The lion

Ramse watched outside of the cave."Was really Aiden trying to double cross them?"Sienna's words don't let him sleep. He asked one panther to watch with him, as they could see even better at night.

The black forest was full of dark eagles. Aiden was getting ready for the ambush. Suddenly Ramse spotted something moving in the dark ."Go check it!" he said to the panther. Panther went but did not come back for a while, so Ramse woke warriors inside.

Then he went out and saw a huge snake holding an unconscious panther warrior."King Sharchan, long time no see!"Ramse said politely. Sharchan nodded."Come inside the cave," he went in still holding the poor panther. "You need to move. Dark eagles are ambushing you already. I come to warn you. I know you bought my queen. I'm letting her go with you, to protect her life. The ambush is too big, and she might get hurt in the fight."

"How big?" Xander who woke up, come out of the nest and stared at Sharchan.

"150 warriors, "Sharchan said.

"We are dead," Xander noted.

"You will be if I'm not here, "said Sharchan."Now, pick my queen, and go to Crystal City to Tyrell.I will pay you a triple for what you gave to Aiden. Don't you dare to force her to do anything or I personally take your skin off," Sharchan hissed.

"If you live. 150 warriors is a lot," said Xander.

"Maybe for you, "said Sharchan pitifully. "For me, it is a little snack." he smiled viciously. "Now, get out before they notice you leaving," he ordered them.

Sharchan went to wake up Sienna. He smiled when he saw she made nest like him. "Sienna, get up," he hissed. Sienna smell the familiar manly scent." Sharchan, come to me, I missed you so much." she reached his hands and circled his neck. She pulled him to herself and kissed him fiercely. She wrapped her legs around his waist. She was half sleeping and acted like nobody was there.

Xander and Ramse stared. All their warriors stared. They could feel the pheromones in the air and swallow hard. Sharchan ran his hands on her body."Wake up my love, you need to go. Aiden is coming." he said gently.

"Take me with you, "she kissed him.

"No, Ramse and Xander are taking you to Crystal City, I need to fight the eagles." he hissed firmly.

"As you say, my love."Sienna kissed him. Xander changed to a black panther and Sharchan sat Sienna on his back. He kissed her one more time and let her go. Xander, Ramse and their men slowly sneaked out of the cave. Sharchan hid inside Sienna's nest and rested till the first eagle warriors came in.

The eagles were clever and decided to put wood at the cave entrance and make a smoky fire to get Ramse and Xander gave Sienna up first. A few dark eagle warriors came inside the cave to check and did not come back. Aiden sent more and nothing. After 50 men did not come back, smiling Sharchan came out."No more? I'm still hungry." he smiled.

"We been crossed!" said Aiden and told his men to flee." He is just one man," his generals did not understand and laughed. A few dozen of warriors attacked Sharchan head-on. They lay in a pool of blood in seconds. Aiden shook his head to his general."You can't fight Snake King like this, be happy we can fly. Let's go to attack Sand City."

Sharchan smiled. "You think you can defeat king Sarcos? "

"Is not him, is late Spider King, no? " Aiden asked curiously.

Sharchan smiled."Is both of them. Sarcos's body is the same and his fighting superior even with different souls. I fought him after he changed. Save your men."He shook his head.

"Are you going there?" Aiden asked.

"Not sure," said Sharchan ", I only care about my queen, so I go, where she is."

Aiden nodded and signalled his men to leave. Sharchan changed into a snake and slither fast towards the Sand City.

Sienna was holding onto Xander. They run into the dark forest. The Panthers were leading because they saw better in the night. Sienna was very tired. It was almost morning, when they found a suitable place to rest. Sienna lay down next to the big panther and fell asleep holding him tightly.

Ramse woke up first and look at sleeping, Sienna. Xander told him off a lot the previous day, so he might try to be more like Tyrell, to show Xander it does not work. He ran his hand over Sienna's golden hair.

Xander noticed him and woke up. Sienna felt the warm panther move, so she reached to him and wiggle back into his embrace. Ramse stared. Xander woke her gently."Sienna, is time to woke up." "Let me sleep my love, " Sienna whispered and hugged him tighter. She dreamt of Tyrell and it was a very pleasant dream.

Ramse stared."She called you her love already."

"It was just a dream, "said Xander, but he felt so good," I told you. Being kind is working." he wiggled up from her embrace gently.

Sienna felt Xander is gone, so she stand up too. She went to find a place to go toilet and some water. She refresh a bit and sat near the little stream. Xander was looking for her. He got her some mangoes and more berries. Sienna smiled."Thank you," she kissed his cheek.

Xander looked at her with his hungry eyes. He reached for her. "Do you want to try them with me?" she put a berry to his mouth. Xander did not eat berries, so he kissed her fingers instead.

Sienna felt the wave coming from his body and blushed. She felt her heart flutter a bit. Xander felt it too and was happy."I'm going to find more berries for you. "He kissed her cheek and left changing to a sleek black panther." He is so cute. "Sienna sighed. She started to like Xander more and more.

