In crocodile's city

Sharchan was slithering all night, making a wide imprint in dense forest. The ground became moister. In the early morning, they came to the wetlands.

Sharchan dropped Sienna at the stony slab, it was a bit wet from morning dew, but he needed to wake her up, so he shook her a little. Then kissed her cheeks and lips. "Wake up!"

Sienna looked at him with wide eyes." Where are we?" the air was moist and cold, and the smell of wetness was everywhere, it kind of smelled like rotting leaves.

"Welcome to wetlands, my love. Get ready, we need to move."Sharchan ordered.

Sienna felt really weak. Her hands and feet were cold and she felt dizzy from hunger, but she did as he said. She looked for a stream but all water was murky mud, so she cringed her nose."Here, Sharchan gave her a bottle of water. Sienna had a drink and wiped her face.

"I really don't like it here."She whispered.

Sharchan nodded," Let's go. Tyrell is dying."

Sienna furrowed her brows."Let's hurry up then." she sighed.

Sharchan coiled her up and slither deep into the wetlands.

Crocodile warriors were on the lookout, hiding in dense bushes. Their young king spotted the big snake and went to report to the mage.

"Mage Crodius.The snake is here with the queen. He seems very strong, are you sure to fight him?"

Codius smiled."Is the queen so beautiful?"

"I never saw anyone prettier."The king nodded."Will you sell her? I will pay anything to keep her."He asked carefully.

"No, I will not sell her yet, have no worries, but I will think about your offer."Crodius smiled. He needed to keep the hot-blooded king in check."Now go and keep out of their way, so the snake doesn't kill you in his rage. He has a short temper."Crodius smiled."And that will be his downfall!" he chuckled sinisterly.

Sarcos with Bran flew all night to catch up."How long?" Sarcos asked the eagle.

"An half an hour. We are still a bit far." Bran nodded.

Sarcos bit his lips. He was worried about Sienna.

Meanwhile, Sharchan entered the crocodile lands. It was a warm and moist swamp. The snake moved slowly to make sure they do not get trapped in treacherous mud.

Sienna felt her heart thumping, it looked a bit scary and it smelled a lot.

Sharchan entered the dense trees and found a used stony road. It led them to a rocky formation. They came to the stony entrance covered in green moss.

"We are at their city gate now."Sharchan furrowed his brows."It is too empty."

"As any trap."Sienna sighed.

Sharchan put Sienna down from his coils. She stretched her stiffened body. Sharchan took his human form. Sienna clenched to his arm and walk carefully next to him. Inside the gate was a dark corridor. It led to a light. Sienna watched in awe as she saw the city. It reminded her of the City of Aztecs from her world."I hope, that they are not cruel as them."She sighed as she watched the huge stony pyramid with a flat gold-covered top and big ascending stairs covered on its side.

"How is this city called?"She asked him.

"Moss City."Sharchan noted."Everything is covered in it here."

Sienna nodded and held him a bit tighter. She was scared and wished for strong Sarcos.

Sharchan looked around and led Sienna straight to the temple." Crodius will be surely there." he said to Sienna confidently. Sienna felt like a lamb going for slaughter. She walked next to Sharchan reluctantly. He was too cold to her these few days and it made her uncomfortable around him.

Sharchan noticed that nobody pays them attention apart from a few stares at Sienna's face. He knew they are expecting them. If they do not wait for them, the warriors will surely challenge him for Sienna. He looked at the passing warriors coldly. If they do not give him Tyrell back, he will flatten their city to the ground!

Sarcos finally arrived at the wetlands. Bran was flying directly over the city. The eagle could see even walking warriors in detail from high clouds, without being seen! Suddenly he noticed a shiny golden hair."I see them. The golden-haired queen is just entering the temple. Is joined to the huge golden pyramid. Its top is covered in gold and shines brightly." Bran called to him.

"We are a bit late."Sarcos sighted."Let's play their game then. Land at the golden pyramid. Do you want to wait here or come with me?" he asked.

"I come."Bran nodded. He will do anything to help the strong scorpion.

Bran flew above the golden top of the pyramid. They both landed unnoticed and Sarcos jumped off eagle's back. He changed to a golden scorpion straight as he landed and covered Bran under him. He looked invisible as his gold armour matched the temple very well. As they moved to stony bits, they changed to human form and slipped into the first entrance. It was dark and lit torches were the only light in there. It was a maze of corridors.

Sarcos and Bran saw some crocodile guards pass in front of them in another corridor, but in a different direction, so they were not spotted. Sarcos with Bran watched the crocodile warriors wearing long crocodile masks, and they were still adjusting their attire, so Sarcos figured they just changed into their masks.

