How to upset the Ape King

Xander walked next to Sienna from one side and Ramse from another. Sienna was sitting on the black panther and she was bickering with them sweetly, making them confused even more. They did not know what to think at all.

"Xander, "she smiled gently, "are you planning to share me with Ramse?"

"Yes, "Ramse replied. Xander nodded.

"So are you splitting weeks then, or we are going to live together?" Sienna asked innocently.

Ramse and Xander look at themself. They did not discuss that yet.

"You will see.."Ramse said.

Sienna nodded her head "And which one of you is the stronger one, so he will be the head of our family? "she asked.

"Me!" both of them said at the same time and Sienna chuckled.

Ramse and Xander looked at each other. They will have to wrestle for it.

" Will you allow me to see my other mates?" Sienna asked quietly.

" No, " Xander and Ramse shook their heads."We take you away from them," said Xander.

"Even Tyrell? "Sienna asked innocently.

"Yes," said Xander.

"What about Sharchan? May I see him at least?"She asked sweetly.

"Yes, he can visit."Said Ramse. He did not want to mess with the neighbouring snake.

"You are so kind Ramse," Sienna's eyes lit up.

Ramse sighted. He just caught himself giving in to her. "But only if you listen to me and do everything I want," said Ramse.

Sienna nodded. "Yes, I will surely do everything I want."

Xander chuckled.

"No, you listen to me!"Ramse said.

"Yes, you listen to me," Sienna repeated and Xander almost roll in laughter.

Ramse's face was red. Sienna looked at him."Is good you did not paint your face today. Red and blue make purple and that will look too girly on you." She noted innocently.

Ramse looked at her. " Have fun Sienna, you will pay me for this!"

Sienna looked at him with tears in her eyes." "You are upset with me already? I was thinking you liked me?"

Xander felt his heart hurt."Be nicer to her Ramse. She is just trying to talk to you."

Sienna nodded. "I do not have a chance to talk to you every day, but I can talk to Xander if I'm upsetting you."She turned to Xander resolutely.

"Xander, were you training hard? Your muscles got bigger."She smiled sweetly at him.

Xander nodded proudly and flexed his biceps nonchalantly."Yes, I'm the strongest in my tribe now.

"Sienna smiled."You look really handsome."

Ramse was almost exploding." Just stop talking for a minute or you will be walking on the chain behind me!"

Sienna looked at him" What's wrong? Did I say anything wrong to you? Why are you trying to punish me for talking to Xander, I did not offend him."Sienna sobbed.

Xander looked at Ramse. He started to understand why Sienna keep refusing him.

"Is ok, "Xander coaxed her gently."Don't cry."

"Let her cry, she needs to learn her place, "said Ramse between his teeth. He was raging quietly.

" You bought me, so I can cry for you?" Sienna asked."You could leave me with Aiden then. I could cry my eyes out there too, in the garden full of bones ..." she sobbed theatrically.

Ramse shook his head. "She looked better when she was quiet!"

Xander was entertained. He did not have this much fun in years.

"Sienna, don't be sad."Xander coaxed her.

"I'm confused." said Sienna, "You need to decide who is the family head here," she looked at Xander hopefully. He felt so good.

Ramse looked at her."Is she provocating me on purpose?" he thought. He decided he will start asking her questions instead, in this case, she will be not able to humiliate him.

"Tell me, Sienna," he looked at her with his deep grey eyes, "are you really happy to be with us?"

"Only when you are kind, "Sienna nodded.

"And how was your week at Spider Castle?" Ramse asked.

"Very busy," Sienna said a bit coldly.

"So you did not like king Thurssa then?"Ramse studied the reaction on her face.

"I kind of did, but he wanted to eat me!" Sienna shivered.

Ramse held her chin dominantly between his thumb and index finger." Be quiet now or I eat you!" he whisper to her slowly.

Sienna relaxed her face in his hand." That is fine, you need to kill me first to do that!" her eyes shone cheekily." Xander, will you help Ramse to kill me? You can save yourself the travelling I guess, I will be your most expensive meat." she looked at Xander sweetly. " And I was thinking apes were eating fruits." she shook her head and shrugged her shoulders innocently.

