
Sienna looked around the arena seats. She saw a few females sitting there. They were heavily surrounded by warriors and wore light linen dresses with golden embroidery. They had beautiful tanned skin and long black hair. Their eyes were painted with heavy lines and metallic paints. Some wore golden lipstick and decorative tattoos on their faces, just around their eyes. They looked a bit exotic to Sienna. They were pretty and looked very similar to each other. Only a few of them had slightly different facial features and Sienna guessed they must be from other tribes. "Were they taken by force or bought?" Sienna asked in her mind. They got long dark brown hair in the elegant half updo. They all wore long golden earrings and their necks were covered in gold necklaces. They got gold on their arms and feet as well."That must be heavy."Sienna was thinking. Rem noticed her gaze and explained. Most females are from Scorpion tribes, the ones with gold paint on the lips. The rest is from different tribes, mostly taken like you or bought from Ape Prince. "Why are they so guarded?"Sienna asked."Precaution." Rem said ."King ordered it to minimize any fights breaking out in spectators' seats, only because of you. Normally we find it entertaining when fights for females broke out in the arena. Some females even carry little flowers, to show their favours."

Sienna nodded..."And why do they have to wear so much gold, are they not hot?"

"More gold means their mates are rich and take good care of them," Rem explained to Sienna. She nodded."I'm happy I do not need to carry so much with me. I do not need so much gold."

Rem smiled, "You are triple queen, everyone knows you are rich, so you can walk how you want to."

"Tell me, Rem, what challenge it was King gave you?"Rem looked at her."He ordered a permanent warrior ambush and also gave a challenge to those who wanted to join of free will. Whoever will bring you will be his right hand. Lots of warriors went, but they got bored of waiting, so only the ambush and I stayed there. But the ambush ones were on the other side of the lake, so I was the one to get you. I was the fastest."He smiled. Sienna nodded."Well, I'm happy to have your king as a mate. He is amazing."She smiled.

"I hope you are talking about me." Sarcos hugged her from behind."Of course, I do..."Sienna smiled."The race was thrilling. You looked so handsome and you fought so well. I will never tire of watching you. I could feel my heart beating crazy for you."Sienna smiled seductively at the king.

"What about Lord Ziran?" asked Sarcos curiously.

"Well, he looked brutish like always but thank you for letting him live."Sienna smiled sweetly.

"He will fight Leander now. Are you not worried?"Sarcos added.

"No," Sienna said, "I will be worried if he fights against you."She smiled and leaned on his shoulder. Sarcos was satisfied. Sienna loved him. He was glad he did not kill Ziran as he would hate to see her sad.

Sienna cuddled up to him and kissed his lips. Then everyone just stared at them. Sienna looked at Sarcos, "Is something wrong?"

"No," Sarcos shook his head, "Normally Scorpion females don't initiate the kiss in public, but you are my queen so you can do anything!" he kissed her back on which everybody just turned their heads and stopped staring.

"Watch!" said Sarcos they are coming out now.

"The friendly fight between Lord Ziran and Leander, our strongest warrior," the scorpion game maker announced."It is a friendly fight again, so no killing."He reminded them.

"Ha, accidents may happen!" said Leander who was the same huge size as Ziran." Finally someone my size," he smirked, "This will be fun."

"Let me entertain you then, "said Ziran brutishly. He has refreshed and he was full of energy again. He was going to beat Leander to mush. He could feel Leander don't like him, and that made his soul sing. Finally, he can show off before his queen again! Ziran knew he can overpower Leander and Leander was not as fast as the king, they were better matched, almost evenly strong, but Ziran was faster this time. Sienna watched them draw their swords and collide in a fight. She squeezed Sarcos's hand tightly. He looked at her with interest." Do you love Ziran?" he asked her."Not yet."Sienna said," I just like him as a friend and I'm grateful he saved me before. He put his life on the line for me and that deserves respect," she said.

Sarcos nodded. It looked like Ziran have a door to the queen's heart still open. Well, maybe he can manage to close them.

Ziran and Leander were ending their fight. Leander was getting slower and Ziran managed to subdue him. He held the sword at his neck. Leander wished he was dead for real, he was never so humiliated in front of so many people and his king. The scorpions' boo on Leander. How can their strongest warrior be defeated? Sarcos stand up and clapped his hands."Well done Lord Ziran and to show everyone it is not just your luck today, I will send another 30 warriors to fight you right now, to showcase your skills!"

