The Peahen Queen

Siena was clenched into Sarcos and Ziran's arms. They were about to pass thru the Azure City gate when the procession of crying females in expensive blue silken dresses and colourful dressed pale warriors with sadly bowed heads were walking in the chains out of the city.

Sienna's face cringed uncomfortably and she pulled Sarcos's hand."Sarcos, please ask what happened to them!"

Sarcos stopped the closest peacock warrior, who was also walking in chains.

"What happened to you?"Sarcos walked next to him.

The warrior looked hopelessly at him. "The Lord Protector rebelled against our new king. He fell in love with his queen and she tried to run away with him. The king killed him and all his men and his harem is going to be sold into slavery. I was late Lord Protector's captain of the guards." The warrior sighted.

"What about the queen?" asked Sienna.

"She is to be publicly executed at noon." the warrior sighed and bit his lips.

"Why would she try to run away? Do you know her reason?"Sienna asked gently.

"The king was cruel to her, he locked her up in the iron cage on the Forum publicly for anything, even for not liking her dress, she suffered a lot, but today her misery ends. Lord Protector tried to help her and asked to duel the king but the king had him poisoned." the warrior shook his head.

"Sarcos, "Sienna looked at him sweetly, "Please, let's help them!"

Sarcos looked at the warrior."Where is the Lord Protector's body?"

"He was killed just an hour ago, the king set him up...He is in the Ice Palace. The king will place his body in front of the queen at her execution. If I can get my hands on him..." the captain shook in anger.

Sarcos ordered Lord Ziran, "Ziran, go buy all these slaves, warriors alike" he gave him the packet of diamonds and gold. Ziran nodded and went to talk to the main warriors who were leading them. They bowed in front of the burly tiger and were happy to sell all the slaves to him. Tiger paid handsomely and did not haggle.

Ziran looked at the 50 peafowls he just bought for Sarcos."Calm down everyone and have a rest." He sat them under the trees behind the Azure City gates." I bought you for King Sarcos, he will set you free, when the time comes. Given his abilities, it will be very soon, "he nodded. The peafowl's faces were hopeful. They heard of the fearless Scorpion King.

Sienna and Sarcos stood in Ice Palace. Sarcos bribed the guards to let them in. He was a very smooth talker if he needed to. It was freezing inside. The body of the dead Lord Protector was stretched on the rack under the light layer of ice. He looked like sleeping. He was a very handsome man in his early thirties with almost feminine beauty. He got a muscular but lean pale body. His face was like carved white marble, kind off still with boyish subtle features with long black eyelashes. His elegant light blue hair were curling around his face and falling down his shoulders. His full lips were however strong purple, the sign he died from poison. Adenou's soul watched him mesmerised,

"Such a beauty! Pity he is dead." he thought.

In the small iron cage, hanging from the ceiling, the young petite woman in her twenties was shivering. She was half naked in the freezing Ice Palace, covered only in her long dark blue hair and sheer silvery chiffon silk nightgown. She looked as if she was dragged here straight from her bed.

Sienna wanted to go to her, but Sarcos stopped her by holding her hand tightly, "Wait!" he whispered. Sarcos looked at the Lord Protector's body." His soul left already." he noted."Adenou, "Sarcos asked the other soul within him. "Will you take over this body? I can remove his poison and help you to take over his harem and save the peahen queen. I will help you to become the new Peacock King on one condition."

Adenou listened in awe. He would give up anything to get such a beautiful new body.

" You will not make any claim toward my queen ever," Sarcos noted.

Adenou nodded. He was expecting that."But you will come to visit sometimes, yes?"

"Yes, we will be partner kings," said Sarcos.

"Deal!"Adenou nodded.

"Sienna, go talk to the queen, " said Sarcos and released her hand.

Sienna walked to the iron cage. It was tiny, not as big as a spacious golden cage Sharchan made for her.

Sienna removed her top silken double scarf and tried to give it to the petite queen."Hi, "Sienna said gently, "Take it, don't get sick."

The queen looked at Sienna sadly with her purple eyes," No need. I'm to be dead soon. My only friend and protector is dead."

"You are young and beautiful, it will be a pity to die, no? Did you love him?"Sienna asked carefully.

" He was only my friend. My only friend!" the queen sobbed.

"So why is the king accusing you of cheating?" Sienna furrowed her brows.

The queen smiled bitterly," How can I cheat on him, I never knew a man. The king ignored me straight as he captured the throne, he only likes punishments!" she breathed it out into the cold mist hardly.

"The new beginning can always come," Sienna stared at her with contempt, she felt her pain."Look, "She pointed to Sarcos." My mate can wake up the body of the Lord Protector, but he can give him only a different soul. His name is Adenou de Pavone. He was a peafowls aristocrat from before and also he was a late Spider King. He is immortal and very powerful. If you became his queen, you save your life, the lives of the concubines and your kingdom. The soul of your dear friend Lord Protector left already anyway."Sienna bit her lips.

