Broken Hearts

Sharchan and Tyrell stood frozen speechless after they heard Sienna's letter.

"She loves him?" Tyrell asked with a broken voice.

"She did not even mention my name!"Sharchan was raging.

"Mine neither."Tyrell almost sobbed in pain.

Sarcos looked at them harshly."Will you stop? Of course, she did not need to mention your names, she is pretending to love Thurssa to stall the time. He was literally sitting next to her when she wrote it, reading every word. Voltoire was standing there too."

Voltoire nodded."She has to make poems for him to keep alive. She is pretty good at it. She is frail, sensitive and crying for anything. I think she is terrified of spiders. You will hardly recognize her apart from being so beautiful of course."

"But how does she love the king then, he is a spider, no?"Tyrell still did not get it.

"No, she does not love him! She is in danger. Look at that letter ."Sarcos gave the silk letter to Tyrell.

Sharchan leaned to Tyrell to read it too.

"I did not know you gave her another horse called Trojan. She mentioned only Sunshine. Did you give her two horses? "Sharchan furrowed his brows when he imagined Sarcos showering Sienna with gifts." Of course, she likes Sarcos the most then and mentioned his name in her letter. Maybe I should give her a horse too or a cute baby lion?" he thought.

Sarcos looked at them in disbelief. They were great warrior kings and had no idea what Sienna actually wrote. Poetry was a strange word to them.

Sarcos decided to explain the letter carefully for Sienna's sake. "Why would Sienna mention only one horse then?" Sarcos said."Trojan horse is a fake gift with alive soldiers inside from a story she told me."

Tyrell looked at Sarcos with dire jealousy for the first time."She was telling you a story? I want a story too."

"She never told me story eighter." Sharchan hissed.

Sarcos started to lose his patience."Then ask her after we save her. Ok?"Sarcos told them in a voice cold as ice. He was about to explode.

Tyrell with Sharchan did not notice his freezing tone and still stared at the letter.

"Look Sharchan, she even made a heart picture. Who is it for?" Tyrell noted.

"For me!"Sarcos roared at them with fire scorpion in his dark eyes."The heart is for me! Pierced heart with an arrow is a sign she is in trouble of being killed!"

"Ahh, you have a secret language with her?"Sharchan furrowed his brows.

"Yes, I'm her private army. Do you have a problem with that?"Sarcos said darkly.

Sharchan and Tyrell were confused. The colourful letter was smudged in front of their eyes. Sarcos tried hard to calm down and explain.

"This letter is a free pass for me to enter the Silver City. "said Sarcos."I just have to come packed as a present."He smiled cheekily.

Tyrell and Sharchan looked at him as if he is the mad-men. "Where does it says it is a free pass to go Silver City?"Sharchan could not see it.

Sarcos took the letter from them. He needed to explain it better, or Sienna could be in trouble later on."But on the other side, if they upset her, she might spend more time with me..." Sarcos thought."No, I try one more time, for Sienna."

"Sober up both of you." Sarcos's voice boomed. He straightened the letter on the big wooden table."This letter has two parts, the top is called poetry to please Thurssa, is about how much she loves him, so he let her send the letter and the second part is the message for us. Sienna is asking us each for a gift. One of them has to be a Trojan horse."

"But why will she need a horse if she wants to stay there?"Tyrell asked.

Sarcos shook his head."I will be inside of the Trojan horse, it will be not a real horse. So, help me think of the Trojan horse, and the other presents, it has to be big to fit me in and small enough to be in her room, made of stone, so it can't be burned. It has to look like a present, but it should not be a horse. "

"Well, it should be a heroic scorpion statue if is it from you obviously." said sneaky Voltoire, trying to suck up to Sarcos in the hope he will let him live. Sarcos nodded."Stone Scorpion..." he smiled wickedly. "Call the artist to make a glorious design. I want my statue to be a piece of art."Sarcos ordered Tyrell, who left quickly to do as he wanted. His brain was half-stopped from Sienna's letter. It hurt his heart so much, even that Sarcos explained it.

Sharchan sat at the table with a murderous look. He was sulking too. He was cursing his heart to fall for Sienna so much. He wanted to burn her letter to ashes and pretend it never existed.

Sarcos was looking out of the window thinking."Sienna, hold on, I will kill everyone who wronged you."

Voltoire stared at Sarcos, he felt sorry for him to deal with Tyrell and Sharchan in their dumb, broken heart state.

Sharchan glanced at Voltoire with a cold snake gaze. "He took the queen to Silver City. We should kill him," he suggested because soft-hearted Tyrell was still not there. Voltoire peeked at Sarcos. Sarcos still looked out of the window. Sharchan stood up and went to the Voltoire slowly. Voltoire was not sure what to do and kept backing off, coming to Sarcos's side in case he will help him.

"Leave it, for now, Sharchan, " said Sarcos, when Voltoire was almost laying at his feet."I have a need for this sneaky vulture for now. Besides Sienna like him, how would you explain it to her, that you killed her friend."

Sharchan opened his mouth to reply, when Tyrell with the artist, came in.

Sarcos glanced curiously at the young, silver-haired tiger."What's your name?"Sarcos asked him." Arthur." the artist bowed.

"I want you to design me the best scorpion statue in this land. It should be slightly bigger than my body, imagine, I'm inside of it. You have two hours. Tell no one about this, " he gave him a packet of gold. Arthur nodded, he opened his wooden easel, pinned a rough paper on it and started to sketch with the soft black charcoal.

Sarcos stood in front of him for a bit to let him see his body shape.

Tyrell came closer to Sarcos."Let's go-to stone mason at night," said Tyrell, better no one sees us. Sarcos nodded.

Arthur made design drawings from the front, side and back. Sarcos was satisfied."Can you model and sculpt?"He asked Arthur. The tiger nodded.

"You will come to help us at the stone mason workshop tonight as well."

"Yes, my king," Arthur replied. He felt this was important to all kings and he will do his best.

Tyrell looked at the neat drawing."Why does it have to be so perfect?"

"Because it is a gift from me!" said Sarcos.

"What are you giving to Sienna?" Sarcos asked Tyrell.

"An iron hammer, so she can break you free." he said," I will have engraved on it."You broke my heart."

Sarcos looked at him pitifully."Yes, Tyrell, that is so sweet from a crude tiger like you, it suits your taste well. If you somehow manage to lock me up in the middle of the mountain, I will be able to break free by myself faster than you walk out of this castle."Sarcos laughed.

"What about you Sharchan?The gift should match you a little."Sarcos asked the Snake King.

Sharchan nodded."A splendid gold goblet with a note engraved inside."Drink your tears to my health!"

Sarcos nodded. "Poetic to please Thurssa and rude like yourself. That is highly believable. Good."

In the Silver City Sienna was looking at her new sweet suite. It was decorated in pink and silver. She kind of liked it, but it felt like a doll house. She took a quick bath and was about to go to bed when a soft knock sounded from the door."King Thurssa is here. "Samuels's voice sounded with a bit of worry."Please let him in." Sienna stood by the mirror and started to brush her golden hair when the king stepped in. Sienna stopped and curtsy a little. "Welcome my king. Did you come to give me good night?" She smiled innocently, suggesting him a good excuse. Thurssa nodded."I came to help you brush your golden hair as well. "He took the brush out of her hand and stood behind her watching her in the mirror. "The golden hair in my hands, the soft hips so close, in a silver silken dress covered loveliness,...just come closer!" he embraced Sienna's waist and pull her to himself.