The reckless snake

As the cold sun was up at noon over the ruined old castle, Hector and Cosimo were waiting outside for Sarcos with Marco.

Sarcos came with Marco out of the laboratory. He gave his father two identical metal tins "Guess, what is what?" he chuckled.

Cosimo weighed the tins nonchalantly in his hands. " I surely know, thank you." he smiled at his cheeky son.

Sarcos looked into Hector's excited face and smiled."So your mother lives then?" he asked him. Hector nodded.

"I was thinking my father is more capable than in his story."Sarcos chuckled.

"Would you go with me to the Dark Sea?"Asked Hector.

Sarcos shook his head."Is too many of us, we have only 2 flying warriors here. I want to stay with my queen, but if Voltoire and Marco agree to take you, I will let them accompany you."

Hector looked at Marco hopefully. Marco nodded coldly. He understood his pain.

Meanwhile, Sharchan slithered as crazy thru the desert, Sienna held her hands on her face, she had covered in a thick veil as well. The ride was too fast and the sandy dust was everywhere. She exhaled in relief when they entered the forests.

Sharchan was really rushing and Sienna felt like a doll dragged by the tornado. The scenery was changing so fast it was making Sienna dizzy. She would never think the huge snake could be this fast.

He slithered with her for hours."Sharchan stop for a bit, I need a break!"She begged him.

" In a minute, "he said."I need to go to the rocks first."

" As you say."She sighed.

As Marco and Voltoire agreed to take Cosimo and Hector to the Dark Sea, Marco insisted he will fly the old scorpion with a smirk."I will show him how exciting can the flight with the eagle be. Hopefully, his heart is strong."He thought coldly. Voltoire took Hector again. He also wanted to show him a bit."It will be fun."The bird warriors smirked at each other. If Sarcos will not accompany them, the merking and old scorpion were at their mercy.

Cosimo was a bit surprised at Marco's strength. He could not understand how could an eagle smash him in his scorpion form.

Sarcos looked at his father standing next to Marco. He could feel the tension from Cosimo. Marco was freezing cold as always.

"King Marco is my brother, don't fight him, father. He is very strong and I need him in one piece."Sarcos said carefully to him.

" Hm, I see," Cosimo said a bit wickedly. He would definitely try that eagle again.

Sarcos nodded his head knowingly and looked at the cold eagle." Try not to kill my father Marco, he will probably attack you as you arrive closer to the Dark Sea. But if you have an accident, I will not blame you. He is too stubborn and does not know when to stop! Protect yourself freely. Sienna loves you and I do not want her to be sad." Sarcos said to Marco seriously.

Cosimo looked at his son." Do you think that eagle is stronger than me? How dare you!"

Sarcos looked at him a bit coldly."Fight our enemies, not my friends and my brothers, father. If you want to fight an eagle go to king Aiden. He is my enemy now."

"But how so? He used to be your best friend from childhood. You played together a lot." Cosimo shook his head.

"He wants to take over the world by force," said Sarcos.

"That is nothing new. Are you not trying to do the same by different means?"Cosimo noted.

Sarcos nodded."He took my queen and sold her to Ramse and Xander."

"That's your fault. You should protect her better."Cosimo nodded.

"Yes, it is my fault, I was fighting immortal back then and Aiden took the opportunity. But real friends do not do that!"Sarcos was getting a bit grumpy at his father's comments.

"Well, you took too long. And you made that immortal a king. I do not get you, son." Cosimo shook his head.

"It was the best decision I could do. We are friends now. But Aiden scared my queen and attacked my city, he is my enemy now."Sarcos said resolutely.

"You fight your enemies. I fight whoever I decide."Cosimo pointed proudly.

"It is your choice father then."Sarcos said."You chose, but you revenge yourself too. If King Marco will kill you, he is still my brother, and I will do nothing." he said firmly.

The old scorpion looked at him in awe."How could my own son say that?"

"Let's go."Marco said."We need to use the daylight."He was glad Sarcos is reasonable. "I did right to be on good terms with him." he thought.

"Have a good way. Marco, you are in charge."Sarcos said to him.

Sarcos watched as the eagle and vulture with Cosimo and Hector lifted up to the sky and flew away.

Meanwhile at the rocky mountains, Sienna sighed as Sharchan let her down by the clear stream of water."You have 5 minutes. "the snake hissed.

Sienna nodded."As you say."She went toilet and washed her hands and face. She did not even dry them when he picked her up already and kept rushing. Sienna closed her eyes and think of Tyrell. He was in danger. But she felt that letter was a trap. She would prefer to go with Sarcos. He was invincible. Sharchan was too fast sometimes and that was his downfall. He relied on his strength too much, so Sienna was worried about him too.