The queen shook her head. "He was only my friend. I really did not love him, I tried to escape because my life was unbearable."

"Well, then you can start again, we will help you, "Sienna said."What is your name?" she asked the queen.

"Atheni, "peahen queen said, " I'm the daughter of a dead father and punished mother, my parents are gone! The new king killed them when he took over the throne. I was the crown princess." she sighed."Who are you?"She stared at Sienna. She noticed her blue eyes and was in a daze.

"I'm a Scorpion, Tiger and Snake Queen, Sienna," Sienna said."This is Sarcos, my Scorpion King." she pointed at him. " We were looking for another body for Adenou, as he became trapt in my mate's body. They were enemies before, but now they kind of go along."She sighed."However, Adenou was a peacock before, so we are helping him to get a new life now. He will be a good king if you help him. He is bearable." Sienna chuckled." He likes poetry, dancing and make-up. He behaves like a peacock he is."Sienna chuckled.

The queen looked at Sarcos with new hope in her eyes. "I agree."

Sarcos uncovered the ice from the dead man's body. He took an antidote vial from his clothes and drip it down the corpse's mouth. Its lips stopped having the purplish staining, he looked more normal now. "Adenou de Pavone, take over this body!" Sarcos ordered another soul within him and put his hands over the corpse's naked chest. The slight ray of blue was seeping between Sarcos's fingers. Suddenly the dead Lord Protector opened his eyes abruptly. They were bright purple and started to change to deep black abyss-like eyes. Sarcos smiled."Welcome to your new body Adenou de Pavone."

The young queen in the cage shrieked in awe. The man looked at her. The deep black abyss eyes burry deep into her purple ones and a light smile appeared on his lips.

Adenou stood up off the ice and stretched his new body. It felt powerful and light, he felt elegant, not burly strong as in Sarcos's body. He felt like himself. He smiled and went to the cage.

The peahen queen stared in shock. Adenou smiled at her. "Are you willing to be my queen?" he asked softly.

"Yes," she nodded.

"Would you mind if I take over the late Lord Protector harem as well?"Adenou asked.

"No", she shook her head."I only wish you will be kind to me and my people."

Adenou nodded."Deal! Now come out my little peahen queen." He snapped the cage open with his bare hands and offered her his hand. She stared into his dark eyes. Atheni was puzzled and impressed at the same time. It looked like she is getting a new mate instead of death.

Sarcos looked at them with a smile."Adenou, you need to challenge the Peacock King in the arena. "

Adenou nodded.

Sienna gave Atheni her top scarf and arranged it on her petite body as a dress using her hairpins. She fixed her blue long hair a bit as well."You look charming," she smiled."Now, let's go out of the Ice Palace." Sienna exclaimed happily.

The guards freaked out and ran when they saw Lord Protector's body walking out.

The crowds of people started to cheer. Adenou was surprised, he had never had crowds cheer so loud for him, with so much love and respect. They came to a magnificent castle. It was covered in colourful blue and gold enamel tiles. Adenou said to the shocked guard." I challenge your king to the fight in the arena." his lips curled up. His fitting abilities progressed a lot, while he was in Sarcos's body. Now he was glad, Sarcos was forcing him to level up as well.

The guard came back to him shortly."The king refuses to fight you, he is inviting you inside to settle the differences. "Come in, please," the guard pointed his hand inside politely.

Sarcos looked at Sienna, " It is clearly a trap!" he thought.

Adenou looked at Sarcos, "What do you think, Scorpion King?" he asked him with curled lips.

"Let's go, "Sarcos said darkly.

Adenou nodded and went."With Sarcos nothing could go wrong." he thought nonchalantly.

When they entered the Throne Room, the Peacock King was sitting on his throne majestically. He stared at Atheni. "How dare you are to run away? You are to be punished by death."he glared.

"Guards, guards, take them all to the dungeons." The king called.

Sarcos stood in front of Adenou, "Did you not want to talk friendly?" Sarcos asked the Peacock King.

"Who are you? How dare you are to meddle in my kingdom?"The Peacock king was writing his fate with his harsh words unknowingly.

Sarcos looked at him. "I'm the Scorpion King, Sarcos! How unpleasant to meet you!"Sarcos tilted his head curiously."The king who will kill a virgin queen for cheating!" he smiled cruelly. "She is not actually your mate at all, so as a crown princess, should she not sit on that throne instead of you?"Sarcos asked coldly.

The Peacock King looked at him proudly." The strongest one wins. I took the throne, so I'm the king and she is trash." he said rudely.

Sienna had enough."How dare you are to talk about her in this way!" her blue eyes shone tiger strength in them and the ray of sun fell on her golden hair as she moved.

The Peacock King's eyes lit up." A beautiful queen of the Scorpion King.How sweet. I will kill you the last. And from your golden hair, I will have tassels made for my silken cushions."He smiled wickedly."He pressed the head of the peacock statue at his throne and the dark black hole trap opened under Adenos, Atheni, Sarcos and Sienna.