Sienna looked at Sarcos" Are you trying to kill him?"

"No, just watch," Sarcos said, "Ziran is about to level up his skills, I'm actually helping him."

Ziran looked at Sienna and she smiled at him holding her hands on her heart. Ziran stopped feeling tired and felt a new line of energy. His heart was singing. He will show Sarcos he is strong for his queen. He quickly drank some more water and wiped his forehead, when new 30 warriors stood around him. "This time fight with hands." Game maker announced. Ziran felt he is getting hot. He looked at the warriors and it seems his tiger was getting stronger, but he could not change the form in this fight. "Come on, Lord Ziran, stop staring at our queen," one of the warriors provoked him. "She belongs to our king now. Too bad..." this was one of the soldiers Ziran's dragon friend attacked and they personally asked the king to fight Ziran to get some form of revenge on him.

Sarcos knew they were not strong as Ziran, but he let them have their revenge fight. It would be fun to watch.

Ziran imagined Sienna under Sarcos and his eyes turned red. He will be not provoked like this. How dare these low warriors are to even mention his queen? "She was taken and she did not have a choice really. It was just a coincidence, she actually liked Sarcos. "Ziran thought and got really angry. He attacked them brutally and viciously with all his strength. He made the scorpion warriors fly in the air and hit the arena walls. Ziran was a master in contact combat as well. Sarcos watched his warriors getting beaten with a subtle smile.

"Are you not worried about them?"Sienna asked.

"No, it will motivate them to train harder," Sarcos said nonchalantly, thinking to employ Ziran to train his warriors when he is not protecting Sienna.

Ziran won this fight too and was standing between the warriors, who were lying defeated on the floor, lining the stone walls. The arena cheered for the tiger now, the Scorpion nation saw he is a worthy opponent. Few females even threw flowers at Ziran but his eyes were glued to Sienna. He only wanted the queen.

Sarcos looked at Sienna."Ziran is the winner, you can give him the flower crown, golden sword and gold goblet with wine. It is a prize for his tournament. He is your bodyguard and friend. You have my permission."Sienna nodded. She took a goblet with the vine and had a sip from it. She did not like the vine but wanted to make sure is ok. Sarcos smiled at her. The vine was fine and besides Sienna was immune to most poisons anyway. He knew she did it for Ziran's trust and his heart throbbed. Ziran watched her with wide eyes. She went down to him like in a dream. He bowed to her lightly with his hand on his heart and stared at her. She looked like a mirage to him." My Lord Ziran, well done for winning the fight," she handed him the flower crown, sword and gold goblet. Ziran took the goblet and took a sip. Her lips were touching it, and it made him hot. His eyes were hungry for her like he wanted to eat her. "Thank you."Sienna whispered to him. "I will see you in the Crystal City. Go have a rest now. Sarcos think you are levelling up."She smiled kindly at him and Ziran did not feel tired at all. Then she waved him a small bye and went to sit next to Sarcos.

Sarcos called Rem, "Go to Lord Ziran and give him the Lord Warrior room in my castle."Rem nodded and went to find him. After Ziran left the arena he started to be dizzy, he leaned on the wall in the stable and closed his eyes. He could see Sienna's face in front of him. "Lord Ziran!"Rem took away the sweet vision. "Come with me, King is giving you a Lord Warrior room in his castle. It is a big honour. "Rem pulled the burly tiger up and led him to the castle rooms."Rest Lord Ziran, I will be checking on you shortly."Ziran looked at him with a question in his eyes."King's orders."Rem nodded. Ziran fell on the bed and darkness eloped around him.

Sienna and Sarcos finished in the arena and went to see the markets. Sienna was enchanted. There were so many interesting fabrics and dresses and everything. Sarcos was smiling. She looked like a curious child. "If you see anything you like just take it," said Sarcos, "To remind you of this day," he chose a blue azure bracelet with pearls."Thank you." Sienna smiled, "I like that veil....she pointed at the see-thru golden veil with golden trinkets," Sarcos nodded and got it for her. Sienna smiled cheekily. She had a plan with that veil.