Sarcos went back to his city by scorpion run. It will take him till sundown, but he did not mind exercising a bit."It will be good for me and I can hunt on the way."Sarcos said to himself. He was thinking about Sienna. He already missed her.

The evening came and Sharchan still slithered to the wetlands. Sienna was falling asleep in his coils, but the bumpy ride was waking her up. She started to feel grumpy and really hungry. Sharchan felt her wiggle and put her down."5 Minutes, we are not stopping."He picked a few sour apples for her. It made her stomach ache even more! Sienna got ready again."Will you at least talk to me more? I know you are worried about Tyrell but you treat me as a prisoner. You gave me a few apples to eat, I'm starving and can't even sleep. It is so uncomfortable. I'm not as strong as you. "She said a bit grumpily.

Sharchan nodded and gave her a little drink. Sienna rolled her eyes but took it, she was thirsty too. The drink was sweet and delicious. Her belly get slightly better, and the pain was gone. Sharchan coiled her carefully and Sienna just fell asleep in a few minutes. Sharchan kept slithering at a fast speed. His heart was aching for Tyrell, and he did not want to let him wait. He knew they do not give him water, so Tyrell had only a day or so left if he was locked up. The idea of losing him was making Sharchan crazy.

Sarcos came home at sundown. He did not hunt, because he suddenly felt something is off at home. He left Sharchan in charge to test him. He wanted to know if he is pretending with him. He went to his castle and walked to check with Rem first, as he was normally at this time in the downstairs rooms. He knocked on the door, but no reply came, just some quiet noises, so he opened it and saw 3 men covered in bandages." Ramse? Xander? Lord Ziran? What happened to you?" Sarcos asked a bit surprised. He did not expect Sharchan beat them this much.

"Sharchan tried to kill us and scar our faces," Ramse said."Rem and queen stopped him." he sighed.

Sarcos got upset. Sharchan had no right to try to kill guests in his home! Sarcos checked on Xander and Ziran. They both were also injured.

Rem just came back with new bandages and hurry up as he saw the door was left open. He was worried about the kings."King Sarcos, you are finally here!"He sighed in relief when he saw Sarcos there. He started to change Xander's dressing on his arm.

"What is this?" Sarcos looked at the deep wound.

" Sharchan shattered my shield. He went for the kill."Xander said.

" He said you will do nothing to him, even if he kills us because Sienna loves him," Ziran said brutishly.

" So how did you survive? Did he really listen to the queen?" Sarcos asked. He knew Sharchan does what he wants with no regard for Sienna's opinion.

"The queen seduced him away."Ramse chuckled.

" Where is Sienna?" Sarcos asked Rem.

"The queen should be with Sharchan, I saw him to strode to her room in a hurry," said Rem." I rather kept out of his way, he was enraged." he sighed.

Sarcos felt something is wrong. He ran to Sienna's room. It was empty. He looked at the canvas, he saw the arrow and went under the pillow, he found the letter.

His heart clenched in fear."Sharchan took her to save Tyrell. The reckless snake walked straight into the trap willingly with her."Sarcos swallowed hard."This was no good. What if they try to kill her!"

Sarcos ran out of the castle in the hurry. He searched out the eagle warriors who came with Nefari. Only one of them stayed behind, as Nefari and her entourage left already to Crystal City. The last eagle was waiting for king Hector. Marco assigned him to carry the merking.

Sarcos approached the strong eagle."What is your name? "

"Bran, my king." the warrior nodded politely.

"King Hector went with Marco to the Dark Sea. You have a week of time on your hands. I need you for a mission. Will you come?"Sarcos asked seriously.

"I'm to your service."Bran nodded. Marco told them to listen to Sarcos the same as him. They were brothers in arms.

Sarcos smiled briefly."I need you to fly me to the wetlands."

Bran changed to a strong eagle immediately." I'm ready my king." he nodded his head.

"Good man, fly high, I do not want to be seen," Sarcos said.

Bran nodded. Sarcos swished onto his back. Bran flew straight up to the sky.

The invincible Scorpion King watched as the lights of Sand City disappeared from his view. His heart was in a cold rage and his Flaming Scorpion was restless."You need to punish king Sharchan after you have the queen." he screamed in his mind. "For sure," Sarcos nodded."But first things first. After the queen is safe I will count it for him."

"Why don't you just kill him." asked the Flaming Scorpion.

"That's up to me, don't try too hard."Sarcos sent the Flaming Scorpion to hide.