The race with the king

The next day Sienna woke up fresh like nothing happened, though she remembered she fall asleep in her dress and now she wore a silky nightgown. Sarcos must change her clothes, she thought. She got ready and went to find Sarcos. She was a bit worried as he looked a bit cold and angry at the night, but her memories were quite blurry. She just remembered the feeling. She dressed in a silky ivory dress, it was going well with her pale skin and made her look so innocent. She had to try to seduce him again, she hoped he will still like her.

She opened the door of her room, and two guards looked at her. Sienna stood in shock to see huge scary Leander and nice Sid standing there."Good morning queen Sienna."They bowed slightly. "The King is in his laboratory. Would you like us to escort you?"Sienna nodded. "Let me carry you then," said Sid." You carried the queen already!" said Leander."It is my turn now."Sienna gasped and looked at Sid."He frowned his face and pointed to Leander. He could not argue with this guy as he was the strongest warrior apart from the king and Sienna got the hint."Ok, Leander then carries me. She nodded. Leander smiled victoriously. He picked Sienna like the feather in his arms and they both strode fast thru the corridors all the way down the huge stairs. Sienna was getting dizzy again, but she saw it would take her ages to walk all this.

Leander put her down reluctantly when they arrived at the big metal door at the base of the castle. He knocked on it loudly and waited. The Scorpion warrior from inside opened it and led them down the huge staircase. Sienna looked around. The ceilings were very high and the walls were from roughly worked stones. They passed a few rooms, which had weapons in them, and lots of vials and they led her to the room which emitted a sweet scent.

Sienna stood at the door and saw Sarcos in black silky trousers mixing something over the fire. His chest was bare and his muscles moved gently. His eyes were concentrated on his work. The guards waited at the door. Sienna waited too and stared in a daze. Sarcos finished his mixture and poured it into small containers. Then he picked up a towel and dried his hands clean. He lifted his eyes to Sienna and smiled. Sienna felt a huge stone fall from her heart. She was worried she upset him. She looked at him with wide eyes as he came close to her and pointed the guards away. He gazed into her eyes and held her by the waist. He led her to a small cushion seating area and sat down, pushing Sienna next to him into the cushions. He hugged her tightly and pressed her head on his chest. He sat like that motionlessly for some time and Sienna felt his heart beating loud in the quietness. She hardly dared to breathe. After some time Sarcos lifted her chin slightly and looked into her eyes. He kissed her slowly on her trembling lips. Sienna really did not know what to expect."I love you so much, Sienna." He said. "I love you too."Sienna whispered."Please don't be upset with me because of yesterday night." She asked him."Sarcos furrowed his brows, "I'm sorry Sienna, please forget all about it. Just be happy with me."Sienna nodded and smiled sweetly at him. Then she burrowed her head in his chest and held him tight. Sarcos felt her heart pounding."She must be scared." he thought."I need to be more gentle around her." he sighed. "Come I will show you something. "He broke the embrace and led Sienna to the table.

He pointed at the pots which were solidifying with pink and pearly liquids. "I made you some things you might like. "He smiled at her.

Sienna was ecstatic, he was actually making things for her. "Everything you asked for," he pointed at the table. Sienna gave him a long kiss."Thank you so much."She smiled at him. Sarcos held her tight. I told you you will not miss anything with me." Sarcos just wanted to spoil her because she would be with him just a week from every month.

"Come, it still has to harden up. I want to take you to the city today. We have fights in the arena planned. I need to introduce you to my people." he smiled at her. Sienna nodded. She was excited to go to the city.

Sarcos and Sienna went out of the castle. Leander, Sid and a few other warriors were following them to the arena, when Voltoire descended to the street straight in front of them and changed into his human happy himself."Voltoire!"Sienna smiled."So nice to see you." "I have a letter for the king."The Voltoire bowed. Sarcos took the letter and nodded."Feel free to join the festivities."He said to Voltoire. As they walked to the arena, the scorpions bowed to the king as he passed, it seem they have huge respect for their king.

