The parting gifts in making

Sienna looked at Thurssa a bit alarmed. He started poetically, but then he just acted like a simple man. Thurssa noted her look and reluctantly let go of her waist. He continued to brush her hair and stare at Sienna thru the mirror." How do you like your new room?" he locked his dark eyes with hers.

" Is like in this silver mirror, the picture of perfection. The blushing pink rose is cut off with silver scissors in her bloom, her life taken away to bring happiness to the wanting heart in love. The blush of the sunset dies lightly as the darkness embraces us all. Silvery moon replaces the shiny sun, thinking of the doom of the brightest light, just to be defeated by twilight bringing new hope. In forever wheel, we are turning around. The stars watching the fates of all of us, sweet dreams waiting on the soft wings of owls. My eyes are dreamy, the soft cloud of tiredness is covering me like this silver silk dress."

Thurssa brushed Sienna's hair listening like in the sweetest dream. He felt so peaceful. He needed to write down Sienna's poems before he will forget them, so he decided to hurry up. He finished brushing her hair and checked her in the mirror. She looked really so dreamy in the long silvery nightgown with pink embroidery. She was leaning on him a bit and her eyes were half-closed. Thurssa ran his hand on her hips, "Oh, lala, darhling, you are half-sleeping, off with you to the bed."He held Sienna's waist and walk her a few steps to her bed, he tucked her in like a doll and put his hand on her eyes again."Sleep my darhling." he felt as if he is having power over Sienna's body and it made him feel stronger. He felt like a wizard or the master of the world and he liked this feeling."I will surely miss you my darhling "He said to himself." "Sssh, "said his inner spider in his mind, "Don't be so soft, keep her around a bit and then it is feast time. Can you imagine how sweet she will taste? Now go write those poems before you forget them." Thurssa kissed Sienna's forehead and left. He was not that sure about changing her into one of his immortal concubines. He had more pleasure from her poems for now. Besides, he got a full harem of females to use for his food stash. He decided to stall his inner spider for a bit. His inner spider was greedy and it was getting on his nerves. The insane lust for drinking from immortal concubines he felt in his body was messing him up. It was the curse of Spider Royalty. It ran in his blood. Thurssa furrowed his brows, he disliked being controlled. He was the king, it should be his decision.

As the sky begin to darken, Sarcos and Arthur went to the stone mason house. The burly tiger was about to go rest after a hard day of work when they approached him. He recognized Sarcos straight away and bowed deeply."Welcome to my humble workshop my king Sarcos. Stone mason Bard is here to your service."

Sarcos nodded."I need you to change me into the stone statue, hurry up. It should look like a scorpion. Here is the design."Sarcos said. Stone mason Bard was a very strong tiger, he knew how to work with stone, but was not too artistic, so Arthur was helping him to pick the best stones for the design.

Sharchan went to wake up the goldsmith. He was holding a golden snake goblet from his treasure stash." I need you to engrave something on the bottom fast," he said and drop a bag of gold on the table. The goldsmith nodded and went to work straight away. Sharchan sat at the chair in his workshop and watched him work." Who is it for?" the goldsmith asked. It was the first time the Snake King visited him and he was a curious old tiger."It is a gift for the queen."Sharchan said.

"You are sending her a parting gift?" the goldsmith somehow understood what was going on. Sharchan nodded.

"Why don't you hide a small knife inside for her, to defend herself?" the old tiger asked.

Sharchan looked at him harshly."I forbid her to fight with kings. She will have no chance against any king anyway."

Goldsmith nodded."Well, you know her the best, my king. Do you have a plan for taking her back?"

Sharchan looked at him."Do you know of something useful, or are you just prying?"

"I know a herb to make spiders sleep."The goldsmith whispered.

Sharchan started to listen with interest."Does it asleep scorpions too?"

"No, just spiders." the goldsmith said.

"How much?" asked Sharchan.

"How much do you think is worth my king?" the old men brought him one dried flower packed carefully in brownish tissue paper. Sharchan looked at it.

"I will deliver it to king Sarcos, and he will decide on your reward," Sharchan said. He did not want to be fooled by herbs again.

Goldsmith nodded and gave him the finished goblet and the herb.

"Take care of our queen, King Sharchan, there is no other like her in this world." he smiled kindly.

"Thank you for your advice and work. You are not to tell anyone of this." Sharchan said and left to check on Sarcos.

Tyrell went to the blacksmith. The burly tiger greeted him with a sad smile. He felt sorry for his king as the queen was taken from him.

"I need a light iron hammer and I want you to cut a few words into it,"Tyrell asked him.

Tiger nodded and went to heat up the flames more.

"What are the words?" the blacksmith asked when was time to cut them in.

"You broke my heart. " Tyrell said sadly.

