"Nothing, just rest. I will keep you company." he smiled at her.

"I like to go to the bathroom and have a bath, "she said.

"I will help you with everything today," he said and got up. Sienna hugged the silky pillow and stared at him. He looked like a beautiful statue with his tanned skin and muscular body.

Sarcos went to the bathroom first. He come to the big mirror and looked into his own eyes. The scorpion engulfed in flames was hiding in the reflection."We have a mate now."Sarcos smiled. Then he clenched his fist."No, you stay inside, I'm the one with her now." He said to the scorpion within him.

Sarcos went out shortly with a towel around his waist. His long black hair were wet and he looked so alluring. "How can he be a scorpion as well?"Sienna thought looking at his handsome face almost breathless.

Sienna tried to sit down, but her body felt like frozen metal, it was heavy and numb. Sarcos looked at her and picked her up." I made you a hot herbal bath," he smiled and took her to the bathroom. Sienna nodded and let Sarcos put her into hot water. It had some herbs and rose petals floating around and it smelled sweet." It is lovely," she smiled. "What did you put inside? "

"It is my secret." He said.

"What kind of cosmetics can you make Sarcos?"She asked him curiously.

"Anything you want."He said.

"I like face cream, shampoo, body cream, soap and lip-balm to start with, would it be ok?" she looked at him with hope in her eyes and counted it on her fingers looking so cute.

"You are my queen."Sarcos smiled gently and held her hand, kissing the fingers she counted with." I can give you anything you want." he smiled and caressed her cheek in his palm.

Sienna looked at him with an excited face. He is so amazing. Who knew she actually missed Sarcos so much in her new life. Someone, who can see her as a woman with certain needs. Someone who understands her passion for cosmetics. Well, in his case maybe he was more interested in poisons and weapons, but Sienna's heart fluttered like crazy. She will not miss anything anymore. She relaxed her face in his hand and kissed his palm." You are so nice to me." she smiled sweetly.

Sarcos looked at her with a satisfied face."Let me help you to wash your back."Sienna looked at him with a question on her face. Sarcos picked a pink glass jar." I have a sugar scrub, with a strawberry scent," he put the jar under her nose with a cheeky smile and seductive look. Almost like luring her in. Sienna smelled the sweetness of it and her heart jumped up."Aaa yes, that is amazing. Yes, please."She was so excited to have some cosmetics after a long time in the wilderness, it felt like a miracle to her. She almost felt like she is going to cry. Sarcos smiled under his nose. It looked like his queen will be held on strings by attention and cosmetics. He scrubbed her back gently."What about some blueberry soap?" He whispered in her ear, opening his palm with a blue fruity-scented bar. It was so entertaining for him to see her cute reactions, he wanted to tease her more. Sienna reached it with her hand in awe to take it. Sarcos put his hand up from her reach." Let me do it. "he said cheekily. Sienna really wanted some soap on her body, so she just surrendered with long sight. She closed her eyes and let him do it. Sarcos smiled victoriously.

Sarcos washed her hair and body slowly, it look like he is really enjoying it. Then he covered her in the big towel and brought her back to bed. Sienna felt so much better after that bath. He must put some medicated herbs in it as well. Sarcos started drying her hair and putting some perfumed water in it. It looked like he got actually most of the things she wanted ready anyway.

"What else do you do in your laboratory?"Sienna asked staring at the mirror in distance.

"Potions, poison experiments, explosives, weapons, fireworks," he said nonchalantly while brushing her soft hair...

Sienna opened her eyes wide. "You even know the gun powder? "She asked.

"Yes, but I do not give it away, is too dangerous." He said calmly.

"You are right," Sienna sighted."It did not turn up well in my world."

"I know," he said and arranged her soft golden hair back on her shoulders.

"You do? "She opened her eyes widely.

"Will tell you sometimes about it. Come eat now." He put the bowl of fruits and sweet rice in front of her. The sweet rice had fruits and raisins in it, it looked and tasted like some kind of cooling cake, but Sienna liked it.

"What do you eat Sarcos?" she asked him." You never eat with me and I saw you have some fruits around at all times."

"The fruits are for you," he said. "I hunt like the rest of the warriors. I want to keep my strength up. Besides, everyone eats in their animal form here. You can eat far more, which is good for muscle power."

Sienna smiled sweetly and touched his hard biceps with a blink. Then she chuckled."Good." Another mate who did not care for cooking...Sienna felt so happy in this world.

After Sienna finished her food, Sarcos helped her to dress. He brought for her a light pink tunic, with golden ropes appliqué and white embroidered roses.

"Let's have a stroll in the gardens," he said. Sienna clenched onto his arm and did a few steps, but felt exhausted." Have no worries," he smiled, "I will carry you." Sienna's face blushed."You carry me all the way there?"

" Yes, I carry you there, and for a walk, " he smiled. "Or would you like a horse? "He asked her.

"You have horses here in a castle?"Sienna cried out in excitement.

"Yes, the best desert horses in the land."Sarcos nodded, happy he caught her interest.

Sienna so felt excited, she wanted to jump out of her tired body and run. "Can we see them please? "

Sarcos smiled."I will bring you one for the walk; we go visit the stables when you feel better."

Sienna was so ecstatic; there were so many things to see in Sarcos's castle.

Sarcos took Sienna to the gardens and sat her on a carved wooden bench. "Wait here for me."Then he came back shortly with a beautiful white gentle-looking horse with a long curly white mane. Sienna figured it was a mare, she was elegant and walked gracefully, almost like dancing. She had pink nostrils and her fur had a pearlescent shine about it. She reminded her of delicate Arabian horses. Sienna fell in love immediately."What is her name? "She asked him."Sunshine." Sarcos replied."How beautiful," Sienna smiled in a daze, staring at the dreamy horse. Sarcos lifted Sienna up into the decorated white saddle and held the reigns with the white tassels," We stroll, and you tell me if you are dizzy." he said. Sienna nodded and her heart was melting. Sarcos was so caring it made her really emotional. Sarcos smiled, he could see Sienna is appreciating everything he showed her. He felt she started to trust him.