Selfish or rude?

Sienna was getting tired. She did not talk to anyone and felt sleepy. She lay on the panther and closed her eyes for a moment. She fell asleep on the panther's back and did not notice she is sliding down. The warrior who was carrying her stopped and waited for Xander." The queen is sleeping, "he noted.

Xander looked at Sienna, " She must be exhausted from all this!"He picked her up in his arms and carry her a bit, till they found a good place to have a little rest, next to the rocky mountains. Sienna woke up shortly in Xander's embrace.

"Here, have some water, "he gave her a drink from his bottle. Sienna looked into his dark and hungry eyes and took it. "Thank you." She whispered tiredly.

Ramse saw she is drinking from Xander's bottle. He came to them and gave his bottle to Sienna, "Get up and go get me some water if you are awake!"Sienna took the bottle and tried to get up from Xander's embrace, but she could not. He held her tight in his lap. Sienna did not move then.

Ramse looked at Xander and took his bottle. He went to get his water angrily. Sienna sighed."He will be even more grumpy now..."

Xander pet her hair," Don't worry. Today you spend with me, hm?"

Sienna nodded. Xander took her for a short walk to the river. She went toilet and refreshed herself in the water as well. "Time to continue." Xander took her back."Xander, where are we going?" Sienna asked him innocently.

"To panther tribe first. I want to introduce you to my parents." Xander smiled.

" Would not they be upset, that your mate is to be a slave to Ramse?" she asked him.

Xander shook his head."Don't worry, he is not that bad, just do as he says, and he will be bearable."

Sienna nodded her head." I'm so happy you are here!"

Xander looked at the beautiful queen. Her golden hair were swirling in the wind. He felt Sienna is getting used to him. Xander held her waist tight. "You are so beautiful Sienna. And you are funny. I like your spirit. "

Sienna smiled at him."Thank you, Xander."

Ramse saw Sienna smiling at Xander. "Don't spoil her!" he noted between his teeth.

Xander looked at him."Who else you should spoil if not the woman you love ?"

Ramse took Sienna's hand and yank her to his side firmly. Sienna panicked and held Xander's hand with her other hand instinctively.

Ramse looked at her."What are you doing?"

"Taking Xander with me, we are to be family, no? Kind of. "Sienna whispered innocently.

Ramse looked at Xander. Xander shrugged his shoulders." We do not need to have secrets between us."

Ramse nodded. He held Sienna by her hips firmly and looked into her eyes.

"Do not joke with me!"

Sienna nodded."Yes, Ramse."

Ramse was satisfied. He liked to hear his name from her lips. The warriors were watching them. Some of them heard their bickering and it made boring travelling entertaining.

Xander sat Sienna on another panther warrior in his panther form." No petting," he smiled. Sienna nodded and smiled at him. Xander's eyes always looked like he wanted to eat her. Deep, dark and sparkly.

Ramse walked next to Sienna. She was quiet and he used this time to enjoy being close to her. He watched her hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. He touched her hand a few times, but she flinched every time. Ramse bit his lips. He has to make her body comfortable with him. Xander was walking in front, he glanced at Sienna a few times. She was sitting quietly on a big black panther and did not look at the Ramse.

Sienna was thinking."I felt so uncomfortable with Ramse walking next to me. I should stare at him too. We see who will last longer!" she chuckled in her mind. "Ramse eats cooked food. He must be weaker than Xander, so I should be safe."She smiled in her head.

Ramse saw Sienna looking at him and started to feel a bit nervous. He looked back at her. Sienna did not budge and stared at him. She watched his muscular tall figure walk nonchalantly next to the black panther warriors. He was whiter than them but still tanned. His chest was covered in white soft manly hair. His long blond hair got trinkets in them. He got lots of trinkets on his colourful belt too. Sienna looked at the trinkets. They looked like small silver charms of animals, fruits, and stars. "How interesting."She thought. Then she watched his handsome but cruel face. His blond eyebrows and deep grey eyes. Her blue tiger eyes had something darkly cheeky in them.