Ramse was watching from afar. He needed to imitate the black panther. His tricks are working on her.

Sienna was eating her berries when a bottle fell in her lap." Go get me some water, make sure is the cleanest one you can see.!" Ramse ordered.

"Good morning, Ramse!" Sienna smiled. She took his bottle and went to find the cleanest water. Sienna smiled sweetly." The cleanest water is in the spring. I need to follow the stream to spring then. Maybe I will be able to escape from there." she thought. She doubted they will take her to Tyrell. If they dare to buy her from Aiden, they surely will dare to disobey Sharchan. They are independent kings after all and do not need to listen to anyone's orders.

Sienna walked for a bit, but she still did not find the spring. Suddenly she saw a beautiful deer. She smiled and continued to walk.

Xander came back to camp with berries for Sienna." Where is she?" He asked Ramse.

"Well, she should be here right now with my water."He grumbled.

"What did you tell her this time? "Xander felt the cold hand of fear squeeze his heart.

"To get me the cleanest water to my bottle."Said Ramse."I don't know where she went for so long, I sent her after you left."

Xander touched his forehead."Sienna is clever. Cleanest water, cleanest water is in the spring. Ramse she went to find the spring!" Xander's face got pale suddenly.

"And?" Ramse lifted his brows.

" Wild lions live near the spring. It is their territory."

Xander changed to panther and took the closest few warriors to look for Sienna. They ran up the stream. Xander saw Sienna eaten by a lion in his mind and was restless. He needed to find her immediately.

Sienna was hearing growls coming her way and got scared." I should not listen to stupid Ramse. It can be wild animals here. " she was feeling like someone's walking lunch. She started to walk faster, looking for a cover to hide if something. Suddenly she saw a rocky hill with a spring at its bottom. She took the water into the bottle and washed her face. She dried it with the side of her dress and turned back to see if is any chance to run from there.

A big lion suddenly leapt at the stone next to her, holding a freshly killed deer in its mouth. It was not so big as Xander or Tyrell in their beast forms, so Sienna thought it must be a wild lion. She stood motionless.

She looked at the lion and breath carefully. The lion come slowly to her and lay down comfortably near her feet, blocking her way out, starting to eat his dead prey. Sienna heard the bones crushing under his strong teeth. She rather did not move. Suddenly a big black panther appeared and stared at the unusual scene."Xander." Sienna whispered. She stood still.

The lion noticed Xander and roared. Xander decided to be careful and not to enraged it. It was too close to Sienna.

Suddenly two strong hairy arms picked Sienna up and she disappeared into the trees. The lion looked up confused. The pretty female was gone. He roared and continued to eat. The black panthers backed off and run back.

Sienna was held by Ramse in his ape form. She felt she want to scream. She preferred to stay with that wild lion. Ramse held her waist tight and jumped the tree as the ape he was. Sienna held her hands on her face to protect it from swishing leaves and branches. The big ape was just a little bit less repulsive to her than Thurrssa's spider.

Ramse took her back to the camp and put her on the floor. He looked so scary and huge in his ape form. Sienna was still having her hands on her eyes. Ramse touch them with his ape's fingers and Sienna flinched. She peeked at him slowly and breathed out.

It was the third time she saw Ramse's ape form and she was terrified. His face looked even more grumpy in his ape form. He reminded her of King Kong movies, which she never could watch because it was too much for her. He had big fangs like other predators, his grey eyes were deep and close to each other. His white long fur was floating in the wind. He reminded her of an albino ape. She gave him his water bottle back carefully."The cleanest water." she whispered.

"You better get used to me," he told Sienna and sat closer to her.

Sienna stared." Thank you for saving me." she whispered.

She mustered all her carriage and touched Ramse's ape hands. They were white, huge, with thick skin, but surprisingly soft. His palms were a bit pink inside and Sienna giggled.

"What is so funny?" He glared.

"Your hands are pink. I like pink," she smiled, but when she lifted her eyes to him, her smile melted faster than snow in summer. He looked so grumpy!

Sienna dropped his hand fast as a burning metal and backed off. The huge ape came forward and grabbed her by the shoulders. He looked into her eyes deeply. "Never make fun of me again," he growled angrily.

Sienna gasped."I do not like you. I'm not trying to come closer to you anymore."

Ramse let go of her shoulders and changed to his human form."What did you just say?" he said angrily.

Sienna turned away from him." She decided to ignore him."He will be not bullying me anymore!" she thought upset.

Ramse picked her up on his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. Sienna screamed for Xander and kicked her legs, but he just carried on. She got so scared." I should pretend better with him. " she thought. He took her to the flowery field and drop her on the soft grass. Sienna sat down and look at him with a nervous smile.

Ramse sat opposite her and looked into her eyes."Give me your hand." he ordered. She did not budge and started to back up. He grabbed her hand and snap on a silvery bracelet on her wrist.

"No," Sienna said."I do not want it!"she tried to take it off.

"You will become my mate right now. Then we see how funny you will be."Ramse leaned closer to her.