At the entrance of the arena, the young warrior with fire like hair was waiting. It was the same who took Sienna from the Oasis. Sienna smiled and waved to him. He was nice to her and respectful, so she did not hold any grudge for taking her. Sarcos pointed at him, "His name is Rem. He became my right-hand man after he brought you. He was the most persistent of my men. He actually never left the Oasis from the day I gave the challenge to the warriors." Sienna nodded. "Yes, he looks capable." Rem bowed to the king lightly and was following them to the king's balcony in the stone arena. The arena was full of people and they cheered when the king took his place. Then Sarcos lifted his hand to the people and everyone stood quiet."Greetings to my people, may you be prosperous for our kingdom and your deeds be successful, the hunts plentiful and descendants many."Sarcos lifted Sienna's hand. "This is my new queen. Her name is Sienna, she got blue eyes and golden hair, so everyone will recognize her from now on," he said in a loud booming voice. Then he turned Sienna back, so everyone saw his mark on Sienna's lower back. The golden scorpion glittered in the sun. The scorpions cheered. "She is also Snake and Tiger queen, so we are in brother alliance with this nations. You would be able to go visit, trade and live in Crystal City, Snake City and tiger and snake tribes freely from now on. You be able to court the females there too, but you are not allowed to kidnap them. You can join them or bring them here" Sarcos said. The Scorpions got excited.

Sarcos seated Sienna down and turned to her." I'm going to join the race." said Sarcos." I think I have a special opponent waiting for me." he laughed darkly and planted a kiss on Sienna's lips. Then he slipped his hand under her dress and caressed her thighs lightly."What are you doing?" Sienna whispered blushing."We are on public." Sarcos smirked at her and left. Rem and Sid stood next to her . Leander followed with the king.

On the way to his chariot, Sarcos noticed a gaze. "You are waiting for me, how nice." He came to the tall burly tiger warrior who was staring at him. "Lord Ziran." Sarcos smiled. "As you see the queen is whole in one piece. She looks happy, no?"

Ziran nodded. He cringed his nose in anger because Sarcos smelled of Sienna so strong, it was driving him mad." Ziran tried to compose himself. "I got your challenge king Sarcos."

Sarcos nodded, "I made deal with king Saharchan and Tyrell, that is why you could enter the city. Sarcos looked at him with a curious gaze."Thank you for taking good care of the queen." Ziran said. Sarcos could see his stare eased." Here is your dagger."Sarcos gave the dagger to Ziran." How did you get Darren to do your bidding?"He looked at him sharply."

"I saved his mother once, so he gave me a favour."Ziran shrugged his shoulders.

"And you used it on me."Sarcos smiled wickedly.

"Yes," said Ziran, "I would do anything for the queen."

"Well, the queen like me, so better we go well together, no?You don't want her to be sad, do you?" Sarcos asked him with a dangerously soft voice.

Ziran looked at him knowingly, "That is why you made deal with Tyrell and Sharchan?" Sarcos nodded."For the sweet smile on her face...which can move the mountains."He smiled. Ziran nodded and stared into his face."What does this king want for him?"

"The queen asked me not to hold the grudge against you, so that is why I'm inviting you for a horse race . As a king it be not fair to race with mere warriors, but with Lord Protector it is acceptable."Sarcos smiled. "It will be a fighting race. I want to see your skills."

Ziran nodded. If he can survive the race, he got Sarcos off his shoulders.

"You can choose any from my chariots," Sarcos said, "Come, I let you choose first." Ziran nodded and went with him. Leander followed closely and his eyes were shooting daggers. This tiger almost got them all killed!

Ziran picked wooden copper coloured charrriot, the most simple one the king had , but also the most robust one. He guessed, he will need it stable for the fight.He knew the king is much stronger then him, so he need something sturdy to stand on. Sarcos picked his favourite chariot covered in gold. He was the king and had to show off in front of the queen and his people. His chariot was covered in gold Scorpions . After that, they choose the horses and got dressed for racing. Ziran was quiet and king was watching him.He knew Ziran despised him for getting Sienna.He could not hide his jelausy well.

The horns sounded and the king entered the arena together with Ziran. Sarcos's golden chariot was pulled by two black horses with shiny manes. He looked so kingly that Sienna gasped. Sarcos was like an Egyptian king from the books she read; brave, fearless, ruthless and strong, but also mysterious, intelligent and caring.