Ramse felt like she is toying with him. He furrowed his brows and moved his face closer to hers. Sienna stared into his eyes. She tried not to blink. It was like a funny competition for her. "I'm going to make him crazy without talking."She smiled in her head.

Ramse could not handle her staring anymore. He wanted to know what she was thinking."What are you thinking about Sienna?" He leaned his face closer to her.

Sienna looked into his face nonchalantly. "You have wrinkles, here, here and here!" she tapped the points at his face gently.

"What do you mean?" Ramse asked confused.

"Well, wrinkles mean you are getting old," Sienna noted calmly.

Ramse looked at her in surprise. "Are you trying to say I'm too old?"

"No," Sienna shook her head, " I was just telling you what I did think about. You asked me, no?"

Ramse looked at her clueless. He was not sure what to do. He shook his head and went to find Xander. "I better ask him first before I will scare her more."He thought.

Xander nodded his head. "It is a good sign. She touched your face on her own ." Xander noted. Ramse thought. "Yes. You are right!"He exclaimed happily.

"Well keep being nice and she might start liking you, "Xander noted.

Ramse was glad he talked to Xander first. She touched his face and that is good. He came to walk next to Sienna with a confident smile on his face. Sienna looked at him and licked her lips. They were getting dry from the wind and heat. Ramse looked at her. "I want to lick those lips too."He thought.

"Ramse, do you have any lip balm?"Sienna asked.

"I do not carry make-up," he said sternly.

"Ask Xander for me then, please. "She asked him kindly.

Xander heard her and brought her a little tin. "Here, my dove,"

"Thank you, Xander."Sienna smiled sweetly.

"Let me do it."He said and smeared the soft balm on her lips gently."There." he smiled.

Ramse looked at him."Panther has so many tricks up to his sleeve."He thought a bit jealously.

Sienna felt better."Xander, do panthers know how to make cosmetics?" She asked. Xander shook his head." We buy it from the scorpion tribes, they can make the best as you know." he smirked at her. Sienna smiled and sighed. She missed Sarcos.

"Don't be sad," Xander run his hand on her cheek, "We will take good care of you. You will not miss anything!"

"Apart from freedom and my mates," Sienna thought and pressed her lips tightly. "Thank you, Xander."

Xander nodded with a happy expression. His caring mother gave him a little bag with basic things for females. He was ready for almost anything.

After travelling almost all day, they found a cave to sleep in. The warriors made a few fires. Panthers went hunting and the apes started to cook their food. Ramse took Sienna to watch."Look this is the way the ape tribe cook."

Sienna flinched, but stood next to him and watched. Ramse put some rice to boil in a copper pot and added dry fruits to it and some herbs. It smelled good. Sienna looked at him. "Maybe he is not such a bad guy after all." she thought.

Ramse noticed she is watching him and felt elated. Just then Xander brought Sienna corn shape turned leaf full of blueberries. Sienna's eyes lit up."Thank you, Xander."She kissed his cheek and tried one. The sweetness made her so refreshed."They are amazing."

Xander smiled and went hunting.

Ramse looked at Sienna with a bit of a painful expression, the panther was faster than him. Sienna come closer to Ramse slowly and put one berry to his mouth," Here, have a taste too. We can eat together and share."She tried to be nicer to him. Ramse shook his head and gave her a small packet of dry rice."Here, you see how is done, now go cook for yourself!"

Sienna felt the cold wave pass her body, but she nodded, "Can I use your fire? "She asked carefully."

Ramse shook his head."No, you make your own!"

Sienna's lips twitched in bitterness a little. She took another leaf and put half of her berries into it." Here, have some of these with your rice." she left to find Xander.

Xander was on the way back to the camp. He ate a piece of deer and left the rest to his men. He was too excited to spend time with Sienna.

"Xander, please help me make a fire, "Sienna asked him sweetly. Xander went with her to pick some wood. Then he kneeled down and started to make fire. Sienna watched his glistening muscles." He is handsome and kind." she thought.

Suddenly a stream of water fell on the newborn fire."No, you make the fire by yourself."Ramse stood there looking at Sienna harshly.

Xander looked at him seriously."That was my fire, I can share it with Sienna."