"What is this hammer for?" the blacksmith became to worry.

"It is a gift for my queen, "Tyrell said sadly.

"How is she?" the blacksmith asked.

"She is alive and waiting for my gift." said Tyrell and his face hardened."Don't tell no one of this." he gave the blacksmith a packet of gold.

Blacksmith nodded. He was becoming a rich master now, with these kings who always fight for their queen.

When the hammer was finished, Tyrell took it and went to help Sarcos with his elaborate statue. Sharchan was already sitting there, watching Arthur with Bard work, holding his golden goblet in his hand. He gave the herb to Sarcos already. The Scorpion King smiled and nodded but he said nothing about it.

The artist with mason had a plan and materials ready. It was just about midnight. Sarcos stood in the middle of the mason workshop in his scorpion armour and sword. His hands folded in front of his chest. Arthur and mason covered him in the thick linen cloths, they padded extra layers of fabrics on him as well, it was yellow colour like sandstone. They put a layer of fabrics on his head as well, Arthur put wooden desks around his body and on his shoulders to help to bear the weight of stones till the cement and glue are cured dry. Then Tyrell helped the stone mason to put strong glue on covered Sarcos and attached the first layer of stones. Then mason mixed some cement to seal him in and added more layers of stones to create the shape of the big scorpion. They left some space and holes for him to move a bit and breath. When the first thickened layer was dry, Sharchan and Tyrell lifted the statue up and Sarcos got out from the bottom of it.

Sarcos looked at the rough statue. "It will look good." he nodded. Then the kings sat down and rested till Arthur and Bard finished the statue to Sarcos's perfection standards.

Early morning Sarcos was awoken by a tapping sound. Sharchan and Tyrell were already up." Wake up Sarcos, the mighty scorpion is waiting for you!" They laughed darkly. Sarcos looked at the finished statue. It was better than expected."Put some gold on it, " he said to Arthur and went to get ready. "I will have to wait in that statue till nightfall like in Sienna's story." he thought.

"The Eagles will be ready in an hour."Said Tyrell. You should be in Silver City after lunchtime. You don't want to go too early or too late so that Sienna will receive your gift today and you don't need to wait for too long. If we bring it too late, Thurssa could delay it for the next day."

Sarcos nodded. "Let's do it. Sarcos stepped into the base of the statue and Tyrell with Sharchan lowered the huge scorpion statue over his head. Sarcos found the best position and they locked him in. Then mason Bard and Arthur sealed a few lines on the bottom of the statue.

"Are you ok Sarcos?"Tyrell asked.

"Yes, all fine. Can't wait to slash Thurssa's neck!"Sarcos replied in a booming voice from inside of the statue. It sounded dull and he felt buried alive, but he will do anything for Sienna. After an hour of waiting for the last sealing cement layer to dry the gifts were ready.

Tyrell went to send off the gifts to the eagles by himself as he did not want to make anyone suspicious about Sarcos missing. Sharchan was watching from his tower. He will go with Voltoire to Sarcos camp later. Tyrell has to stay to protect the city.

The four strongest eagle warriors carried a big scorpion statue and two smaller parting presents for the queen. They fly carefully with the heavy load. Sarcos felt a bit weird. The cold air whirled thru his breathing holes and small pieces of sandstone sometimes scratched his arms. But he was sure if he shouted on eagles to be more careful, they might drop him down from shock. So he endured it quietly. He thought about his queen with golden hair and blue eyes. Sienna's blue eyes stuck as a mirage in the darkness in front of his eyes.

In Silver City was already morning. Sienna stay in the bed till late morning. She dreaded going out between spiders. She watched the pink blush sealing and the curling silver decorations. It was delicate and beautiful, but she felt a bit sad. She missed her kings and that feeling of safety with them. She felt a bit wrong about the letter she sent to her mates. She hoped they will understand and that Sarcos will remember the Trojan horse story. She sighed and decided to dress up.

The chests under the mosaic windows were full of dresses. They all were pink or silver. Sienna smiled sadly. Thurssa had a sense for matching things. If he did not want to kill her and if he was not a scary spider, she might like him. Just like one artistic soul likes to chat with another. Sienna shook her head."What am I thinking!"She held the delicate pink silk chiffon gown in her hands. It looked like she would be wearing pink then today. She put it on and went to brush her hair. Sienna stared at herself in the mirror. Her skin became even paler than before and her face bore the startled expression of deer in danger. Her pink lips opened a little. Sienna found a lip balm for them. It smelled just like pure coconut oil. Well, better than nothing, she smiled at herself. Just her wide-open tiger eyes were always scanning around for danger and had still strength in them. Strenght to play the game and live."You can do it."She whispered to herself holding her hand on her heart.