Adenou's heritage

Sharchan and Tyrell were waiting for Adenou with swords in their hands behind the army camp."Do you think he will be tired enough?" Tyrell asked Sharchan." Is only one way to find out."Sharchan smiled.

They saw Adenou coming first with a sword in his hand. Sienna was clenching into Ziran's arm following him from a distance.

Sharchan with Tyrell stood in Adenou's way.

" Training time, Adenou!" Sharchan called and attacked Adenou with his sword mercilessly. He was trying to kill him. He and Tyrell did not need to restrict at all when fighting with the scorpion. He was simply too strong.

Sarcos's soul looked at them."Adenou you will be fighting on your own now."He announced to the immortal.

Adenou heard Sarcos's voice in his mind." It will be easy, "Adenou smiled. Scharchan and Tyrell attacked Adenou full-on, but soon noticed he is a bit slower. Adenou realized he had to think about what to do. His body stopped reacting by itself, even though it was still strong the same.

Adenou realised that Sarcos was fighting for him all this time.

Sharchan and Tyrell noticed that Sarcos doesn't help him and started to vent their anger at him. They were attacking him viciously. Adenou got a few punches and hit the mountain stones a few times. He felt threatened somehow."King Sarcos, why don't you help me!"He called as he panicked a bit. Sharchan and Tyrell were really tight-on in his face with their swords.

"Even if they will kill this body, I don't help you."Sarcos said."You tried to kill them, so I owe them a satisfaction to settle the accounts." said Sarcos seriously.

Adenou felt the freezing feeling over the body he was in. He was on his own. He tried to fight hard as he could and make strategies for how to take over the Sharchan with Tyrell. They fought with him for over two hours. Adenou's soul was too exhausted and he blacked out.

Sarcos took over the body."Well done Sharchan and Tyrell, you made immortal to black out."He laughed and defeated them easily. Sharchan and Tyrell smiled. It felt so good to get back at Adenou a bit.

They all lay on the ground on the nearby grass patch under the tall mountains and rested. Sienna lay between them and hugged them tightly.

After a few minutes, Sarcos picked Sienna up."Adenou will be not black-outed for long. He is levelling up already, so I have just a few minutes left."He kissed Sienna deeply till Adenou took over again.

Adenou felt much stronger. He felt Sienna kissing him, so he lifted her up on his shoulder impatiently and took her back to the castle walking in fast strides. Ziran was walking behind him with a silly smile on his face."This guy is mating crazy!" he thought. But when he looked at Sienna swaying on his back dizzily, he sighted."Well, I would be as well." he blushed and bit his lips hard. She was simply alluring.

Adenou almost ran the corridors inside the castle and put Sienna down in front of his room. He looked at her in surprise, "Why are your clothes so dirty, darhling? "

" Look at yourself first!" Sienna chuckled. They went to his room and Adenou sprinted to the mirror. He saw he was covered in dirt and blood and freaked out."I need to bathe fast!"

Adenou got into a bath and Sienna scrubbed his back, sitting behind him in the water. She kissed his, ahem, Sarcos's muscular shoulders."You were so amazing in the fighting. It made me so hot!" she whispered.

Adenou looked at her with hungry eyes. He stood up from the bath and took her to the bed again. They spend the rest of the day in bed mating. Adenou was exhausted and just fell asleep. Sienna looked at his full lips and cat-like eyes. She wished for Sarcos again. Sarcos's kisses somehow felt better. She kissed his forehead and fell asleep on his shoulder.

Sarcos's scorpion with Rem woke up Sienna at night. They both were gleaming happily. "I have his name!" Sarcos said excitedly.

Sienna sat in the bed abruptly and held her cheeks in pleasant shock."Yes!!!"

Sarcos's scorpion continued." It is Adenou de Pavone! He is from the peafowl tribe. He was actually peafowl tribe royalty before he was banished. He was too unbearable and proud."Sarcos smiled."He tried to claim females of his entire tribe!" Sarcos chuckled."He lived in a few different bodies before he was encased into a crystal by himself as there was no one around from whom he could steal a body."