Sarcos with Bran walked into the first room in the corridor the guards just pass thru. It was an armoury. They took two crocodile masks with some armour and disguised themself as crocodile guards. Then they followed the corridors straight to the temple base. They entered the big Throne Room and leaned to the walls.

Sarcos and Bran stood in the shadows and watched how Sharchan led Sienna to the throne on which mage Crodius was sitting proudly. His wicked face wore a victorious expression as he looked at the beautiful queen coming closer. His skin was tanned dark, his eyes were green and close to each other. The most prominent feature of his face was his long and somehow weirdly flattened nose. He wore armour of crocodile skin, he was a predator, sneaky and cruel crocodile. He was in his fifties, he was strong and fit, but had enough of life in wetlands. He felt he wanted more. He led the crocodile nation for 22 years already and he saw the king is trying to overpower him from the time his majesty found out his secret by an accident.

Next to him stood the crocodile king Gaius. He was around 27 years old, young, opinionated, and wild. The young king wanted his full power. He worked on weakening Crodius's cult from his childhood. He and his childhood friends were slowly killing the older believers. Gaius saw the sacrifices as a ridiculous waste of precious females, and when he found out Crodius is selling them instead he felt a bit relieved. But he also noticed the deity was a scam. He needed to get a clean cut from the hustler and position under the mage. He wanted to be the proper king with free reign.

Crodius knew the king will kill him sooner or later, all his friends were gone already. He needed to leave and became powerful enough to stay alive.

Gaius stared at Sienna with lustful eyes. This queen was worth killing Crodius for if he will not agree to give her to him.

Crodius noted his look and swallowed hard. King's taste, could endanger his plan.

Crodius glanced at the young king and nodded to Sharchan."King Sharchan and the beautiful queen Sienna, welcome to wetlands. What is bringing you here? " he asked innocently.

"Your letter," Sienna smiled and pressed Sharchan's shoulder. She tried to negotiate nicely first."You promised to return king Tyrell to me if I came to pick him up." she said in a clear but gentle voice.

Gaius's heart started to beat louder as he heard her voice. "Crodius tricked her! I need to save her and get rid of the mage!" he thought excitedly."Killing a mage for a female is completely understandable and my people will not blame me for it." he chuckled in his mind.

"Sure."Crodius smiled."I will take him to you soon, but be my quest fist."

"I have something urgent to tell him, "Sienna shook her head."You will surely don't let me wait long," she said gently.

"We do not rush here, dear queen. Here my word is the rule!"Crodius said a bit sharper," The queen is quite intelligent." he thought.

Sienna looked at the young king and bit her lips. The young king was staring at her and blushed as she looked at him. He had long black hair, a handsome tanned face with green eyes and manly features. He only lacked the power of the king. But still, there was a thing only a king could have, his word!

"You are a mage. You don't have a word of the king. It looks like you deceived me in your letter. I like the word of your king, that you will keep your promise."She turned to Gaius.

"He is just a young king, I rule here!" Crodius called a bit enraged.

"He is not a child, but a man, he should be in charge, not you! The king rules, that is the law of any land, surely. Or is the king just your servant?"She pointed at the young king. Gaius's face was red. He was embarrassed. She was a queen and Sharchan was a king, but he was a servant to a stupid mage!

" Should you not let your king talk? You are a bit rude for a female" said Crodius impatiently. If he let her talk more, she will turn all the people against him!

"I'm a queen, you asked for me, not for my king to come, so surely you have something to tell me," Sienna looked into his green eyes coldly." Rude is a mage who dares to blackmail a queen. If you were a king, you might be equal, but you are not. You can sit on the throne and use the weakness of your king, but you are still a mage. The wicked mage who seized the power and has no right to sit on that throne and decide about my king's fate." Sienna said firmly.

"Crodius bit his lips. The warriors and the young king saw she was right and started to murmur.

The young kink came forward."Be my guest then, dear queen. I will take you to see king Tyrell."He said.

"No, she is my prisoner." Crodius moved his hand. The young king's eyes were full of fire. Crodius overstepped his welcome. But before the king had a chance to reply, Crodius pressed the statue on his throne and open a ditch under Sharchan's and Sienna's feet. Sharchan hugged Sienna in seconds, so she doesn't fall hard and fell down like a snake.

" You will hurt her!"Gaius called upset.

"King Sharchan can protect the queen well, "Crodius smiled victoriously."I had it filled with leaves, is soft."

"Open it immediately! Let them out!" the young king ordered the mage first time ever.

"The snake is enraged now, if you let him out, he will flatten the city. Let him cool down a bit."Crodius said."I promise you, that queen will be unharmed out soon."Crodius smiled sneakily.

The young king clenched his fist." If you hurt her, I will kill you slowly."

Crodius smiled. His plan was working. He needed to seize the queen before Gaius will put his hands on her!