Lord Ziran had his copper chariot pulled by brown strong horses.The tiger was burly and he preferred a strong base. He was a brutal fighter and his choices represented him well.He looked like wild beast broken free from a cage.He rode around the arena behind the king with a brutish smirk.His eyes fixed at Sienna.

After one round the king lifted his hand again."A friendly race," the king announced, "to celebrate our alliance with the Tiger nation. The Lord Protector of the Crystal City and Northern Tiger City joined us today. The legendary Lord Ziran will show us his racing and fighting skills." the king smiled. Ziran nodded, "Long life to the King."Ziran said in loud voice. The scorpions cheered- apart from these Ziran got almost killed. Ziran guessed he be half dead when the king will finish with him, but the queen was watching and Ziran knew he need to show his best just for her.

Sienna noticed Ziran gaze and smiled gently. She knew this race will be fierce, the king decided to make it like a show of fight while racing. Sienna also knew Sarcos will make Ziran go to the ends of his strength and endurance. Hopefully, Sarcos will not kill him by accident, it was all in Ziran's hands if he survives.

Sarcos and Ziran lined next to each other.Then the signal trumpet sounded in the air and they both sprang their horses , the chariots were almost flying in the soft sand. The king's chariot was lighter, but the king did not rush to be first. It looked like he is waiting for Ziran to catch up a bit.Sarcos and Ziran drew their whips and started to attack each other while racing. "I will make him a few extra tiger stripes."Sarcos smiled wickedly and lashed Ziran over his chest. Ziran's whip could not hurt Sarcos at all, because his skin was hard as armour while in fights. Sarcos caught Ziran's leg with his whip and pulled him out of the copper chariot, he let him to drag behind his golden chariot a bit till Ziran managed to draw his dagger and cut the whip lose. He cath the end and tried to pull Sarcos down from his chariot too, but Sarcos was stronger and whipped the tiger in the air.Ziran changed to his tiger form and landed on all four.Then he chased after his chariot and jump back on it, changing to human form and continuing the race as nothing happened.Sarcos smiled wickedly and let him to catch up. They both drew the sword almost at the same time and started to fight at the high speed. Sarcos and Ziran balanced at the edges of their chariots and fought. Sarcos eyes were gleaming fires, he felt so happy he could fight like this, finaly someone to vent on a bit.Sure he could not kill him in front of Sienna, but this made him feel good. He will show him to send a fire dragon in his way.Sarcos was laughing wickedly and was playing with Ziran, making it difficult for him.Ziran felt Sarcos speed is hard to match, he seem invisible at the times and Ziran had to increase his fighting speed many times over.Sarcos even managed to cut him few times, what never happed to Ziran and it made his blood boil. He knew Sarcos is stronger than even Sharchan and he did his best. If Sarcos will keep at this pace Ziran will be dead just from overheating. Ziran even though he was really good, could not match Sarcos.Ziran tried to get rid of the Sarcos's sword, so they change the fight to something else.Sarcos noticed the tiger is getting desperate and threw Ziran's sword out of his hand with his whip for a change. He is the one in charge.Ziran gave him a look and Sarcos nodded knowingly and attacked Ziran with his whip.Ziran took the whip as well, and they fought so fast, that they get their chariots tangled. Then Ziran's chariot was about to turn on the side, so Ziran cut of the horses lose and was dragged behing by Sarcos's chariot. Sarcos was dragging Ziran's charriot behind him. Ziran started to pull the whipp, so he can pull his chariot closer to Sarcos's and he let him till they come to the finish line. Then Sarcos took his sword and cut Ziran lose.He landed with loud crush and the king passed the finish line with loud cheering from the scorpions. Sarcos arrived in front in all his kingly glory and Ziran come back walking covered in blood.Sienna was relieved.At least Ziran is alive.He sat on the edge of the arena and had some water. Sarcos jumped off his chariot and came to him."Well done Lord Ziran you still look good. So, as an extra honour, you can showcase your sword fighting skills with my best warrior Leander in the next round."

"Thank you king Sarcos," said Ziran. He got the king of his neck.Fighting with Leander will be nothing for him.