"How did it happen?" Sienna asked curiously.

"He had an accident on the hunt for "pine nut seeds"."Sarcos said pitifully." He fell from the tree because a big spider touched his hand and got pierced on the branch under him." Sarcos looked at Sienna seriously holding his smile.

" Sienna looked at him playing upset."So what? Maybe it was a very big spider too."

"Only difference is that he did not have a Sharchan waiting to catch him."Sarcos noted."I have to tell him this! That is so funny." Sarcos's scorpion laughed in bitter-sweet laughter.

"And then he was acting as a Spider King! That is just too disturbing." Rem shook his head."

"Anyway after he fell off because of the scary spider, his body bleed out, and he got encased in the crystal by himself to preserve his life force. Then he was washed out by the rain to the river, which current tumble his crystal all the way up to the Spider's lands."Sarcos said.

"It is quite sad if you think about it." Sienna nodded."Well, I was so lucky Sharchan caught me when I fell off!"She bit her lips.

Sarcos's scorpion continued, "He used to occupy mostly bird warriors' bodies with colourful feathers and a large harem of females."

"That is why he always has an urge to paint his face and dance between concubines!" Sienna nodded excitedly.

"We need to get him to Azure City of peafowls and get him a new peacock body. I know they have a new quite cruel king, so we might be able to obtain some fresh kill off his" Sarcos added.

"Now, if you can help me to motivate him to go to Azure City and do it!"Sarcos sighed.

Sienna nodded."I will do my best!" And hugged his scorpion's hard pincer." I will make a painting of a magnificent peacock and I talk to him ."

Sarcos nodded and went hunting. Rem went to collect the things Sienna needed for her painting. He brought them into her room. Sienna put on a dressing gown and slip inside of her still empty room. Rem was just bringing some painting stuff in. Rem lit a lot of candles for her, helped her to stretch a canvas on the board and Sienna started to paint. She tried to give the peacock the proud expression Adenou was always wearing, to make him relate more.

She finished very early morning when Sarcos came from the hunt. " What do you think?"She showed him her painting.

"Is really magnificent." he nodded." You are my talented queen, I'm so proud of you." the huge scorpion nodded.

" Thank you," Sienna bit her lips, she just wished she could kiss him, but she had to just hug his pincer.

Rem help him to change back to human form and Sienna went back to bed with him." Please, wake me up in a few hours. I need to make the gazebo ready, " she whispered to Rem. Rem nodded."I will help you, my queen."

When Rem woke up Sienna, she got ready fast and ran to the gardens. Rem prepared a lot of azure blue, green and gold trinkets, cushions and flowers. Sienna arranged them neatly and put the painting in the middle. "It looks really good."Rem nodded in approval.

"Let's hope it will work!"Sienna smiled at him a bit nervously.

When Adenou awoke, Sienna smiled at him."Come walk to the gardens today with me Adenou, I have a gift for you." she smiled happily. Adenou was curious, so he got ready quick and Sienna led him to the lavishly decorated gazebo.

She gave him a painting of the magnificent peacock. It was looking so proud and majestic. And colourful. Adenou couldn't take his eyes off it." His tail is looking exactly like the eyes I see in my dreams." he whispered mesmerized.

Sienna smiled."Your full name is Adenou de Pavone.You are an aristocrat from a peafowl tribe. It explains your liking of make-up, strong urge to own a harem and your very often mating habits too."Sienna chuckled.

Adenou nodded in a daze."I will build a colourful peafowl-style palace here then."

Sienna shook her head."Please, let Sarcos lead and let's go for a trip to peafowl land. We might be able to find out more about you. And you might like to live there."

"I don't want to lose, what I already have."Adenou furrowed his brows and hugged her waist.

Sienna smiled sadly."You can't stay in Sarcos's body forever. This is a chance to get a new peacock body and be yourself again. To live exactly like you want without forcing unnatural changes to the Scorpion nation. At least come there with me and see. If you will still like to return, I will help you make changes here."She said sweetly and held his hand.