Xander started to get angry. He took Ramse on the side."What are you doing? Why are you scaring her? She looks quite happy to go with us, so do not make her upset."

"She is mocking me."Ramse hissed.

"You are an ape warrior. Everyone is mocking you! She is the female you want, no? So let her mock you, to make her feel good and then later f*ck her hard if it will make you feel better about yourself. She belongs to us!" Xander looked at him harshly.

Ramse nodded. Xander was right. He will let her be comfortable with him and he will f*ck her hard for all her jokes."She will see, who is the master then!" Ramse nodded satisfied in his mind.

Xander sighed."Hopefully Ramse will behave nicer now." he thought. He wanted Sienna to be comfortable and happy.

Xander went to check on Sienna. She was holding the panther's back and seemed sad thinking. He touched her hand gently as he passed. She flinched. Xander furrowed his brows." She was not flinching before from me." he thought upset.

Xander picked her chin gently. The tears went into her eyes as he looked at her."Sienna, why are you upset? he asked her worriedly." When will be Ramse killing me? "she asked seriously.

Xander shook his head "Never, he was just grumpy. Forget that. The apes are sensitive to mocking."

Sienna nodded, "Do they eat females?"

"No," Xander replied. "It looks like Ramse messed it up again." he thought.

Xander kissed her cheek lightly."No one will hurt you with me."

"What when I will be not with you? Even if Ramse will let me live he plans on making me his personal slave. He promised it to me long ago. He will have me beaten! "Sienna looked sadly at Xander."You will own a beaten mate."Sienna tightened her lips and sighed.

Xander looked at her gently. He could not imagine someone beating her. Sienna saw he is in a daze, so she touched his arm gently. "And I'm not sure when I will be able to be with you eighter if Ramse will take me three times a day, till I will be not able to move." she pushed her luck a bit.

Xander looked at her and licked his full lips." I will also like to take you till you be not able to move." his hungry dark eyes shone brightly.

Sienna nodded."I know, do you want me to be your personal slave too?"

"No, I want you as my mate. I love you."Xander said gently and moved the strand of her golden hair from her face. Sienna smiled." If I will be your mate and Ramse's slave, you will be his slave as my mate."

Xander furrowed his brows and started to think."I need to calm down Ramse more before he let him come to Sienna again."Xander looked at Sienna and pet her head." Just be happy, I will take care of you."Sienna nodded."If I can turn Xander to my side, I will be safe. And he is so cute." she thought.

Xander went to see Ramse again. He was walking at the back thinking.

Xander walked next to him for a bit."She flinched from me now, because she thought you will kill her. Ramse, she just spend four days in danger of being eaten, she ran from Sharchan because he said, he will eat her. Why do you make mistakes of others? You are clever no?"

Ramse nodded, with his head down, still thinking.

"Who she liked the most? Tyrell, because he is kind to her and Sarcos because he is protecting her. She ran from Sharchan a few times because he was bossy and rude. So think. Apes are good at imitating, no?" Xander tried to talk sense to him.

Ramse furrowed his brows."You think I should act like Tyrell?"

Xander nodded." Try it for one day."

"So how do I start then?"Ramse asked.

"You will go to her and apologise."Said Xander.

"What I will gain by that?"Ramse was in a bit of a shock from Xander's demand.

"Her trust, maybe love, at least she will stop flinching from you."Xander nudged him to go.

Ramse went in the front to Sienna. She saw him coming and a bit of fear clutched her heart."Maybe I was too rude to him."She bowed her head and did not look at him.

Ramse was walking next to her for a while, but she was still quiet. He found it hard to say sorry to her. Suddenly Sienna turned to him."Ramse? I'm sorry to upset you."She whispered.

Ramse looked at her and nodded."I accept. I will let you live then." he was so proud of himself. Xander touched his forehead and went to talk to him again

"What you just did? She apologises to you. That is a great start to apologise too and makeup with the kiss." The panther lectured him.

Ramse looked at Xander and felt stupid. He should realise this great trick first!

Ramse sighted. He needs to learn from Xander. He decided to watch how he interact with Sienna secretly.