Ramse looked at him."She needs to learn how to do it by herself."

Sienna looked at Ramse sadly. She gave him back the packet of rice ." Sharing is caring." she said and started to eat the berries from Xander. They tasted sweet and somehow kind. Xander went away for a little bit and he brought her more berries and more wood. "Come, I make you a new fire," he offered.

" No, "Sienna shook her head and bit her lips. She was upset with Ramse. She did not expect much from him, but this was really rude. "She picked Xander's hand and led him to the nice spot under a big tree."Hug me instead." she looked into his dark eyes. Xander smiled and sat down, holding her on his lap. She sat in Xander's embrace and ate her berries. She wanted to make Ramse jealous."I will show him for being so rude!" she thought.

Xander felt elated. She clearly likes him close to her and she does not flinch at his touch. The more kind he is, the sweeter she became! He understood her now.

Sienna felt comfortable. Xander's body was really hot. He emitted a lot of heat. The sky started to darken. She leaned on him and watched the clouds in the dark sky. Suddenly Ramse approached them." Tomorrow you will cook for me Sienna." he said nonchalantly. Sienna shook her head."Xander could not teach me properly how to make fire, thanks to you. So you can eat your raw rice or you be hungry."

"You be hungry too then, I forbid Xander to give you any food."Ramse furrowed his brows.

"Did you win over him in a fight? "Sienna asked seriously.

"No, "said Xander."I will win and stop him to bully you."He petted her hair gently. Sienna sighed and went to the cave.

Xander talked to Ramse."How can you be so petty and annoying? You bought her, so she is your responsibility to take care of. Even Sharchan cooked for her. Do you think Tyrell will behave like this? You could showcase how a good cook you are, and make her feel closer to you."He sighed.

"That is not the way it works in my tribe. " Ramse scoffed.

Xander looked at him."You know the best she is not from here. You can gain her trust and love. You can teach her slowly, how she will trust you like this? You act like a selfish bastard."

Ramse opened his mouth to say something but stopped quietly because the black panther obviously did not finish with him yet.

Xander pointed his hand at him."I understand why she always runs from you. You are never kind to her and always bully her. She tried to reach you and you showed her away. You are such a fool. Of course, she keeps flinching from you. First, you have to get her mind with kindness and body will follow."Xander shook his head.

Sienna looked around the cave. There was a small fire at the entrance to keep the dim light. She found a nice spot and cleaned it from any dust with a leafy branch, then she get some grass and made a soft nest like a Sharchan used to.

"What are you doing?" Xander asked curiously. Sienna looked at him."Nest to sleep in. You can go in if you change to a panther, I do not want to be cold at night." she smiled a bit.

Ramse looked at her with a hot gaze, "I can keep you warm too!"

Sienna shook her head."No, your turn is tomorrow, you need to guard."She smiled at him.

"Why?" he asked.

"So Aiden will not steal me again, I do not trust him, "Sienna whispered.

"What do you mean?" Ramse asked.

"I think he will try to take me. To sell me again to Sharchan or maybe Lynx King first. He needs to collect more gold for the army. He wants to destroy Sand City."Sienna said. "Can you please warn Sarcos's general tomorrow? Please, Ramse, you are friends, no?"

Ramse nodded, "But I'm not mentioning you!"

"Of course not, you are clever."Sienna smiled."Now guard well," she smiled and went to lay in her nest. Xander was happy, she is so sweet to them."Does she really like me?" he thought and changed into a big black panther. He went to the nest and let Sienna lay next to him comfortably. Sienna ran her hands on his silky fur."Good night, Xander. Thank you for being so kind to me." she smiled and closed her tired blue eyes.

The big black panther lifted his head and looked at the beautiful queen. Her golden hair looked even shinier on his black coat. He nudged her hand with his nose and she hugged his head in her sleep."You are so cute Xander," she whispered half sleeping. Xander watched her pink lips and her deep breathing as she slept. He had her in his arms after so long time. He was training fights like crazy to get over his father to get her and now she is calling him "cute". His warriors started to joke with him and call him "The cute king" now. He will have to forbid it to her tomorrow.