"You just want Sarcos back!" He glared at her.

Sienna nodded."Yes, but also a good life for you. I want you to stay my friend. We can exchange poems."She giggled.

"You can write me poems, here as well, "Adenou noted.

Sienna saw she had to try harder. "Sarcos will never accept a harem until you try this option," she smiled sweetly.

"How would he resist it, I can be mated with so many females, as I want," he noted proudly

"Well, he can make you really embarrassed if you upset him."Sienna chuckled and pointed down his waist innocently with her finger.

Adenou's face turned red." That it be like a nightmare for every man. My new harem will be laughing behind my back. I will be called The Impotent King!" He looked so disturbed by that thought.

"And if nothing else, we can collect there some shiny feathers to make you a magnificent peacock costume," Sienna said in a mesmerising voice to calm him down a little bit.

Adenou sighed. "Well, you won!"Adenou was sold on the harem and the costume."When we are to go?"

"Tomorrow morning." Sienna smiled sweetly.

"I want to mate with you before I give the body back to Sarcos again." Adenou looked at her with lust.

"As you wish."Sienna kissed him deeply. She will do anything to keep him happy to get him to go.

Adenou spent his day with Sienna in bed again. He held her tight and read her poetry from his favourite book.

As the night came and Sarcos's scorpion woke up with Rem's help, they both helped Sienna to get everything ready. She asked Tyrell for two eagle guards. Sarcos will fly with Voltoire and she and Ziran on the backs of the eagles.

The next early morning, three bird warriors flew high up in the sky. Voltoire was carrying Sarcos with Adenou. They had to keep on changing souls acting on the way every now and then, but Sarcos let Adenou act often, to keep his soul comfortable. Sienna and Ziran were on the backs of the strong eagles.

They flew half a day, then stopped for Sienna's quick fruity lunch on top of the high mountain. The view was so amazing. Sarcos held Sienna by her waist looking at the view and kissing her neck. It felt so romantic for her.

Ziran sighed. "I need to become the king. It will be just a few more months to spring, then I will go after the crown." he bit his lips.

The eagles rested too. They went to stretch their legs with Voltoire and walked among the pine trees. They reminded eagles of their homeland and made them refreshed.

Then they continued the flight till nightfall. Sarcos managed to find a grotto near the clear sparkly river. Sienna made a big nest and rested with Adenou in it. It was quite cold, so Sarcos asked Ziran to change to a tiger. Sienna was a bit surprised but she was cold and she agreed to do as he said. Ziran changed to a huge brown tiger. He was brutish and not so elegant as Tyrell, but Sienna still liked the tiger. She petted his head and kissed his nose. Adenou looked at her."Why are you cuddling up to him?"

" Is cold," Sienna whispered, "the blanket is not enough. It was Sarcos's idea anyway. "

Adenou nodded and glanced at Ziran, who pretended to sleep tight. Only his tiger lips were curling up.

In the morning Voltoire came to wake them up. They got ready and fly high in the sky again. The scenery started to change in front of their eyes. It was a country of blue shiny lakes and dense warm forests.

At lunchtime, they had a stopover at the blue lake. Sienna went for a swim in the blue clear lake with Sarcos. She looked at him smiling. She could not wait to have him near her side by himself again. Before they finished the bath, Adenou changed with Sarcos again."This flight is so tiring. You sure want to shuffle me far as you can."Adenou felt sorry for himself."

"Think of all the beautiful feathers we can get." Sienna smiled."The magnificent feathers of the peacock."

Adenou nodded and they all went into the sky again to continue their journey.

"We are almost there," said Sarcos's calm voice. We are in the peafowl land far to the South of Sand City. The Azure City is the main centre of the peafowl tribe."

Sienna looked curiously at the city under the strong eagle's wings. Everything was colourful and breathtaking. "They surely know their colours," Sienna thought as she watched the magnificent city with slim tall towers with lotus-like roofs glitter in the watery mist of the waterfall which fell from the walls. It was magnificent. They landed down and walked towards the City Gate.